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Modi spoke India’s mind over CPEC

i am happy that india is worried about CPEC and they should be Pakistan is next big power in the region. india has only made enemies in the region with CPEC pakistan will make history and all the regional countires except jealous india will respect pakistan .

Good luck with that .
Big power ?
When other nations mocks you with these sorry state of affairs in diplomacy,economy democracy of Pakistan ,big power ambition is good .
GDP of the Maharashtra ,of course we should be jealous with Pakistan's acheivement :sarcastic:

India don't care when China protest over Indian infrastructure projects in South Tibet and you guys become sensitive when Pakistan is doing infrastructure in their soil? what kind of double standard is this?:o:

Sour grape Indian, you guys just didn't find a trustworthy partner to massively invest as China did,even the mighty Japan just play wait and see attitude toward India regarding investment, they rather invest in South East Asia such Myanmar, Vietnam than India...LMAO. and now you turn around and accuse Pakistan of been naïve.:rofl:

And you think Pakistan will allow Indian egg on their basket? :lol: when CPEC is over, Pakistan basket will be full of FDI eggs exception of India:P

First of all .We are really appreaciate the business tactics of China.You single handedly destroying whatever that remains in Pak industry .

Did you read the recent Global Times ?
Even they are jumping up and down because of our GST .According to current statistics
we are the top one in FDI , after 2017 GST will implement.
Then you see the real meaning of FDI
Emotions are good but except Pakistan noother nations use emotional priorities for their policies.
Not even Chinese:D
India can never digest CPEC .............
In a way you are right.

Indians cannot digest how a nation can mortgage itself and it's territory to another nation to use and exploit at will & have China to to it something it should have for itself in the first place.

Thanks to both the incompetence of its present & past leaders including the adored Generals Pak after 69 years finds itself out of funds & ideas . It then chooses to mortgage the future of generations that follow by lying prone to be exploited.

Two nations were created in Aug 47. One sends multiple satellites in the sky the other pledges itself & the icing on the cake is that this act of intellectual bankruptcy is being celebrated !

Yes , Indians cannot digest this.
India don't care when China protest over Indian infrastructure projects in South Tibet and you guys become sensitive when Pakistan is doing infrastructure in their soil? what kind of double standard is this?:o:
South Tibet? Where the fuk is it? If you're meaning Arunachal Pradesh, then it has absolutely nothing to do with your Han dynasty. It is and will always remain a state of the Indian Union. You can go crying to whomever you want to or climb the nearest pole. India is not Burkina Faso or a country in the SCS that you can bully. Don't forget the pasting the PLA got in 1967 at Nathula by the Indian Army when you tried to encroach into Indian territory. So don't try anything stupid.

according to UN resolution Pakistan is to withdraw troops and tribesman from the region who entered with the purpose of fighting,and that has happen long ago as no tribesman are present in the region whereas India was asked to keep minimum security personnel and they have infested the region.
if UN starts enforcing the resolution and IOK accedes to Pakistan what will happen to your dams and development projects

and its not against the norm to start a development project in a disputed region
Do you even know WTF you're talking? Have you even bothered to read the UN Security Resolutions? I bet not otherwise you wouldn't be talking rubbish.

And for your info, according to Part 2 of the Resolution, as a first step, Pakistan had withdrawn ALL its forces from J&K, the second step was for India to gradually withdraw but keep a minimum number of troops in the region for security. The third step was for a plebiscite to be held. You didn't withdraw. It's almost 70 years and we're still waiting.

"...and J&K accedes to India, then what happens to the CPEC?" Must be living in fool's paradise. One can only wonder how in world would you assume that the people of Indian occupied J&K would prefer to be Indian now if they haven't accepted being Indian despite losing more than a hundred thousand lives while fighting against three-quarter of a million Indian military forces. And why the people of Azad Kashmir would prefer India in any plebiscite? You better keep living in your paradise. The people of J&K know what to do for achieving their goal.
Lol! You're funny! Your name is 'Kabooter'? Nuff said!
Analyst is quite correct that entire hindu empire is of the same thinking..this modi is just announcing their plans for Pak in public.

CPEC is on track and will remain on track. The Chinese and Pak intelligence services know what the ******** are planning and are capable of. So Sino-Pak friends are prepared.

Also the tragic fact is that hindian terrorism is going to grow in Pak lands. The so called Baloch leaders are foreign assets. Bought and paid to say what they are ordered to do.

Dalai worked with CIA and RAW to bad mouth China all these decades...zero effect. Free Chinese Tibet is a shinning example of this. While the hindu occupied South Tibet is still suffering.

So, if the ******** think they have diplomatic power and can use these Baloch traitors again Pak...then good luck to ********...

CPEC is a ground reality and FDI is going to come as well. Pak is only going to get stronger.

If ******** think that because of their noisemaking or troublemaking China will stop then their delusions are beyond cure. China does not make troubles but is Never afraid of troublemakers...

To Pak friends...please, never underestimate the ********. Never. They will talk peace while plan to destroy you.

