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MoD Approves Purchase of 150 Indigenously Made Towed Howitzers


Aug 5, 2012
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MoD Approves Purchase of 150 Indigenously Made Towed Howitzers
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
By: The Diplomat

Source Link: Click Here

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On August 25, India’s Defense Acquisition Council (DAC), chaired by Indian Minister of Defense Nirmala Sitharaman, approved the procurement of 150 155 millimeter/52 caliber Advanced Towed Artillery Gun Systems (ATAGs), currently under development for the Indian Army by the Indian Ministry of Defense’s (MoD) Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

“These guns have been indigenously designed [and] developed by DRDO and will be manufactured by production agencies, as nominated by DRDO,” the August 25 MoD statement reads. “They are likely to be the mainstay of artillery in the near future.” Total acquisition cost for the 150 artillery guns is estimated at around $490 million.

No contract for the acquisition of the ATAG has been concluded by the MoD to date.

Development of the ATAG started in 2013 and was completed by March 2017. During the design and development phase, the Indian MoD partnered up with India’s private sector including Bharat Forge Limited, Tata Power Strategic Engineering Division, and Mahindra Defense Naval System under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Make in India” initiative.

User trials of the ATAG have been taking place throughout 2017 and 2018. The howitzer gun is capable of firing five rounds in short duration with an effective range of up to 40 kilometers, depending on the ammunition type. Given its light weight, the new ATAG can be deployed to mountainous regions to support mountain warfare operations.

Six prototypes of the ATAG have been manufactured to date. In 2017, during user trials the ATAG reportedly fired three shells out to a record distance of approximately 47.2 kilometers.

The ATAGS was developed to supplement the indigenously designed and manufactured 155 millimeter/45 caliber artillery gun, Dhanush, an improved derivative of the FH-77B 155 mm/39 caliber towed howitzer manufactured by the Swedish defense contractor Bofors (now BAE Systems) of which the Indian MoD acquired 414 between 1987 and 1991.

“[T]he major upgrade in comparison to the Bofors is the larger caliber,” I wrote elsewhere. “Furthermore, the Dhanush reportedly has a new maximum effective range of 38 kilometer in salvo mode compared to the 39-caliber, 27-km range of the original guns. The Dhanush howitzer is capable of firing eight rounds per minutes and needs a crew of six to eight artillerymen.”

After years of development and testing, the Dhanush howitzer has been declared ready for induction in June of this year. However, no contract has been signed so far by the Indian MoD, although the Indian Army has expressed an interest in ordering a first batch of 114 guns this year. (It is expected that the MoD will order a total of 414 Dhanush howitzer guns.)

An upgraded variant of the Dhanush howitzer gun, designated Dhanush Version 2 (v2) with a larger caliber (from 45 to 52 millimeter) and a slightly increased range (38 to 42 kilometers) is currently in development by DRDO. The Indian Army is also in the process of inducting 145 M777 Ultra Lightweight Howitzers from BAE Systems at a cost of about $750 million.
dhanush should have inducted fully opertional in army till now why they are waitting for too long for domestically made howitzer what stoing them
dhanush should have inducted fully opertional in army till now why they are waitting for too long for domestically made howitzer what stoing them
Development and trials of Dhanush was completed in this June only. Expect orders in coming days now.
dhanush should have inducted fully opertional in army till now why they are waitting for too long for domestically made howitzer what stoing them
IA's top brass can't have their share of kickbacks if they go with an indigenous system which is why we procured the M777 as well even though Kalyani group developed 3 variants of the Ultra Light Howitzer which is pretty much the same as M777

I hope MoD will impose a self arms embargo so that we don't procure any kind of weapons systems which could be developed indigenously, particularly missiles/missile systems, artillery, helos, naval vessels and systems, air defense systems etc
IA's top brass can't have their share of kickbacks if they go with an indigenous system which is why we procured the M777 as well even though Kalyani group developed 3 variants of the Ultra Light Howitzer which is pretty much the same as M777

I hope MoD will impose a self arms embargo so that we don't procure any kind of weapons systems which could be developed indigenously, particularly missiles/missile systems, artillery, helos, naval vessels and systems, air defense systems etc
which kalyani Howitzer is same as M 777 ? Also it was Govt to Govt deal so how will army get kick back ?
Excellent !! Kalyani displayed its guns 155mm/39 howrtizer ( 4800 kg) only in the April 2018.


In 2016, India had signed a government-to-government deal for the 145 M777 guns from the US at a cost of around $750 million under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route. The talks for the deal, however, started way back in 2010

that was full two years before Kalyani was able to make a display prototype.

But some how as per your immense wisdom out corrupt army chose M777 over something which was not even in existence.

My suggestion for you to have a glass of shut up juice and not to go full retard.
Excellent !! Kalyani displayed its guns 155mm/39 howrtizer ( 4800 kg) only in the April 2018.


In 2016, India had signed a government-to-government deal for the 145 M777 guns from the US at a cost of around $750 million under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route. The talks for the deal, however, started way back in 2010

that was full two years before Kalyani was able to make a display prototype.

