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Mike Pompeo with the facts: "In the end, we will crush Chinese communist Party just as we did Soviets"

I as a Communist second that.
There's an entire grey economy of small goods traders (all the way up to more bigger ones) that depend on stuff smuggled from China. They're a manufacturing behemoth like none before were, you should go visit China and check some of these wholesale dealer malls.. it boggles the mind !

India me bhi hone wala hai sem2sem, the capitalist first world will dump all its shit here.. and you and me get good deals on cheap stuff :enjoy:
Best Quote I heard all day.
Soviet never focused on their economy, and eventually that led to their downfall. Americans will never attack a nation who can drop an ICBM in their mainland. So they will resort to economic blackmailing.

There should be few more global reserve currencies and alternative to swift. That will neutralize any threat US can pose.
Soviet never focused on their economy, and eventually that led to their downfall. Americans will never attack a nation who can drop an ICBM in their mainland. So they will resort to economic blackmailing.

There should be few more global reserve currencies and alternative to swift. That will neutralize any threat US can pose.
there's a very tall, steep and perilous climb still to be made before any can challenge the US$ dominance

greatest game wohi hai.. ki kiska sikka chalta :P
Soviet never focused on their economy, and eventually that led to their downfall. Americans will never attack a nation who can drop an ICBM in their mainland. So they will resort to economic blackmailing.

There should be few more global reserve currencies and alternative to swift. That will neutralize any threat US can pose.

Unlike the Chinese government the USSR was a righteous ideological society whose purpose was not to make money because "Money should be abolished anyway and then what ?" but to spread Communism and to help deprived and oppressed people everywhere in the world. Unlike the Chinese government the USSR did not give loans on interest but actually helped develop societies but sadly the Indian Communist-governed states of West Bengal and Kerala did not take USSR's help in developing because they would have been the most developed places in India.

Though I don't think USSR needed much external raw material for its internal needs it borrowed money loans from outside for some things including external ideological work.

there's a very tall, steep and perilous climb still to be made before any can challenge the US$ dominance

greatest game wohi hai.. ki kiska sikka chalta :P

Well, there was Muammar and now there are others. :)
Unlike the Chinese government the USSR was a righteous ideological society whose purpose was not to make money because "Money should be abolished anyway and then what ?" but to spread Communism and to help deprived and oppressed people everywhere in the world. Unlike the Chinese government the USSR did not give loans on interest but actually helped develop societies but sadly the Indian Communist-governed states of West Bengal and Kerala did not take USSR's help in developing because they would have been the most developed places in India.

Though I don't think USSR needed much external raw material for its internal needs it borrowed money loans from outside for some things including external ideological work.
I have a captain uncle who visited there in the 70s, merchant marine.

Things were pretty grim in the USSR for most people, and it was a super police state.

Not somewhere you, or anyone, would like to live.
I have a captain uncle who visited there in the 70s, merchant marine.

Things were pretty grim in the USSR for most people, and it was a super police state.

Not somewhere you, or anyone, would like to live.

That must have been his interpretation after being comfortable in the unimaginable chaos of India. Maybe two years ago I read in the newspaper an account written by an Indian who had worked in a factory set up in India by the USSR. A Soviet man lost his hand in the factory and when our Indian met him he was quite philosophical about it IIRC. Have a look and read of the sanitoriums of the USSR whose photos are taken in present because these places still operate. And I will say that a CPI ( M ) comrade I met in 2016 had been to one of these places, Sochi, during USSR times and he didn't have anything disappointing to say :
That must have been his interpretation after being comfortable in the unimaginable chaos of India.
quite to the contrary

man traveled the world, Africa, West, East, everywhere.. shippies are a different lot, about as far removed from you (who have only but ever travelled a 100 odd km from your jhuggi) as you can imagine.
The world is not big enough for 2 elephants.
Hitter Germany or Stalin USSR, Vietnam or Champa, Cartago or Rome? Only one will survive.
There's plenty of room. Historically, there have always been multiple great powers, unipolar orders are actually a historical rarity.
quite to the contrary

man traveled the world, Africa, West, East, everywhere.. shippies are a different lot, about as far removed from you (who have only but ever travelled a 100 odd km from your jhuggi) as you can imagine.

