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Militants blast two schools in Mohmand Agency

I think he is just sarcastic....

I dont know mate but going by the dicussions I've read he might not be that off the mark..

The misguided and state support of a religion has not been very rosy for Pakistan yet. Maybe in the future if those who understand Islam as it is meant to be (Again as they say, I do not know so deep) and in the right context ( @Hyperion ). All depends which is the right version, cause you cannot expect a daily wage earner to put out time for understanding the Islam as it is meant to be.
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You do need to get your facts right...
Pakistan was created in 1947 while Tribals have been muslims and mixing their tribal brutal traditions with Islam since centuries....
And please stop venting out your vendatta against KSA in every relevent and irrelevant thread...it gets boring.

i have no vandetta just years of research and knowledge which I like to share with facts and figures. Just because something doesn't suit your taste or r0tten perceptions does not make it a vandetta.

I dont know mate but going by the discussions I've read he might not be that off the mark..

The misguided and state support of a religion has not been very rosy for Pakistan yet. Maybe in the future if those who understand Islam as it is meant to be (Again as they say, I do not know so deep) and in the right context ( @Hyperion ). All depends which is the right version, cause you cannot expect a daily wage earner to put out time for understanding the Islam as it is meant to be.

As per Allah's viceory's on earth being a muslim is such a choresome and time consuming job that the poor wage earner will raking boat loads of sins by missing some important tasbeeh of astagfar or some wird.
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i have no vandetta just years of research and knowledge which I like to share with facts and figures. Just because something doesn't suit your taste or r0tten perceptions does not make it a vandetta.

As per Allah's viceory's on earth being a muslim is such a choresome and time consuming job that the poor wage earner will raking boat loads of sins by missing some important tasbeeh of astagfar or some wird.

Which tasbee or wird is that?
Will be interesting to know....

Lets see what you 'years of reasearch'say.
“The Taliban’s is the most retrograde political movement in the history of Islam. The warlords who proscribe music and sports in Afghanistan, inflict harsh punishments upon men for trimming their beards, flog taxi drivers for carrying women passengers, prevent sick women from being treated by male physicians, banish girls from schools and women from the work place, are not returning Afghanistan to its traditional Islamic way of life as the Western media reports sanctimoniously. They are devoid of the ethics, aesthetics, humanism, and Sufi sensibilities of traditional Muslims, including Afghans of yesteryears. To call them medieval, is to insult the age of Hafiz and Saadi, of Rabi’a Basri and Mansur Al-Hallaj, of Amir Khusrau and Hazrat Nizamuddin. The Taliban are the expression of a modern disease, symptoms of a social cancer which shall destroy Muslim societies if its growth is not arrested and the disease is not eliminated. It is prone to spreading, and the Taliban will be the most deadly communicators of this cancer if they remain so organically linked to Pakistan”.

Eqbal Ahmed
Which tasbee or wird is that?
Will be interesting to know....

Lets see what you 'years of reasearch'say.

Do you have sense of humor? I was taking a colloquial shot at the hard core jamatis who have tasbeeh in their hand and muttering on their lips all the time yet not a single person can be called upon to speak positively about them. Often criminals hiding in religious clothing.

The very first revelation of the Holy Quran was 'Read in the name of your Rub who created you' ... IQRA means read ( or recite ) but ttp idiots dont want any one to learn how to read .. what they are doing is contrary to the teachings of Islam and its very important to tear up the ttp narrative that their acts are in line with the teachings of Islam
Pakistan Army should start killing the wives and family (excluding young children) of terrorists if their wives and families do not turn them into authorities.
Pakistan Army should start killing the wives and family (excluding young children) of militants if their wives and families do not turn them into authorities.

Our so called 'tribal brothren' cant keep shut on Pak Army killing actual terrorists and you are suggesting killing family members....
Arresting family members will be a good idea as killing is unjust.....
But then again tribal mind is stuck in tyranosaur era,and arresting a 'terrorist supporting' tribal woman will lnly inspire her tribal brotheren to go mental on Pak Army...
Our so called 'tribal brothren' cant keep shut on Pak Army killing actual terrorists and you are suggesting killing family members....
Arresting family members will be a good idea as killing is unjust.....
But then again tribal mind is stuck in tyranosaur era,and arresting a 'terrorist supporting' tribal woman will lnly inspire her tribal brotheren to go mental on Pak Army...

PA needs to get very tough and adopt cruel measures. I don't think killing is unjust in war, if you are cooperating with terrorist who are actively directly or indirectly harming Pakistan then you are a valid target. These terrorist have no mercy on the families and children or property of others, so find out where they live and kill their wives, family, and elders, if they are guilty usually they know full well what their terrorist son or father or husband is doing.

If tribes are against Pakistan army and support TTP, then treat them as an enemy combatant, the country has had enough of this conflict.
Pakistan Army should start killing the wives and family (excluding young children) of terrorists if their wives and families do not turn them into authorities.

absolutely not ,it will be a an outright violation of human rights, & will be against the very norms, jurisdiction & ethics of war, killing of women & family members are outright heinous & an shameful act, even a suggestion like that needs to be thoroughly condemned, & anyone participating in such an act needs to be court martialed
Pakistan Army should start killing the wives and family (excluding young children) of terrorists if their wives and families do not turn them into authorities.

Do you want Pakistan to become a war-crime nation?
We are not a nazi republic are we?

This is pathetic of the most pathetic idea ever!
Do you want Pakistan to become a war-crime nation?
We are not a nazi republic are we?

This is pathetic of the most pathetic idea ever!

It's not a war crime to kill those who are aiding and abetting terrorists. Problem is you people don't want to hurt the terrorist where it hurts most their families, start killing their terrorist supporting wives and families (children excluded). That's my honest view on this, I know if I were COAS we would find out who the terrorists family members are and we would either jail them or finish them off, eradicate blood lines. Too many innocent Pakistani children and civilians have paid the price, too many innocent Pakistani families have died its time PA do the same and kill TTP families.

If you are too weak then just stay out of it, we need tough policies.
The TTP have been blowing up children's school, children which belong to innocent families. Yet some people want to criticize me for advocating killing TTP families who are aiding and abetting these terrorists. These terrorist families are just as much as the responsible as the TTP terrorists themselves. They need to be killed because they are involved in supporting terrorism against Pakistani civilians especially innocent children.

If we just go after the TTP militants than new militants can be born or raised by these families so have to go after these families as well. How can they even call themselves "families".
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