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MiG-29 vs F-16

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Agent Smith

Nov 4, 2014
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Both the F-16 and the MiG-29 were designed to correct mistakes and shortcomings of previous aircraft. With the USAF it was the low kill ratios over Vietnam as well as the lack of complete air superiority over the battle field a feat that was achieved with great success both over the battlefield's of Europe and Korea where the US Army was able to operate under little threat of air attack. With the Russians they wanted an aircraft that would perform the same roles as the MiG-25 and the Su-27 but at a shorter range. As well as an aircraft that for the first time could match Western fighters in ACM, while maintaining the ability to operate as an interceptor. Thus the MiG-29 became a smaller and shorter range F-15 while the F-16 became a larger and longer range F-5.


Both teams designed craft that were cleared to operations of 9g and made use of wing-body blending to increase internal volume , reduce weight and improve maneuverability. They both located the intakes close to structures to reduce the AoA (angle of attack) sensed at the face of the intake/s thus increasing the AoA that the aircraft could take in comparison to other aircraft of their day. With the F-16A the AoA limit is 25deg where as the MiG-29 has been cleared of an AoA of up to 45deg.

One of the major differences was in the engine arrangement with the General Dynamics team choosing a single P&W F100 this gave commonality with the F-15 and lower fuel consumption. In contrast the Mikoyan team choose a twin arrangement of the RD-33 with no thought give to using the Saturn/Lyulka AL-31F as used in the Su-27. The reasoning being that the use of two engines gave the aircraft greater survivability as the MiG-23/27's suffered a greater attrition ratio then the MiG-25. With the intakes the GD team adopted a fixed geometry intake as high mach number capability was not required for the role that the F-16 was to fill, while the requirement for a dash speed of mach 2.3+ led Mikoyan to adopt a two dimensional , four shock , variable geometry intake with one fixed ramp and two moving ramps.

In regard to FOD (foreign object damage) the GD team took the position that FOD would not be a problem as the F-16 would operate form swept, paved runways. Where as the Russians felt that a rough field capability was an important capability and as such devised two movable ramps over the intakes to prevent FOD while on the ground or at low speed at low level. When the intakes are closed the engines breath via auxiliary intakes on the upper surface of the wing.

Old Rivals: A PAF F-16 (Left) and an IAF MiG-29 (Right)

The F-16 has incorporated a number of features that are intended to enhance combat effectiveness. The pilot's seat is inclined at 30deg rather than the normal 13deg , he also has a side stick controller which allows the pilots arm to be supported this has not met with universal approval as some pilots prefer to be able to fly with either hand. The F-16 also for the first time incorporated a Fly-By-Wire flight control system, this allowed the aircraft to be made inherently unstable and would greatly improve maneuverability in air-combat. While the MiG introduced the first HMS (helmet-mounted sight) and IRST (infra-red search and track) sensor with a laser range finder for passive attacks and missile engagements up to 45deg off-borsight but maintained a conventional flight control system and achieved high maneuverability mainly due advanced aerodynamics. i.e. The tail of the MiG-29 is said to have been positioned to take advantage of the four vortices by the wing and fuselage.

In combat provided that the MiG-29's 7.5g above 0.85 mach can be avoided it should beat any F-16 due to its BVR capability , higher thrust/weight ratio and lower wing loading. While in recent exercises between USAF F-16 and German MiG-29A's showed that in ACM the greatest advantage the MiG-29 had was it's helmet mounted sight coupled with the AA-11 Archer which gives it a kill zone greater than any aircraft serving. F-16 pilots found that any aircraft within 45deg's of the nose of a MiG-29 was always under grave threat. The ability to target aircraft well of boresight has proved to be such a success that helmet mounted sights have become requirements on any new fighter program.


Luftwaffe MiG-29s and USAF F-16s have engaged in intense DACT exercises

While both aircraft have short-commings those of the MiG-29 have effectively been solved with newer versions ( MiG-29 S/M/K and MiG-33 ) which have increased the fuel capacity of the MiG as well as adding an in-flight refueling system. The number of hard points has also been increased by two and the max warload has been doubled, along with the inclusion of a fly-by-wire flight control system and a new radar that allowed two targets to be engaged simultaneously with the new AA-12 Adder active radar missile as well as full clearance for flight at 9 g's . Most of these upgrades have been offered to current users of the MiG-29 with the Russian and Indian airforces conducting some upgrades.

The F-16 by comparison has had few of it's problems solved in the past few years. One of it's greatest drawbacks the lack of a BVR capability was solved with the clearance of the AMRAAM for use on the F-16 but the second major problem of insufficient wing area on the F-16C has never been solved.


Max Cruise Altitude
The service ceiling (max cruise altitude) of 57,414 feet is just slightly higher than the norm for this type of aircraft.

Cruise Speed (Normal)
1,187 knots
Cruise Speed (Long Range)
This Mikoyan aircraft normally cruises at a speed of 1,187 knots, equivalent to 1,365 mph.

Rate of Climb
feet per minute
With the ability to climb 65,000 feet per minute, it can achieve max cruise altitude in as little as 1 minute once airborne.

Engine Make & Model Klimov RD-33MK turbofans
Engine Layout Twin Turbofan
Max Takeoff Weight
54,013 lbs
Max Payload
6,614 lbs
Fuel Volume
8,196 gal
External Dimensions
Height (At Tail) 14'5"
Length (Overall) 56'9"
Wingspan 39'4"

A-A, "A-S" missiles, guided aerial bombs, rockets, aerial bombs and built-in air-gun of 30 mm caliber,1 x 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds,9 hardpoints (5 wet): 8 x under-wing, 1 x centerline for up to 5,500 kg (12,125 lb) of weapons and fuel tanks,Eight air-to-air missiles ?-- a mix of infrared homing, semi-active radar homing (SARH) and Active radar homing.



