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Militant Muslim group says it carried out western China attacks


Mar 15, 2010
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A militant Muslim group has released a video claiming responsibility for recent attacks in western China that killed at least three dozen people, a US group that monitors such organisations said.

The video was purportedly made by the Turkistan Islamic party, which seeks independence for China's western Xinjiang region, the Site Intelligence Group said. The militants are believed to be based in Pakistan, where security experts say core members have received training from al-Qaida.

Xinjiang is home to largely Muslim ethnic Uighurs who say an influx of China's majority Han to the region has led to their marginalisation. The region erupted in violence two years ago with ethnic riots in which at least 197 people were killed.

Since then security in the region has been stepped up, but that was not enough to prevent violence in the cities of Hotan and Kashgar in July that left dozens dead in a spree of slashings, arson and hit-and-run attacks.

The more than 10-minute long video, released in late August, features Turkistan Islamic party leader Abdul Shakoor Damla, whose face is blotted out, saying the attacks were revenge against the Chinese government.

Ben Venzke, of the Washington-based IntelCenter, another agency that monitors militant groups, said the group had threatened to attack the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and should be taken seriously.

"Their profile has been heightened since threats made during the Olympics and videos have shown us that they have even received recognition from senior al-Qaida leaders recognising their presence in China," Venzke said.

In 2008, the party released videos claiming responsibility for several bus bombings in China and warned Muslims to stay away from any place Han Chinese were, including buses, planes, buildings and trains.

"TIP is a very real jihadist group and their threats should be taken seriously. In addition to being active in China, we also have seen videos of them conducting operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Venzke said.

The latest video shows a brief biography and footage of what it says is Memtieli Tiliwaldi wrestling with other fighters in a TIP training camp. Police in the region had identified Tiliwaldi as a suspect in the July attacks, and said they fatally shot him in a corn field a couple of days later.

In the video, group leader Damla speaks in the Turkic language of the Uighurs, who have a long history of tense relations with the central government.

Militant Uighurs have for decades been fighting a low-level insurgency to gain independence for lightly populated but resource-rich Xinjiang, which borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and several unstable central Asian states.

Beijing blames the violence on militants based overseas, specifically ones from the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, who it says trained in militant camps in Pakistan. While some terrorism experts say ETIM is affiliated with the TIP, others say they are part of the same group operating under different names.

Liu Weimin, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, said he had no information on the video and claims.

He repeated China's assertion that Xinjiang separatists are carrying out "rampant, violent terrorist activities within China's border, which seriously undermine China's national unity and regional peace and stability".

Liu said China was willing to join and strengthen international efforts to combat terrorism.

Uighur activists and security analysts blame the violence on economic marginalisation and restrictions on Uighur culture and the Muslim religion that are breeding frustration and anger among young Uighurs.

China's leaders say all ethnic groups are treated equally and point to the billions of dollars in investment that has modernised Xinjiang.

Chinese officials said last week they recently thwarted several plots by separatists, religious extremists and terrorists to sabotage an international trade fair in the region.

Xinjiang is under a two-month crackdown against violence, terrorism and radical Islam following renewed unrest among Uighurs in July.

Militant Muslim group says it carried out western China attacks | World news | The Guardian

if some one attacks china no matter a country a group or an indivisual pakistanis condemn it and if i get the chance and i come infront of such a person i will make sure he is dead because in our religion we are commanded to protect our friends without diffenciating who is he or what is he.
i admire chinese friends who got the knowledge about other contries trying to put rifts between pakistan and chinese.China and pakistan is one and will remain one in every good and bad times
Muslim terrorists..... sponsored by the US's CIA.

How very convenient. When Muslim Uighurs fight against Chinese expansionism, all the Muslim world turns a blind eye and labels them as agents of the West. The so called Muslim Ummah does not recognise their existence since it is the Chinese money that is greasing their national economies. So these terrorists are sponsored by the CIA/MI6?? Well, they are trained in Pakistan so is the Pakistani state also sponsored by CIA/MI6? Despite repeated requests, China refuses to acknowledge LET/JEM as terrorist organisations and prevents their leaders from being banned by the UN. Perhaps it is time India started sympathising with the Uighur cause!!! Let us see how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot.
if some one attacks china no matter a country a group or an indivisual pakistanis condemn it and if i get the chance and i come infront of such a person i will make sure he is dead because in our religion we are commanded to protect our friends without diffenciating who is he or what is he.
i admire chinese friends who got the knowledge about other contries trying to put rifts between pakistan and chinese.China and pakistan is one and will remain one in every good and bad times

one country freedom fighter is other's terrorist
How pakistan play kashmir card with india,Taliban card with Nato and USA.They will play the uighur card with the chinese in the future.:pop:
ALL Uighur arent crazy separatists, most of them are productive citizens - just like all balochis arent separatist

they are normal citizens, only having a few maniacs among them. otherwise uighers are peace loving people.
How very convenient. When Muslim Uighurs fight against Chinese expansionism, all the Muslim world turns a blind eye and labels them as agents of the West. The so called Muslim Ummah does not recognise their existence since it is the Chinese money that is greasing their national economies. So these terrorists are sponsored by the CIA/MI6?? Well, they are trained in Pakistan so is the Pakistani state also sponsored by CIA/MI6? Despite repeated requests, China refuses to acknowledge LET/JEM as terrorist organisations and prevents their leaders from being banned by the UN. Perhaps it is time India started sympathising with the Uighur cause!!! Let us see how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot.

If by expansionism you mean allowing people the right to settle anywhere in their nation, then yes, I agree 100 percent.
Probbly CIA sponsoring these groups nothing new

Notice how the claim came , conveniently from A GROUP IN US that monitors such things :yahoo:

Nice job CIA I did not knew they would stoop so low to attack the country that buys their stocks
Probbly CIA sponsoring these groups nothing new

Notice how the claim came , conveniently from A GROUP IN US that monitors such things :yahoo:

Nice job CIA I did not knew they would stoop so low to attack the country that buys their stocks

Terrorism in China would be bad for USA's economy, especially if it would spread to more industrialized areas. It's Pakistanis responsibility to make sure that terrorists don't use their country as base camp.

Even IF these rebels would be sponsored by CIA, that does not explain how they have training camps in Pakistan...
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