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Mitch McConnell slams China over Hong Kong, threatens a global confrontation


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote a blistering op-ed calling for the world to stand up to and confront China over a variety of human rights concerns and a violent response to 11 weeks of largely peaceful protests in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.

"Sooner or later, the rest of the world will have to do what the protesters are doing — confront Beijing," McConnell wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

In the article, McConnell also called for a punishment that could demolish Hong Kong's status as a global financial hub and a cash cow for Beijing, but experts call it a dangerous gambit.

When the British returned Hong Kong to China in 1997, it did so with an internationally recognized treaty wherein China promised to respect Hong Kong's system of government, which allows greater freedoms than the mainland's strict communist rule.

But China has steadily eroded the freedoms people in Hong Kong enjoy, partially due to a creeping takeover of its government, and partly due to techno-authoritarianism enabling an unparalleled surveillance state. The recent spate of protests in Hong Kong kicked off when the local government proposed a bill that would allow China to deport Hong Kongers to the mainland for trials.

Hong Kongers responded to the bill with perhaps the largest protests in human history, and carried them out in a notably peaceful and orderly way for weeks, despite documented police brutality and brutal beatings from mainland-linked gangs.

McConnell described China's often violent response to Hong Kong as "authoritarian rulers seeking to repress the innate human desire for freedom, self-expression and self-government" on par with historical massacres of freedom-seekers in the former Soviet Union and under former Chinese leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

McConnell goes on to shred China's brutal oppression of ethnic and religious minorities, including in Tibet and Xinjiang, where more than 1 million Chinese citizens have been detained, re-educated in party propaganda, and often made to renounce their religion.

The US could hurt China over Hong Kong

Perhaps most significantly, McConnell threatened a move that would destroy Hong Kong's special appeal to global finance by revisiting the 1992 Hong Kong Policy act.

The act allows the US to trade with Hong Kong on better, more favorable terms than it affords the Chinese mainland.

"This special access to the U.S. and other nations helped drive the investment and modernization that have enriched Hong Kong, and Beijing by extension," wrote McConnell. "Beijing must know the Senate will reconsider that special relationship, among other steps, if Hong Kong's autonomy is eroded."

He then went on to say that he had instructed various Senate committees to examine Beijing's actions in Hong Kong and increase funding for pro-Democracy movements in Asia.

"Revoking the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act is a double-edged sword and one that should be wielded only very, very cautiously," Mike Fuchs, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a progressive DC think tank, told Business Insider.

Ending the policy "would hurt Beijing by closing off a backdoor through Hong Kong to receive preferred economic treatment because of the status that it has," said Fuchs. For reference, the US did $67.3 billion worth of business with Hong Kong in 2018.

Matthew Henderson, the director of the Asia Studies Centre at the Henry Jackson Society, told Business Insider that the 1992 act allows the US to revisit the policy if China gets too involved in Hong Kong policy.

"From a Western perspective, it makes sense to remind Beijing that loss of benefits conferred under the Act would harm Hong Kong as a global financial and commercial centre — and also harm China's prosperity, to which Hong Kong still makes a very big contribution," Henderson said. "So Beijing would be wise not to erode Hong Kong's autonomy to the point that the Act's conditions cease to apply."

But both Henderson an Fuchs agreed, if the US does revoke the 1992 act, Hong Kongers will feel the effects first and foremost.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote a blistering op-ed calling for the world to stand up to and confront China over a variety of human rights concerns and a violent response to 11 weeks of largely peaceful protests in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.

"Sooner or later, the rest of the world will have to do what the protesters are doing — confront Beijing," McConnell wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

In the article, McConnell also called for a punishment that could demolish Hong Kong's status as a global financial hub and a cash cow for Beijing, but experts call it a dangerous gambit.

When the British returned Hong Kong to China in 1997, it did so with an internationally recognized treaty wherein China promised to respect Hong Kong's system of government, which allows greater freedoms than the mainland's strict communist rule.

But China has steadily eroded the freedoms people in Hong Kong enjoy, partially due to a creeping takeover of its government, and partly due to techno-authoritarianism enabling an unparalleled surveillance state. The recent spate of protests in Hong Kong kicked off when the local government proposed a bill that would allow China to deport Hong Kongers to the mainland for trials.