But some how as per your immense wisdom out corrupt army chose M777 over something which was not even in existence.

My suggestion for you to have a glass of shut up juice and not to go full retard.

Stop living in you're own lala land my dear dumbf**king retard. The deal for 145 guns was already done and I was talking about MoD/IA's plans on procuring 500 more from BAE. Also, DRDO and other private Indian firms are working on developing world class artillery systems and IA is still considering BAE. Why do you think IAF is issuing tenders for fighter jets and cancelling it and the same is happening with IA's tenders on Assault rifles. Kickbacks are offered pretty much on every govt contract, and this applicable not just for armed forces but other sectors as well. PSU's like OFBs, Gun Carriage Factories, HAL etc receive tons of govt funds but the quality of their products is poor. I interned at HAL and 2 other PSUs where all I noticed is the employees are lazy as f**k and all they do is drink gallons of tea and laze around all day which is why they are resisting against privatization.

Regarding your logic that IA wouldn't receive any kickbacks in a G2G deal, that is your lame ignorance because you just aren't aware of how things work in the upper circles. A mediocre govt employee can get a transfer to his preferred place or a promotion only if he has the necessary political connections and offer bribes to pretty much all the concerned people and if you think MoD would just go ahead with a deal without IA's involvement in it, that is simply your stupidity.

MoD/GoI would go ahead with a G2G deal only if the concerned armed forces branch gives the go ahead

@Papa Dragon The ULH is not yet out. BF is providing the same to the IA for trials. Either late-2018 or 2019. The current requirement does not envisage the raising of more China specific Mountain Corps.
@Papa Dragon The ULH is not yet out. BF is providing the same to the IA for trials. Either late-2018 or 2019. The current requirement does not envisage the raising of more China specific Mountain Corps.
this guy has some interesting complex against army !

Stop living in you're own lala land my dear dumbf**king retard. The deal for 145 guns was already done and I was talking about MoD/IA's plans on procuring 500 more from BAE. Also, DRDO and other private Indian firms are working on developing world class artillery systems and IA is still considering BAE. Why do you think IAF is issuing tenders for fighter jets and cancelling it and the same is happening with IA's tenders on Assault rifles. Kickbacks are offered pretty much on every govt contract, and this applicable not just for armed forces but other sectors as well. PSU's like OFBs, Gun Carriage Factories, HAL etc receive tons of govt funds but the quality of their products is poor. I interned at HAL and 2 other PSUs where all I noticed is the employees are lazy as f**k and all they do is drink gallons of tea and laze around all day which is why they are resisting against privatization.

Regarding your logic that IA wouldn't receive any kickbacks in a G2G deal, that is your lame ignorance because you just aren't aware of how things work in the upper circles. A mediocre govt employee can get a transfer to his preferred place or a promotion only if he has the necessary political connections and offer bribes to pretty much all the concerned people and if you think MoD would just go ahead with a deal without IA's involvement in it, that is simply your stupidity.

MoD/GoI would go ahead with a G2G deal only if the concerned armed forces branch gives the go ahead

Hey Einstein .. u want to chose a 3 month old prototype over a tried and tested Howitzer !! go ahead.

Even Kalyani do not have so much confidence on their ULH ( which is 600 Kg heavier than M 777) and is still in development phase.

Regarding kick back .. why do you thing Kalyani or tata could not give bribe ? So what is the solution ?
Hand over every thing to DRDO!
this guy has some interesting complex against army !

Hey Einstein .. u want to chose a 3 month old prototype over a tried and tested Howitzer !! go ahead.

Even Kalyani do not have so much confidence on their ULH ( which is 600 Kg heavier than M 777) and is still in development phase.

Regarding kick back .. why do you thing Kalyani or tata could not give bribe ? So what is the solution ?
Hand over every thing to DRDO!
So why did a lot of countries go with the F-35 when there were still proven platforms like the F-18/16 which are relatively cheaper options. Why are countries encouraging indigenous weapons systems when they have cheaper foreign alternatives. I do agree ULH maybe marginally heavier that M777 but that is still the way to go if you wanna reduce dependency on imports.

Regarding kickbacks, yes any Indian firm can bribe but not on the scale of big fat foreign players like BAE/LM/Boeing etc. The US govt is literally run by defense and oil lobbies. Even if Indian firms bribe, at least that will help in the development of indigenous systems which can be exported in the long run.

this guy has some interesting complex against army !
I don't have anything against IA. I feel it's high time that the armed forces start inducting indigenous weapons systems and allocate more funds to R&D, even to private Indian firms and reduce dependency on imports. IN has done a good job so far and I hope IA & IAF will follow suit

@Papa Dragon The ULH is not yet out. BF is providing the same to the IA for trials. Either late-2018 or 2019. The current requirement does not envisage the raising of more China specific Mountain Corps.
China specific Mountain strike corps is totally outta the picture because IA scrapped it for now due to lack of funds


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