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Mianwali admin sets up fake medical camp like "Munna Bhai MBBS" to make PM a "mamoon"


Jan 24, 2008
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DAWN.COM | Front Page | Gilani makes it to Mianwali, displays his healing touch

Mianwali admin plays trick on prime minister

LAHORE: The local administration helped Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani display his hitherto hidden magical healing powers in flood-hit Mianwali on Wednesday, according to a footage aired by a private TV channel.

The prime minister, who had been wanting to visit the town and surrounding areas for a few days and was kept at bay by bad weather, finally managed to land in Mianwali on Wednesday afternoon. He made a general tour of the area, also using a boat, and then went to a medical camp set up at a government-run school where patients, gratitude writ large over their faces, greeted him.

The scenes must have been captured by the official TV which has recently been told to compensate for the lack of positive coverage that Prime Minister Gilani is said to be worried about. But no one would have imagined that the trip to the medical camp set up for the flood-affected people will lead to Mr Gilani’s emergence as a true messiah for the ailing humanity.

No sooner had the prime minister departed from the spot than when those who had set it up decided that the camp was no more needed.

According to the Geo TV report, the beds were removed from the makeshift treatment centre in the school and the patients discharged, apparently cured by the prime ministerial healing touch.

Each one of them was Rs5,000 richer which they had received from Mr Gilani under the head of flood compensation money.

The television channel took an unusually lenient view of the episode and blamed it on the local administration. The incident, however, has the potential of turning out to be a real public relationing blunder for the prime minister and his party.

In a chat with journalists on Tuesday, Mr Gilani had betrayed his concern about how the media was not highlighting the good work the federal government was putting in to relieve the sufferings of those affected by the worst floods in years.

In that talk, he had also defended President Asif Zardari’s visit to Europe at a time when many critics and political opponents said the country needed him so badly. The prime minister had categorically stated that the president was required to represent Pakistan’s interests abroad, indicating that he along with other members of the president’s team were at home to look after the country’s affairs.

In the event, the prime minister who has been treated with some respect by the media, unwittingly became a true substitute to the president. The friends in Mianwali who staged the vanishing act on Wednesday ensured that the daily prime time slot usually reserved for the president was ably filled by the prime minister.
Brave Administration of Mianwali.

Well, the PM obviously did not ask for a fake camp and did not realize that the district admin would set up such a hideous display and in his defence, he could not visit the areas the day before due to bad weather.

PM could not meet Mianwali flood victims due to bad weather
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
By our correspondent

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday could not land in Mianwali and had to return back to Islamabad because of approaching rough weather system of thick clouds and gusty winds.

The prime minister was supposed to visit and meet the flood affectees in Mianwali. However, the helicopter had to turn back a few miles away from the destination. The prime minister was accompanied by Minister for Water and Power Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Sumsam Ali Bokhari and Chairman National Disaster Management Authority Lt Gen (R) Nadeem Ahmed.

While coming back, the prime minister was able to take an aerial view of different areas affected by heavy rains. Earlier in the morning, the prime minister had to cancel his visit to the flood affected areas of Swat and Malakand because of bad weather.

The Metrological Office informed that the entire route was covered with clouds, and rough weather was expected later in the afternoon. On return to Islamabad, Prime Minister Gilani was briefed about the ongoing relief operations by the chairman NDMA.

He apprised the prime minister that NDMA in collaboration with all the relevant federal ministries and organisations including the armed forces is reaching out to the affected population despite broken roads and rough weather.

He informed that 35 helicopters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 10 in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan and 15 in Punjab are constantly flying to rescue people stranded in flood water, as well as in distribution of provisions including food (ready to eat) and medicines to the displaced persons.

The next stage after relief, he said, would be early recovery of all the civic facilities and infrastructure. Other than mobilising local resources, special folding bridges are being procured from UK to restore the communication network in different areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan, AJ&K, and Punjab.
How do we know the PM wasn't in on it?

Should we be doubting it?

But we should be happy for the media with all's it idiocracy, low ethics, biases and sell-outs does get this stuff to us and will reinforce transparency.

I must add that it was a hideous display just before this newsreport when the PM takes a boat ride across flooded areas and the boat has a chair covered in white cloth for him to sit on. Pathetic display of our elitism and VIP culture. Pissed me off since this is the personification of our elitist society.
This is hilarious ...lolz Our PM is well suited for a post in a Mohalla management committee but not the Prime minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan ... Zardari can't even run a Mohalla committee ... he will make a mess of it .
heard Zardari has bought a 300 acre property in England..Jai ho..
Gilani visit fake medical camp in flood relief areas in Mianwali and Munna bhai MBBS

By pakistan-blog on Aug 6, 2010 in Films Movies & Videos
Gilani visit fake medical camp in flood relief areas in Mianwali and Munna bhai MBBS

Gilani visit fake medical camp in flood relief areas in Mianwali and Munna bhai MBBS

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Tricked ( Fooled ) By Mianwali Admin, Setting Up Fake Medical Camp Like ” Munna Bhai MBBS ” To Make PM A ” Mamoon ” Thursday, August 05, 2010 Mianwali ( Punjab ) Pakistan : The administration here set up a dummy medical relief camp for flood victims at a school on Wednesday to please the visiting premier. The dummy camp had some ‘patients’ who received cheques of Rs 5000 each from Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Geo News reported Wednesday. However, all was wrapped up the moment Gilani left the “camp”. Later, Media visited the camp and found no patient there except empty cots which had been occupied by “patients” only a short while ago.

Gilani visit fake medical camp in flood relief areas in Mianwali and Munna bhai MBBS

By pakistan-blog on Aug 6, 2010 in Films Movies & Videos
Gilani visit fake medical camp in flood relief areas in Mianwali and Munna bhai MBBS

Gilani visit fake medical camp in flood relief areas in Mianwali and Munna bhai MBBS

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Tricked ( Fooled ) By Mianwali Admin, Setting Up Fake Medical Camp Like ” Munna Bhai MBBS ” To Make PM A ” Mamoon ” Thursday, August 05, 2010 Mianwali ( Punjab ) Pakistan : The administration here set up a dummy medical relief camp for flood victims at a school on Wednesday to please the visiting premier. The dummy camp had some ‘patients’ who received cheques of Rs 5000 each from Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Geo News reported Wednesday. However, all was wrapped up the moment Gilani left the “camp”. Later, Media visited the camp and found no patient there except empty cots which had been occupied by “patients” only a short while ago.


:sniper::sniper: i wanna kill them all
The same above video but a bit clear

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