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Minus two formula once again


Mar 20, 2006
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Minus two formula once again
November 30, 2013 1:26 am


Ittefaq Report

The minus two theory is once again up for discussion in the political arena. The previous military-backed caretaker government wanted to apply a minus two formula by removing the chiefs of the two major political parties from the political arena. If analysed carefully, Dr. Kamal Hossain’s statement is essentially another minus theory. So now the question is why did he ask the Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina to step down from premiership?

Main opposition BNP’s demand is a simple-election under a non-party , non-partisan interim government. BNP doesn’t want to see Sheikh Hasina in power. So why did Dr. Kamal Hossain suddenly ask the Prime Minister to step down? In the same briefing, he also made some other important statements. He said if the public’s government come to power in the next election, they will make 4/5 necessary amendments to the constitution, one of them will be no can become Prime Minister after two terms. The question is why didn’t Dr. Hossain make these suggestions to the present government if he feels they are important to the country’s future? During the military-backed caretaker government regime, army chief Moin U Ahmad once said he wants to introduce a ‘new form of democracy’. He too made suggestions similar to those made by Dr. Kamal Hossain this week. However, Moin U Ahmad had failed to implement any kind of democracy.

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Sadly BDeshi parties are forcing their country back to bad times.

These politicians cannot be trusted.
the AL thugs should be tried for war crimes in 71 and for crimes against humanity then and since then.....
I want all current political groups out. We need to make new political groups with new generation who does not believe in violence.
I want all current political groups out. We need to make new political groups with new generation who does not believe in violence.

India will again decide to back one of the new parties, which will piss the other new party off and make it anti India. You guys are doomed, its the poisonous fang I tell you :lol:

One a more serious note, India needs to drop its habit of backing AL, but then again we aren't really left with any other option with so many other "backers" in the field. So its a loose loose situation.
People need to live through these times so they will keep on working towards electing better people. Its not easy to look for decent folks from a cesspool, which by any definition is an insane process ( which is keep trying to keep elect better people ).

Hoping that Army would save the day is just not working, it has not worked. People with military backgrounds are just not efficient in running complex civilian govt apparatuses.

Military is a classic straight line organization, Govt is nothing like that. A Govt will be full of politics and dirty dealings even without any political party involvement.
This minus two formula will never see light...main reason is the clueless masses here in BD. Best is to minus them by bullet straight on head.
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