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Modi can rewrite ties, says Chinese expert


Aug 14, 2013
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Modi can rewrite ties, says Chinese expert - The Hindu

The sweeping victory of the Narendra Modi-led BJP has been seen in neighbouring China as possibly providing a platform for a big change in India-China relations. Lan Jianxue, a strategic expert at the Foreign Ministry-affiliated China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) and formerly a diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, told The Hindu in an exclusive interview that Mr. Modi could open the door to more Chinese investments as well as leave “an achievement in history.”
How is a Narendra Modi-led BJP victory being seen in China, and how do you think a Modi-led government will impact India-China relations?
Mr. Modi is believed to be a business-friendly politician. And he had been engaging with Chinese entrepreneurs since he became Chief Minister of Gujarat. If he wins with a stable ruling coalition, we expect he can do something substantive to remove obstacles and barriers and discrimination imposed against Chinese investments in India. I expect the bilateral relationship will not suffer too many “curves.”
We had Mr. Modi in one speech in Arunachal Pradesh describing China as “expansionist.” What has been your view on how China figured in the election campaign?
To my observation, this general election was fought on India’s domestic agenda and China was not a significant topic. This indicates the China-India relationship has become more mature and shock-resistant. Relations are national interest-centric, not party-oriented.
Indian parties don’t have much policy differences towards China. Historically speaking, China has been even more skilful in dealing with “right-leaning” political entities.
As far as India-China relations are concerned what should be the focus of the new government?
First, reconnect immediately and reach as much consensus as possible on the future road-map. Second, respect the existing effective mechanisms between two sides regarding political, economic, strategic, cultural issues and the boundary question. In other words, maintain the consistency and good momentum.
Third, explore the new dividend Mr. Modi and his administration would bring towards China-India relationship. I have confidence that he has the mandate and power to do something big and good. He can mark some achievement in history, like his predecessor Mr. Vajpayee did in the 1990s.
Do you think the balance in India’s foreign policy in terms of its relations with the U.S. and China will change?
The Congress has done a good job in this regard. I believe India under Mr. Modi might become more India-centric and dare to say ‘no’ to the U.S. when it comes to India’s strategic autonomy. We in China have never expected that India will put China over the U.S. in its foreign policy. The U.S. has a huge stake in China and vice versa.
we expect he can do something substantive to remove obstacles and barriers and discrimination imposed against Chinese investments in India. I expect the bilateral relationship will not suffer too many “curves.”
China should too look into obstacles created by Chinese govt. for not allowing Indian products into Chinese market.
China should too look into obstacles created by Chinese govt. for not allowing Indian products into Chinese market.

China just want to keep India engaged and milk out as much economical benefit they can ....while preventing India's entry into anti China club .

China is not interested in friendship with India .....because we can't be friends .

If China wished friendship with India ...it would not go on arming Pakistan indiscriminately and keep needling India now and then.

We need to read into China's plan for India .

China just want to keep India engaged and milk out as much economical benefit they can ....while preventing India's entry into anti China club .

China is not interested in friendship with India .....because we can't be friends .

If China wished friendship with India ...it would not go on arming Pakistan indiscriminately and keep needling India now and then.

We need to read into China's plan for India .

That's true China only means business and so should we. That's why i wish modi just bans all Chinese products until they give entrance to our companies. ;)
That's true China only means business and so should we. That's why i wish modi just bans all Chinese products until they give entrance to our companies. ;)

I believe China is happy with imbalances in Sino-Indian business ..and glad to dump their products in a market as big as India .

But there is another sinister side ...China can never be happy with rise of India because that ultimately negates its position in Asia in particular and World at large .

We need to be bold and forge closer economical and military relations with countries with which China does not have cordial relations even as we do business with China ..just as China does to Pakistan despite talking of partnership with India .

We need to pay back China in same coin.

Japan , Vietnam, Philippines ,S Korea , Taiwan ...all present enormous opportunities for India.

India need to grab these opportunities ...which China itself has created by arising ante in South china Sea .
I agree. China and India can never be friends. :cheers:

Ya, we should avoid the BS of "all weather friendship" & "deeper than Mariana trench & higher than Mt. Everest friendship" rants........they are just too good to say :D

Keep everything to business so that both our nation & it's citizens can benefit.

Ultimately it's all about ECONOMY stupid!!
First thing Modi should do with China is try to balance the import and export :coffee:
I agree. China and India can never be friends. :cheers:

we don't have to be ...trying to pretend when we can't would be disastrous .

I hope China can see that India is here to stay ..and will be accommodative of India's aspirations ..just as India is reconciled to China's rise .

A healthy completion between two will be good for world ..an acrimonious race won't !
I believe China is happy with imbalances in Sino-Indian business ..and glad to dump their products in a market as big as India .

But there is another sinister side ...China can never be happy with rise of India because that ultimately negates its position in Asia in particular and World at large .

We need to be bold and forge closer economical and military relations with countries with which China does not have cordial relations even as we do business with China ..just as China does to Pakistan despite talking of partnership with India .

We need to pay back China in same coin.

Japan , Vietnam, Philippines ,S Korea , Taiwan ...all present enormous opportunities for India.

India need to grab these opportunities ...which China itself has created by arising ante in South china Sea .

Definitely. China is quite happy when trade suits them first and foremost. India needs to jump at every f-ing opportunity. The Chinese never ever thought about our needs or our country. They armed Pakistan to the teeth and continue to support them over our security implications. We all need to wake up and ignore the idiots who preach peace and friendship when the ball is in China's court. If there is any re writing to be done, China should act first. We stil talk about the border BS with not a agreement yet. Congress supporters are morons. Dont fall into that trap. Keep our eyes peeled.

FYI, Rahul Gandhi just hit the Adani group with a 5500 crore notice on the last day before elections! That f-king pos and his mom did not even do that with any other scam during their entire 10 yrs in office. I hope all INDIANs wise up and see what that pos is doing. It is nothing about justice. Just liek the ignoratn pricks who defend their action for picking an Army general......all their actions are done on purpose. Vengeful.

Im not defending the action against the group. I am disgusted because it is completely political. They didn;t do such to all the scams before they left. 3 days before elections ended, they released the "names" of ppl with Swiss bank accounts. Come on guys....open your f-king eyes. Its not done, not by a long shot. I never ever want to see such a party in office in my life. Remind everyone from today to the next election what this family did.
Pakistan is the biggest obstacle when it comes to India-China Friendship. I wish that in this decade we can solve all border dispute and this reason can work together and rise back to its ancient glory.
Action speaks louder than Words. We will just have to " Wait and See ".

Daykhtay Hein yeh Oonth kis karwat beiththa Hai ?
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