All the best wishes to Pak friends. Crush these foreign assets and their sponsors. Eliminate all hindian sponsored terrorists.
Do you even know WTF you're talking? Have you even bothered to read the UN Security Resolutions? I bet not otherwise you wouldn't be talking rubbish.

And for your info, according to Part 2 of the Resolution, as a first step, Pakistan had withdrawn ALL its forces from J&K, the second step was for India to gradually withdraw but keep a minimum number of troops in the region for security. The third step was for a plebiscite to be held. You didn't withdraw. It's almost 70 years and we're still waiting.

agreed sir the first step was withdrawal of tribesman which has happen long ago
the next step was withdrawal of indian forces in stages which has never happen
india un 47.PNG
South Tibet? Where the fuk is it? If you're meaning Arunachal Pradesh, then it has absolutely nothing to do with your Han dynasty. It is and will always remain a state of the Indian Union. You can go crying to whomever you want to or climb the nearest pole. India is not Burkina Faso or a country in the SCS that you can bully. Don't forget the pasting the PLA got in 1967 at Nathula by the Indian Army when you tried to encroach into Indian territory. So don't try anything stupid.

india is in illegal possession of South Tibet or Arunachal Pradesh by illegal transfer of then colonial power UK - that is historic fact. In fact there are many other parts of india today that is illegally occupied by india or illegally inherited. Like Kashmir and Sikkim which are under illegal indian occupation.Screaming and chest thumping by indians does not make the land as india.
agreed sir the first step was withdrawal of tribesman which has happen long ago
the next step was withdrawal of indian forces in stages which has never happenView attachment 327703

Read the resolution carefully, it ask Pakistan to withdraw not only tribesman but also pakistan nationals. One the pakistan fulfills the condition, then only Indian security forces will be reduced not withdrawn

Reference http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/47(1948)

india is in illegal possession of South Tibet or Arunachal Pradesh by illegal transfer of then colonial power UK - that is historic fact. In fact there are many other parts of india today that is illegally occupied by india or illegally inherited. Like Kashmir and Sikkim which are under illegal indian occupation.Screaming and chest thumping by indians does not make the land as india.

Is it so, in that case most of country who got independence from colonial power will be under illegal occupation.
india is in illegal possession of South Tibet or Arunachal Pradesh by illegal transfer of then colonial power UK - that is historic fact. In fact there are many other parts of india today that is illegally occupied by india or illegally inherited. Like Kashmir and Sikkim which are under illegal indian occupation.Screaming and chest thumping by indians does not make the land as india.

You are right. Screaming & chest thumping does not make anyone an owner of the land.

Possession does & India possess the land for 69 years.

As regards ' illegal transfer ' by the Brits , those who have an issue on it should speak to the British.
i am happy that india is worried about CPEC and they should be Pakistan is next big power in the region.

Yes, you'll become the next major power by mortgaging your territory & letting someone else build a logistics corridor.

Sour grape Indian, you guys just didn't find a trustworthy partner to massively invest as China did,even the mighty Japan just play wait and see attitude toward India regarding investment

Haha, typical Chinese troll. I guess you know nothing about the Industrial corridors being built in India with Japanese investment.

If the CPEC takes place it will be a massive investment in developing the infrastructure of PK. This is a big choke for india and the indians. Of course it is much easier dealing with a poor pakistan compared with a PK that is developing and moving towards a better GDP and greater equilibrium of wealth for all people in PK. If India is having such a problem with poor stone age Pakistan, imagine one that is doing well and is attracting positive consideration from the world including other investors.
UN after which a plebiscite is to be held. If this ever happens and J&K accedes to India, then what happens to the CPEC?
Nice joke man. Aren't 42 day continuous curfew is enough to show you how much Kashmiris hate india.

It seems CPEC is some kind of elixir .:D
No other nation in this world trusts a foreign power like this for their own existence :lol:
Again in Pakistan anything can happen
I smell a butt hurt.
Nice joke man. Aren't 42 day continuous curfew is enough to show you how much Kashmiris hate india.
Before quacking like a duck, did you even know that only 6 out of 22 districts of J&K are creating problems? The rest care a damn! I bet you didn't know that.

india is in illegal possession of South Tibet or Arunachal Pradesh by illegal transfer of then colonial power UK - that is historic fact. In fact there are many other parts of india today that is illegally occupied by india or illegally inherited. Like Kashmir and Sikkim which are under illegal indian occupation.Screaming and chest thumping by indians does not make the land as india.
Advice: Morons should mind their own business and stop boot-licking the Chinese when they know squat.

agreed sir the first step was withdrawal of tribesman which has happen long ago
the next step was withdrawal of indian forces in stages which has never happenView attachment 327703
Please stop obfuscating the issue and clutching at straws. Here's what the Resolution says....


So brother, it's not only tribesmen who are still occupying parts of P0K but the Pak Army (Pakistani Nationals) too which had entered the state for the purpose of fighting and which was led by Brig Akbar Khan who invaded J&K in Operation Gulmarg in 1947. Or do you consider the PA not be Pak nationals? Are they from Mars?
indian sadist logic: Pakistan withdraw all their forces from Azad Kashmir while indian forces get to stay in iok :disagree:
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