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Defence Updates #39 | Torpedo Countermeasures for Indonesia | Gripen | JF17B | New Corvette for Indian Navy

Turkish ULAQ USV | Pak Milgem Timeline | US India BECA | MALABAR Exercise | Turkish F35A for Greece

JF17 Block 3 Expected Electronic Warfare Systems | What is Electronic Warfare Systems?

#Pakistan #PakistanAirForce #OperationSwiftRetort
JF17 for Argentina? |Turkish Engines for Turk drones | Rafale Delivery to India | Gilgit Baltistan

UAE F35 Deal Confirm | Turkey Test BVR Missile | Pak Naval Chief | Nigeria Received Wing Loong Drone

Turkish Aselsan Agreement | Iran's New Support Ship | Chinese UAV Helicopters | Defence Updates

China Stands with Pakistan | New Engine for Turkish Tank | Laser Weapons |Defence Updates

Pak Russia Gas Pipeline Agreement | NATO New Helicopter | Indian New Torpedoes | Defence Updates

Promotions in Pak Army | MQ9 Drone for India | UAE Visa Ban | F35 Nuclear Test | Defence Updates

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