The service ceiling (max cruise altitude) of 50,000 feet is just about the norm for this type of aircraft.

This Lockheed aircraft normally cruises at a speed of 1,303 knots, equivalent to 1,498 mph. If time is of the essence, it can safely fly as fast as Mach 2.00.

The LRC (long-range cruise) speed at which this aircraft attains its maximum range is 1,303 knots (1,498 mph), 191% faster than similar models.

A required take-off field length of 1,131 ft is one of the very shortest of any fixed-wing aircraft, allowing take-off from even tiny runways.

With the ability to climb 50,000 feet per minute, it can achieve max cruise altitude in as little as 1 minute once airborne.

Engine Make & Model Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220
Engine Layout Single Turbofan
Max Takeoff Weight
48,000 lbs
Max Payload
15,198 lbs
Fuel Volume
1,072 gal
External Dimensions
Height (At Tail) 16'8"
Length (Overall) 49'3"
Wingspan 32'9"

Standard Features
Avionics Make & Model Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems

Guns: 1?-- 20 mm (0.787 in) M61 Vulcan 6-barreled gatling cannon, 511 rounds/Hardpoints: 2?-- wing-tip Air-to-air missile launch rails, 6?-- under-wing & 3?-- under-fuselage pylon stations holding up to 17,000 lb (7,700 kg) of payload/Rockets:4?-- LAU-61/LAU-68 rocket pods (each with 19?-- /7?-- Hydra 70 mm rockets, respectively) or 4?-- LAU-5003 rocket pods (each with 19?-- CRV7 70 mm rockets) or 4?-- LAU-10 rocket pods (each with 4?-- Zuni 127 mm rockets)/Missiles:Air-to-air missiles:2?-- AIM-7 Sparrow or 6?-- AIM-9 Sidewinder or 6?-- IRIS-T or 6?-- AIM-120 AMRAAM or 6?-- Python-4/ Air-to-ground missiles:6?-- AGM-45 Shrike or,6?-- AGM-65 Maverick or 4?-- AGM-88 HARM/Anti-ship missiles:2?-- AGM-84 Harpoon or 4?-- AGM-119 Penguin/Bombs:8?-- CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition,8?-- CBU-89 Gator mine,8?-- CBU-97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon,Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser capable,4?-- GBU-10 Paveway II,6?-- GBU-12 Paveway II,4?-- JDAM,4?-- Mark 84 general-purpose bombs,8?-- Mark 83 GP bombs,12?-- Mark 82 GP bombs,8?-- Small Diameter Bomb,3?-- B61 nuclear bomb/Others:SUU-42A/A Flares/Infrared decoys dispenser pod and chaff pod or,AN/ALQ-131 & AN/ALQ-184 ECM pods or,LANTIRN, Lockheed Martin Sniper XR & LITENING targeting pods or up to 3?-- 300/330/370 US gallon Sargent Fletcher drop tanks for ferry flight/extended range/loitering time

@OTTOMAN @Mustang06

as requested I have now opened a new thread. I wud like to stick to my stand, Mig 29 is a better aircraft than a F 16.
Depends on the version................f-16 block 60 is better than any mig-29 version.

really? prove your point by posting specs, I am sure that Mig will beat block 60 also.
really? prove your point by posting specs, I am sure that Mig will beat block 60 also.

I don't need to prove anything............the biggest advantage is the apg-80 aesa radar vs the stupendously old tech zhuk-me radar.
Depends on the version................f-16 block 60 is better than any mig-29 version.
good thing only the UAE have it and it's very closely guarded and US will never allow sale to Pakistan, not that they could afford it anyway :P
good thing only the UAE have it and it's very closely guarded and US will never allow sale to Pakistan, not that they could afford it anyway :P

Thats true.............pakistan is never getting such advanced electronics from usa now.
Their only hope is china.
Thats true.............pakistan is never getting such advanced electronics from usa now.
Their only hope is china.
exactly 8-)

and China, while light-years ahead of our HAL (lets be honest).. still don't have anywhere near a mature industry, let alone a combat proven jet with any sort of pedigree.. so good luck of the very much to Pakistan with flying chingchong-31 or whatever dragon but IAF looks all set maintain it's edge over them in the foreseeable future.
The F-16 by comparison has had few of it's problems solved in the past few years. One of it's greatest drawbacks the lack of a BVR capability was solved with the clearance of the AMRAAM for use on the F-16 but the second major problem of insufficient wing area on the F-16C has never been solved.

This is wrong the F-16 had the BVR Capability by the ability to fire the Sparrow it only lacked the Fire and Forget feature which solved by the ability to fire the AMRAAM
under-fuselage pylon stations holding up to 17,000 lb (7,700 kg) of payload/Rockets:4?-- LAU-61/LAU-68 rocket pods (each with 19?-- /7?-- Hydra 70 mm rockets, respectively) or 4?-- LAU-5003 rocket pods (each with 19?-- CRV7 70 mm rockets) or 4?-- LAU-10 rocket pods (each with 4?-- Zuni 127 mm rockets)

Rocket Pods on F-16s? Plz share Ur source of data and i hope its not Wiki Pedia. Seems people do not delete the 80s stuff from Wiki while updating it.
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