Hong Kongers responded to the bill with perhaps the largest protests in human history, and carried them out in a notably peaceful and orderly way for weeks, despite documented police brutality and brutal beatings from mainland-linked gangs.

McConnell described China's often violent response to Hong Kong as "authoritarian rulers seeking to repress the innate human desire for freedom, self-expression and self-government" on par with historical massacres of freedom-seekers in the former Soviet Union and under former Chinese leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

McConnell goes on to shred China's brutal oppression of ethnic and religious minorities, including in Tibet and Xinjiang, where more than 1 million Chinese citizens have been detained, re-educated in party propaganda, and often made to renounce their religion.

The US could hurt China over Hong Kong

Perhaps most significantly, McConnell threatened a move that would destroy Hong Kong's special appeal to global finance by revisiting the 1992 Hong Kong Policy act.

The act allows the US to trade with Hong Kong on better, more favorable terms than it affords the Chinese mainland.

"This special access to the U.S. and other nations helped drive the investment and modernization that have enriched Hong Kong, and Beijing by extension," wrote McConnell. "Beijing must know the Senate will reconsider that special relationship, among other steps, if Hong Kong's autonomy is eroded."

He then went on to say that he had instructed various Senate committees to examine Beijing's actions in Hong Kong and increase funding for pro-Democracy movements in Asia.

"Revoking the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act is a double-edged sword and one that should be wielded only very, very cautiously," Mike Fuchs, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a progressive DC think tank, told Business Insider.

Ending the policy "would hurt Beijing by closing off a backdoor through Hong Kong to receive preferred economic treatment because of the status that it has," said Fuchs. For reference, the US did $67.3 billion worth of business with Hong Kong in 2018.

Matthew Henderson, the director of the Asia Studies Centre at the Henry Jackson Society, told Business Insider that the 1992 act allows the US to revisit the policy if China gets too involved in Hong Kong policy.

"From a Western perspective, it makes sense to remind Beijing that loss of benefits conferred under the Act would harm Hong Kong as a global financial and commercial centre — and also harm China's prosperity, to which Hong Kong still makes a very big contribution," Henderson said. "So Beijing would be wise not to erode Hong Kong's autonomy to the point that the Act's conditions cease to apply."

But both Henderson an Fuchs agreed, if the US does revoke the 1992 act, Hong Kongers will feel the effects first and foremost.


It is remarkable that these protest start after most of the Muslim world sided with China on Uyghur issue and did not buy the propaganda by the west against China.
If the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act is revoked, China should declare the Sino-British Joint Declaration regarding Hong Kong is null and void.

Completely integrate Hong Kong into mainland China as if it is just another Chinese province. That means EVERYTHING (no exception) from monetary system (including Renminbi), legal system, legislature system, education system, immigration system, etc becomes the same as in mainland China.

If the West imposes sanctions on China for revoking the Sino-British Joint Declaration, then China should declare the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration regarding Macau null and void.

Completely integrate Macau into mainland China as if it is just another Chinese province.

Do what Russia did with Crimea.
People are being killed and blinded and raped in Kashmir by Forceful occupation
  • 12 Weeks of curfew in Kashmir , no reaction from world on Occupied region

China owns Hong Kong it was returned back to it from UK , and yet people are interfering in their internal matter

Why so much concern about Hong Kong ?
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F-22Raptor is giving me and most likely everybody here the impression that he will post anything negative news about China or how USA is going to punish or threatening China. No geopolitic news from the USA is too crazy for him to post here on an instant the moment he catches it. American Empire is in a dire state and afraid of China so the only thing he can do is spreading the "see how powerful America is" agenda.
Mitch McConnell is a fucking tool. It is pretty obvious they are misrepresenting the violent riots in Hong Kong under the guise of freedom and human rights as a way to jab at China. The sad part is that many of these HK rioters are clueless to the fact that they are allowing themselves to be used as tools to destroy their own futures. It's not like any of these American politicians give a shit if their city became an utter hellhole.
Rise up! the people of the World!, Rise Up against the imperialist China! ( Oops!) People of the World be united! LOL! What a Fool this Mitch McConnell. Is he a Socialist?
When will the good senator ask the world to stand up to India and its actions in Kashmir which is under occupation for over 70 years?
No wonder where ever the Britishers went they left a fuckin mess.
China shall invade US and impose gun ban to bring safe and freedom for American to roam the street at night safely.

