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Mind your tongue Mr. Prime Minister


Oct 12, 2010
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Mind your tongue Mr. Prime Minister


Prime Minister Dee Moo Jayaratne seems to have put his foot in his mouth, though he was forewarned only weeks ago to be careful in speech, one of the tenets to be followed by good Buddhists.

On Wednesday, he told Parliament that there were LTTE training camps in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu only to draw the wrath of the Indian authorities who lost no time in denying the story.

Of course, the Indians had often been denying that their soil was used for LTTE activities when it was public knowledge to all and sundry at the time. That was, however, in the bad old days of yesteryear when the Indians actively supported the Sri Lankan insurgency i.e. until such time as the LTTE killed one of India's former Prime Ministers on Tamil Nadu soil.

Premier Jayaratne has now quickly backtracked from the claim saying that he was merely going by local media reports (local meaning Indian or Sri Lankan was also not clear), but then he cannot get away so lightly because for one thing, he said that he was basing his claim on "intelligence reports", and more importantly, here is the Prime Minister of a country making a claim in no less a place than the National Parliament.

It was even more serious a gaffe than the claim made at the same august assembly by the country's External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris the other day about Nepal wanting President Mahinda Rajapaksa to settle its internal disputes.

These neighbours of ours must be thinking, surely, "why have enemies when we have friends such as this". As for Premier Jayaratne, he was forewarned a few weeks back by no less a persona than then newly appointed Chief Sangha Nayaka of Bharatha (India) Ven. Dr. D. Revatha Thera to prepare his speeches without ohe dodawanawa (rambling). Ven. Dr. Revatha complained to President Rajapaksa before a large gathering that his Prime Minister monawa kiyanawada kiyala danne naa (no one knows what he is saying).

He was referring to a speech he had made at a temple function the previous day where he had spoken about the cost of living and urged the people not to blame the Government for it. The President laughed at first but then realised that decorum and protocol require him not to.

It was also the other day that we reproduced in these pages the Prime Minister's National Day message that was replete with mistakes and was stopped at the last minute by an alert official at the External Affairs Ministry.

It is probably not too late to learn, for Premier Jayaratne that he speaks for Sri Lanka and all Sri Lankans not merely for himself.

Mind your tongue Mr. Prime Minister
If you listen to the Aussies and Kiwis talk about Pakis you might "dub maro chullu bhar pani mein"
If you listen to the Aussies and Kiwis talk about Pakis you might "dub maro chullu bhar pani mein"

Lol you are bsing mate. Aussies and Kiwis can't tell for shyte, who is Indian who is Pakistani. So anything they say about Pakistanis they say about us too.
Any reports out of Sl PM regarding kind of drug he is smoking.? Whatever it may be, but its working great.
haha He is such a retard.Making claims on the basis of reports in local papers.
how may nations around u except china have friendly relations:D

We have good relations with China, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Afghanistan (For your information its border was open before the america came same like India and Nepal).........and now u tell me who is ur good friend in neigbour give me any one name.....I am listening...
We have good relations with China, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Afghanistan (For your information its border was open before the america came same like India and Nepal).........and now u tell me who is ur good friend in neigbour give me any one name.....I am listening...

Bhutan is our very good friend,Myanmar,maldives,
and yeah srilanka is pakistan's very good friend considering they also refused to play in pakistan..thats what friends do right?
We have good relations with China, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Afghanistan (For your information its border was open before the america came same like India and Nepal).........and now u tell me who is ur good friend in neigbour give me any one name.....I am listening...

Bangladesh :rofl: the same Bangladesh who have fougt deadly civil war to get away from yourself?

Sri Lanka is not ur friend that so called friendship ko jumma jumma do din nahi huye hain. Sri Lanka is a friend of India for sure.

Now, talk about Iran:

'Some Pak officials aiding terrorists'


Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Ali Abdollahi

Pakistan blamed for attack on Revolutionary Guards - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Iran blames Pakistan for attack - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

The head of the Revolutionary Guards, Muhammad Ali Jafari, said Iranian security officials had presented documents indicating "direct ties" linking a Sunni group to US, British and, "unfortunately", Pakistani intelligence organisations, according to the ISNA news agency.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad strongly criticised his Pakistan counterpart, Asif Ali Zardari, in a telephone conversation.

Iran blames Pakistan and west for deadly suicide bombing | World news | guardian.co.uk

Let's talk about Afghanistan too:

"Everyday and all over our country, children, women, clerics, teachers, as well as international workers in Afghanistan ... are killed and wounded and disabled," the statement said.

The intelligence service "and Pakistan's Army have become the world's biggest producers of terrorism and extremism," it said.

Afghans blame Pakistan for Taliban violence | cleveland.com

Afghans blame Pakistan over Kabul bombing - Press & Journal

Blame Pakistan for the Continuing Afghan Conflict - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghan papers blame Pakistan

Now, i request you to leave the thread for the topic = Sri Lankan PM's silly mistake.
If you listen to the Aussies and Kiwis talk about Pakis you might "dub maro chullu bhar pani mein"

Lol is tht y indians have been attacked in australia? p.s how many pakistanis live in new zealand? not more than 100-200 families?

Look how much they hate us the aussies:
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Bhutan is our very good friend,Myanmar,maldives,
and yeah srilanka is pakistan's very good friend considering they also refused to play in pakistan..thats what friends do right?

Diplomatic relations between Myanmar and India is very bad.
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