Doesn't matter. There are many kooks from India and Pakistan who travel the world for employment and "education", and remain the idiots they were under their fool mother's thumb. Take all these celebrated Indian CEOs in American corporations. Nothing but Modi bois who have allowed the H-1B followers of the Hindu caste system from India to exist in that "Christian"-majority land and oppress the Shudra and Dalit workers there other than do anti-Islam and anti-Communism work. But the American courts system is taking action and Apple became the first American company last year to establish anti-caste-system law. But why haven't Google, IBM, Adobe and Microsoft done that ? Because they are headed by casteist Hindus. :)

Please go ahead and destroy this evil communist country. I believe they deserve harsh punishment.

1. You should read the thread before jumping to comment. I have said that I as a Communist find China to be not Communist but Capitalist. Please read what else said. :)

2. Communism is not evil but is the natural expression of any person with empathy, simplicity, justice-mind, gentleness, progress-seeking and serenity-seeking. Communism calls for true democracy ( via participatory democracy like Libyan Jamahiriya had until the 2011 invasion ), for abolition of money, abolition of family, abolition of private property except for small items, for all land, mountains, forests, water, air to be removed of private ownership and become collectively owned by humans, cats, birds, deer etc, calls for means of production to be collectively owned, calls for harmony with Nature instead of wasting one's life and destroying others' by indulging in theist ritualism and priesthood, calls for the workers to be respected as humans, calls for the artists to be respected, calls for fulfillment of every reasonable material and intellectual need and desire without anyone having to struggle for life to obtain it and pass that struggle life to the children, calls for end of exploitation of human by human, calls for humans to venture out into the universe. How can you call such a gentle, sweet ideology as evil ? :) You must participate in spreading it at every opportunity you get or can create.
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Doesn't matter. There are many kooks from India and Pakistan who travel the world for employment and "education", and remain the idiots they were under their fool mother's thumb. Take all these celebrated Indian CEOs in American corporations. Nothing but Modi bois who have allowed the H-1B followers of the Hindu caste system from India to exist in that "Christian"-majority land and oppress the Shudra and Dalit workers there other than do anti-Islam and anti-Communism work. But the American courts system is taking action and Apple became the first American company last year to establish anti-caste-system law. But why haven't Google, IBM, Adobe and Microsoft done that ? Because they are headed by casteist Hindus. :)

1. You should read the thread before jumping to comment. I have said that I as a Communist find China to be not Communist but Capitalist. Please read what else said. :)

2. Communism is not evil but is the natural expression of any person with empathy, simplicity, justice-mind, gentleness, progress-seeking and serenity-seeking. Communism calls for true democracy ( via participatory democracy like Libyan Jamahiriya had until the 2011 invasion ), for abolition of money, abolition of family, abolition of personal property except for small items, for all land, mountains, forests, water, air to be removed of private ownership and become collectively owned by humans, cats, birds, deer etc, calls for means of production to be collectively owned, calls for harmony with Nature instead of wasting one's life and destroying others' by indulging in theist ritualism and priesthood, calls for the workers to be respected as humans, calls for the artists to be respected, calls for fulfillment of every reasonable material and intellectual need and desire without anyone having to struggle for life to obtain it and pass that struggle life to the children, calls for humans to venture out into the universe. How can you call such a gentle, sweet ideology as evil ? :) You must participate in spreading it at every opportunity you get or can create.
I know their evil face. people aren't free in China. They will track you, silence you, etc. Typical communist behavior. Their politicians and one party, are God in their own Universe. No freedom of expression, only a bullet in the head.
Doesn't matter.
but it does !

of course all sorts of azzholes go around the world too doing retarded shite


one should still ideally go and experience life apart from just in your nest on a broken old laptop :lol:

srsly, man.. a hundred kilometers from where you were born is all you've ever seen.. kabhi niklo, hawai jahaaj ki safar bhi karo

himalyas jao, kopnkan coast pe sunset dekho

kya ye communism lagai rakhe ho ?

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