Evil American that continue gun sales for the sake of new selfish individual.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote a blistering op-ed calling for the world to stand up to and confront China over a variety of human rights concerns and a violent response to 11 weeks of largely peaceful protests in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.

"Sooner or later, the rest of the world will have to do what the protesters are doing — confront Beijing," McConnell wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

In the article, McConnell also called for a punishment that could demolish Hong Kong's status as a global financial hub and a cash cow for Beijing, but experts call it a dangerous gambit.

When the British returned Hong Kong to China in 1997, it did so with an internationally recognized treaty wherein China promised to respect Hong Kong's system of government, which allows greater freedoms than the mainland's strict communist rule.

But China has steadily eroded the freedoms people in Hong Kong enjoy, partially due to a creeping takeover of its government, and partly due to techno-authoritarianism enabling an unparalleled surveillance state. The recent spate of protests in Hong Kong kicked off when the local government proposed a bill that would allow China to deport Hong Kongers to the mainland for trials.

Hong Kongers responded to the bill with perhaps the largest protests in human history, and carried them out in a notably peaceful and orderly way for weeks, despite documented police brutality and brutal beatings from mainland-linked gangs.

McConnell described China's often violent response to Hong Kong as "authoritarian rulers seeking to repress the innate human desire for freedom, self-expression and self-government" on par with historical massacres of freedom-seekers in the former Soviet Union and under former Chinese leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

McConnell goes on to shred China's brutal oppression of ethnic and religious minorities, including in Tibet and Xinjiang, where more than 1 million Chinese citizens have been detained, re-educated in party propaganda, and often made to renounce their religion.

The US could hurt China over Hong Kong

Perhaps most significantly, McConnell threatened a move that would destroy Hong Kong's special appeal to global finance by revisiting the 1992 Hong Kong Policy act.

The act allows the US to trade with Hong Kong on better, more favorable terms than it affords the Chinese mainland.

"This special access to the U.S. and other nations helped drive the investment and modernization that have enriched Hong Kong, and Beijing by extension," wrote McConnell. "Beijing must know the Senate will reconsider that special relationship, among other steps, if Hong Kong's autonomy is eroded."

He then went on to say that he had instructed various Senate committees to examine Beijing's actions in Hong Kong and increase funding for pro-Democracy movements in Asia.

"Revoking the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act is a double-edged sword and one that should be wielded only very, very cautiously," Mike Fuchs, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a progressive DC think tank, told Business Insider.

Ending the policy "would hurt Beijing by closing off a backdoor through Hong Kong to receive preferred economic treatment because of the status that it has," said Fuchs. For reference, the US did $67.3 billion worth of business with Hong Kong in 2018.

Matthew Henderson, the director of the Asia Studies Centre at the Henry Jackson Society, told Business Insider that the 1992 act allows the US to revisit the policy if China gets too involved in Hong Kong policy.

"From a Western perspective, it makes sense to remind Beijing that loss of benefits conferred under the Act would harm Hong Kong as a global financial and commercial centre — and also harm China's prosperity, to which Hong Kong still makes a very big contribution," Henderson said. "So Beijing would be wise not to erode Hong Kong's autonomy to the point that the Act's conditions cease to apply."

But both Henderson an Fuchs agreed, if the US does revoke the 1992 act, Hong Kongers will feel the effects first and foremost.


GAME PLAN EXPOSED! LOL. Trump wants China to invade Hong Kong so much so that he can increase support in the USA and try to get re-elected.

Hong Kong police are very strong. PLA no need to go in!

china should invade taiwan as u.s is selling fighter jets to them
If you're asking how many more fighter jets, probably soon including F-22s that Taiwan will receive before CHina "reacts", i agree with you. I strongly feel Taiwan will not see those 66 F-16s Trump offered them. It was an easy cash hustle deal by Trump but im not sure Taiwan will actually see the "goods"..
LOL @ Mitch McConnell. This oldie is getting senile.


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