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Militants take villagers hostage in Pakistan

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May 18, 2011
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KHAR, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani officials say dozens of militants coming from Afghanistan attacked a village in the country's northwest and took scores of villagers hostage.

Government official Tariq Khan says the militants appeared to be targeting members of an anti-Taliban militia in Kitkot village near Pakistan's Bajur tribal area.

The militants came from Afghanistan's Kunar province Thursday and took hundreds of villagers hostage, including members of the militia.

Khan says the Pakistani army surrounded the village and killed eight militants. The insurgents responded by killing two militiamen.

Khan and two security officials say soldiers have retrieved scores of villagers, but dozens more are still held by the militants or trapped in their homes.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
Taliban gunmen opened fire on a compound housing policemen in eastern Pakistan on Thursday, killing nine of them, officials said.

The police who were targeted in the city of Lahore were training to become prison guards, said Habibur Rehman, the chief of police in Punjab province, where Lahore is the capital.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was revenge for the police torture of their fighters in prison. He spoke to The Associated Press by telephone from an undisclosed location.

The police who were attacked were recruited from northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a one-time base for the Taliban, and were brought to Lahore for training, said Rehman.

Eight policemen also suffered bullet wounds, said Salman Saddiq, a government official.

One of the wounded, Shafqat Imran, said that eight to 10 attackers, their faces hidden behind hoods, stormed into the compound and started shooting randomly. They shouted "God is great," then shot the policemen one by one, said Imran, speaking from a hospital bed.

The Pakistani military launched a massive offensive against the Taliban in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Swat Valley in 2009, and many militants were captured and imprisoned.

Police said they suspect the gunmen who attacked the housing compound were the same ones who killed seven soldiers and a policeman at an army camp Monday about 160 kilometers (100 miles) northwest of Lahore. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for that attack as well.

The Pakistani Taliban have waged a blood insurgency against the government over the past few years, demanding it break ties with the United States and establish Islamic law throughout the country. The militants have killed thousands of soldiers, police and civilians in attacks


Ask US Navy Seals to handle this situation. There won't be any collateral damage. US owes it to Pakistan that much...afterall US wants to eliminate militants. Lets seem how they respond....:meeting:
Looks like shani rahu ketu all of them laying hold on pakistan rite now :help:
Ask US Navy Seals to handle this situation. There won't be any collateral damage. US owes it to Pakistan that much...afterall US wants to eliminate militants. Lets seem how they respond....:meeting:
Yeah thats a nice idea!!! see what USA is gonna do with such a situation......:lol:
Ask US Navy Seals to handle this situation. There won't be any collateral damage. US owes it to Pakistan that much...afterall US wants to eliminate militants. Lets seem how they respond....:meeting:

that would be lovely

they can start with Kuner, Nooristan and Kunduz provinces of Afghanistan.
that might just end the need for them to come all the way into Pakistani areas to eliminate them.
We hope to see these militants caught and captured before they are able to cause more damage. Incidents like these clearly emphasize the importance of cross-border coordination between our nations. Those who oppose our alliance must realize that the only way we can put an end to these cross-border incidents is through mutual cooperation. We cannot allow these terrorists to expand their terrorist activities throughout the region. We must block all possible avenues that are being used to infiltrate the region with terrorism. At the end of the day, we are suffering at the hands of same terrorists. These terrorists wish to see us part ways and give up on bringing peace and stability to the region. We have a common goal of restoring order in the region, and it only makes sense to work side by side to achieve our shared objective.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
We hope to see these militants caught and captured before they are able to cause more damage. Incidents like these clearly emphasize the importance of cross-border coordination between our nations. Those who oppose our alliance must realize that the only way we can put an end to these cross-border incidents is through mutual cooperation. We cannot allow these terrorists to expand their terrorist activities throughout the region. We must block all possible avenues that are being used to infiltrate the region with terrorism. At the end of the day, we are suffering at the hands of same terrorists. These terrorists wish to see us part ways and give up on bringing peace and stability to the region. We have a common goal of restoring order in the region, and it only makes sense to work side by side to achieve our shared objective.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Well our security forces have surrounded them. Just a matter of time before they would be finished.
Ask US Navy Seals to handle this situation. There won't be any collateral damage. US owes it to Pakistan that much...afterall US wants to eliminate militants. Lets seem how they respond....:meeting:

We hope to see these militants caught and captured before they are able to cause more damage. Incidents like these clearly emphasize the importance of cross-border coordination between our nations. Those who oppose our alliance must realize that the only way we can put an end to these cross-border incidents is through mutual cooperation. We cannot allow these terrorists to expand their terrorist activities throughout the region. We must block all possible avenues that are being used to infiltrate the region with terrorism. At the end of the day, we are suffering at the hands of same terrorists. These terrorists wish to see us part ways and give up on bringing peace and stability to the region. We have a common goal of restoring order in the region, and it only makes sense to work side by side to achieve our shared objective.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

You see, the Indian and the American response.
Apparently the Americans are oblivious of the terrorist "sanctuaries" in Afghanistan.
Along with their billion dollar gadgets, and remote sensing technologies they can not take care of the supply routes FROM Afghanistan.

People, each and EVERY criminal gets weapons FROM afghanistan, they get funds and training FROM afghanistan.

The Americans and NATO are the ones who are least interested in solving the problem.

To Mods: Do the forum rules allow for a state sponsored propaganda machine to function as a member ?
Why are the Americans SOOOO interested in molding opinion ?
Last year when I went to Pakistan I spoke with my friend who is in Pak Army & what he told me I was shocked after listening to him. He told me, after the battle with the terrorists when they go to remove the dead bodies of terrorists they strip them to check them & they found out none of them were circumcised & they were non Muslim’s.

So it is clear that Pak Army is fighting terrorists who are rented from Non Muslim countries & they are trained by US & Indian, then they are send into Pakistan to fight our Pak Army & kill innocent civilians. So after reading this news I know they are not Muslims, they are foreigners working for US & India.
why PA not mining and fencing the boarder? They are saying for this from last 6-7 years. What is the issue?
too many off topic posts and usual Indo -Pak point scoring

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