You are absolutely right, and I do agree with it. But the thing is, neither army nor our federal govt is willing to launch an all out offensive against these TTP rats to finish them all at once. There are also almost no plans of fencing Pak-Afg border etc.. So how do you see all this being sorted out in near future? After all we're already in war against TTP since past 9 years with no fruitful results whatsoever..
sadly i have lost all my heralds to radi walas otherwise i would have post whole scanned articles
i too am not a die hard fan of imran khan but his views are based on what people say no matter who or what side they are on
the army has a policy of shoot first and ask questions later this to be fair is not just specific but general to the tribal areas one of the herald mentioned pak army soldiers who were picked up tortured to their disbelief simply because there were suspicions that they might be double agents.While im sure some of them were true leads the rest were told "bahadur bano" and go back to performing duties wtf? (do you think that they did?)
if imran and army are not on the same page because to him the often forgotten collateral damage is the cause of nationalist and separatist movements
haven't there been enough of that the baluch sindhi mahajir all have/had grievance did anyone help their respective communities no in fact they deepened the cracks and the result is a fragmented state you can just see the posts appearing on pdf --- pakistanis revel in tossing the proverbial (others) "turban" around (dosroun ki pugri uchalna)
if the army provides solid evidence against miscreants they are free to execute their missions in fact if you read around the people who snitched out talibans risked out their lives were not supported/secured by the pakistan army in fact it was to slow to move that intelligence became dated and and all double agents were silenced
there is a documentary that has been posted here PBS NOW showing the pakistan army assault into swat however if you near the end where the idps were question one particular old man prompted that the britisher, russia left us alone the army too should do the same (he was an ex solider btw)
i believe in order to understand what the people want there should be a KP specific referendum
also do remember pakistan is asking afghanistan to accept the taliban as a reality and induct them in the polictical process i wouldn't want ttp in government why should they