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Missile shield 'will protect UAE's assets'



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Dec 13, 2008
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Title : Missile shield 'will protect UAE's assets'

Source: Gulfnews


By Samir Salama, Associate Editor
Published: December 15, 2008, 23:33
Abu Dhabi: The UAE is not under imminent threat from any party nor is it a party to any arms race for real or apparent military supremacy, says an Emirati military expert.

"The building and deploying of advanced anti-missile systems is meant to protect the nation's most valuable assets and to maintain security and stability," retired general Khalid Abdullah Al Buainain, former commander of the UAE Air Force and Air Defence, told Gulf News on the sidelines of a symposium on Middle East Missile and Air Defence.

The UAE, he said, will be the first country in the world to be armed with the anti-missile THAAD or Terminal High Altitude Area Defence, developed and built by US defence company Lockheed Martin.

"The THAAD anti-missile system is only deployed and operated by the American forces in Poland and Israel, but in the case of the UAE, it will be possessed and fully operated by Emiratis."

The Dh25 billion system's radar is supplied by US defence company Raytheon.

US administration and Congress officials have said the advanced anti-missile system would be used to defend infrastructure and logistics in the UAE from any hostile action.

Al Buainain said deployment of the system, which could take three years, would defend the UAE against all missile attacks.

"Unlike the Patriot missile system, which could only defend against 1,000 km ballistic missiles, THAAD is the first system designed to defend against short and intermediate range ballistic missiles both inside and outside the Earth's atmosphere."

Al Buainain said the system would include anti-missile interceptors, launchers, fire control and communications systems, radar and training.

He stressed the system complements the lower-aimed Patriot missile defence system, resulting in a layered defence that ensure a very high probability that ballistic missile threats will be destroyed.

Dr Sami Faraj, a Kuwaiti strategist, said the GCC member countries were expecting different layers of missile attacks.

"Missile attacks can be coming from inside and not only from the other bank of the Gulf," he said referring to Iran.

He spoke about the threats that a nuclear Iran would pose to GCC states.

"The GCC outlook toward Iran is that it will certainly become a source of trouble in the future and that GCC states must be prepared to face that eventuality."


Iran, he said, wants to become a hegemonic power on the cheap and could resort to terrorism, war, the antagonism of Shia in GCC states, or even mishaps in Iraq to launch Iran into that position. Given that Iran is likely to obtain nuclear capabilities, GCC states must be prepared to cope with disasters of national proportions. Therefore, the GCC must band together to ensure mutual survival - not economic survival, but material survival, as humans regardless of religious or ethnic divides.

He pointed to the fact that Iran's lack of transparency concerning its uranium enrichment programme worries GCC states as they are unsure of the security measures set in place on Iran's part to prevent nuclear disaster.

The symposium sessions and workshops addressed early warning platforms, technologies, tactics and strategies; active defence against cruise and ballistic missiles; preempting and preventing cruise and ballistic missile attacks; combating artillery rockets and passive defence.
Great, put yourself more under the mercy of the U.S.
These countries heavily rely on American weaponry, once the U.S. sees no further use in them (oil), they're worthless.
UAE buys U.S. missiles in $3.3 billion deal: report
Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:04am EST

Emirates, has signed a deal worth $3.3 billion to buy missiles from U.S. firm Raytheon, a newspaper reported on Saturday.

The U.S. Defense Department said in September it had proposed the sale of air defense systems and helicopters to the UAE with a total potential value of more than $9 billion.

The main item in the Pentagon-proposed package was Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, worth up to $7 billion. The system is built by Lockheed Martin Corp with a system radar from Raytheon Co.

The National, an Abu Dhabi based-newspaper, said the deal was to buy Patriot missiles.

The proposed package included up to $121 million for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Systems from Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

"The agreement ... includes technology, training and supply of the medium-range missile system, which is part of a multi-tiered defensive shield the UAE Armed Forces is building to protect the nation from perceived threats in the region," it said.

Gulf Arab nations have voiced concern over Iran's nuclear program and urged a peaceful solution to a standoff between Tehran and Washington over the Iranian atomic plans.

The United States accuses Iran of planning to build a nuclear weapon. Tehran says its program is to generate energy. The tension has raised concern in the region of a military confrontation between Tehran and Washington.

In recent years, the UAE has acquired advanced weapons systems from several countries, including the United States.

(Reporting by Inal Ersan)

UAE buys U.S. missiles in $3.3 billion deal: report | International | Reuters
To be honest, UAE needs a missile shield far more urgently than any random country in Europe (Czech Republic??! seriously?!), since they're so close to Iran that Iranian missiles can actually reach them. It is true however, like you say, that they depend on the US far too much.
Cant wait for the day when these GCC leaders go out the same way saddam did and if any body things thats not going to happen think again:usflag:.
:hitwall::hitwall:These guys not knowing what to do with all the money are getting such useless showy luxuries for themselves.:smokin:
Why not donate that money to some hopeless African country...
I don't blame them.US give them full security.I mean they have so much money so they don't want to work!Just enjoy the oil money which to be honest is not bad if you have that much money..life is too short :D
Why not donate that money to some hopeless African country...

Why African country? Am much poorer than any African countries.

The U.S. Defense Department said in September it had proposed the sale of air defense systems and helicopters to the UAE with a total potential value of more than $9 billion.

Air defense for what? Think before the UAE accepts the systems they should test first against the B2 bombers or Tomahawk cruise missiles. Otherwise, they would be flushing their 9 bills down to uncle Sam's toilet or pocket.

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