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Mehsud offers unconditional surrender

In case you haven't noticed, Pakistan is on the verge of default. If the economy collapses, and Pakistan cannot pay its workers, which army is going to fight in FATA?

Any Army worth its salt will fight for patriotism to save ones Freedom. NOT Fighting the Taliban now would only embolden them. 10 years ago no would have tried to hold Chinese people as hostages in the centre of Pakistan but now they are ready to do it.

Any Army worth its salt will fight for patriotism to save ones Freedom. NOT Fighting the Taliban now would only embolden them. 10 years ago no would have tried to hold Chinese people as hostages in the centre of Pakistan but now they are ready to do it.


There will be no Army if the economy collapses and the people are starving. There is already widespread resentment that Pakistan is fighting an unjust US war which is the root of the terrorism and economic problems plaguing Pakistan.

Who is going to manufacture the ammunition and pay for it? Who is going to pay for the logistics and equipment needed? Who is going to pay for the training? Why would soldiers stay and fight in FATA when their families are starving at home because no one is getting paid? Most of all, this is an insurgency, and that means that without winning local support there will be no victory. How do you propose a bankrupt Pakistani state win local support when it has not even enough money to pay its army, and the Taliban with their billions in drug money pay more to their soldiers, and buy off the locals?

Get your head out of the clouds. This war cannot be prosecuted successfully by Pakistan unless there is a viable Pakistani State backing it. You have pushed yourself into a corner with your argument and are now making absurd points to continue justifying it.
There will be no Army if the economy collapses and the people are starving. There is already widespread resentment that Pakistan is fighting an unjust US war which is the root of the terrorism and economic problems plaguing Pakistan.

Who is going to manufacture the ammunition and pay for it? Who is going to pay for the logistics and equipment needed? Who is going to pay for the training? Why would soldiers stay and fight in FATA when their families are starving at home because no one is getting paid? Most of all, this is an insurgency, and that means that without winning local support there will be no victory. How do you propose a bankrupt Pakistani state win local support when it has not even enough money to pay its army, and the Taliban with their billions in drug money pay more to their soldiers, and buy off the locals?

Get your head out of the clouds. This war cannot be prosecuted successfully by Pakistan unless there is a viable Pakistani State backing it. You have pushed yourself into a corner with your argument and are now making absurd points to continue justifying it.

Sorry AM,

You are pushing yourself into a corner as Obama said India is not the main problem for you but the militants are.

The militants were grown by you for strategic depth in kashmir, FATA, Afghanistan etc. Pakistan has diverted USD billions to support the militants and match parity with India and is now in an economic mess. The militants are as big a threat to Pakistan as they are to the world.

Forget India for sometime and concentrate all your resources on the FATA and other borders with Afghanistan if you wish to save Pakistan in the present format otherwise let these areas go and allow Nato to enter there and finish the job.

Why would someone keep a gangarene arm if he does not have money to treat it ?

Sorry AM,

You are pushing yourself into a corner as Obama said India is not the main problem for you but the militants are.

The militants were grown by you for strategic depth in kashmir, FATA, Afghanistan etc. Pakistan has diverted USD billions to support the militants and match parity with India and is now in an economic mess. The militants are as big a threat to Pakistan as they are to the world.

Forget India for sometime and concentrate all your resources on the FATA and other borders with Afghanistan if you wish to save Pakistan in the present format otherwise let these areas go and allow Nato to enter there and finish the job.

Why would someone keep a gangarene arm if he does not have money to treat it ?


And now you are off on a tangent. Where did I say that India is a bigger threat? It is a threat, however, and therefore requires resources to be placed on the Eastern Front, hence my argument that the US should in fact apply pressure on restraining India that allows Pakistan to move resources to the West. In fact,some reports suggest that military resources have already been moved to the West, how much more is contingent on the threat level from India - that is where the US comes in.

My point remains, which you have chosen to skip entirely in your post, that this war cannot be prosecuted successfully by Pakistan unless there is a viable Pakistani State backing it. Pakistan is already struggling with the war at the level it is in FATA. To expand it significantly by acting against all Taliban factions raises the specter of the war becoming unmanageable, and Pakistan being destabilized to the point of collapsing, unless the US is able to relieve pressure on Pakistan through the policies I pointed out. You have offered not arguments as to how this pitfall is to be avoided.
And now you are off on a tangent. Where did I say that India is a bigger threat? It is a threat, however, and therefore requires resources to be placed on the Eastern Front, hence my argument that the US should in fact apply pressure on restraining India that allows Pakistan to move resources to the West. In fact,some reports suggest that military resources have already been moved to the West, how much more is contingent on the threat level from India - that is where the US comes in.

My point remains, which you have chosen to skip entirely in your post, that this war cannot be prosecuted successfully by Pakistan unless there is a viable Pakistani State backing it. Pakistan is already struggling with the war at the level it is in FATA. To expand it significantly by acting against all Taliban factions raises the specter of the war becoming unmanageable, and Pakistan being destabilized to the point of collapsing, unless the US is able to relieve pressure on Pakistan through the policies I pointed out. You have offered not arguments as to how this pitfall is to be avoided.

There is a very simple solution.

Hand over your part of disputed Kashmir to the UN. India will be shamed in the eyes of the world.

Make China give up its part too.

Once UN troops are stationed in your part of disputed Kashmir India dare not attack.

Move the extra troops to FATA Bajaur etc.

The money ur are using now to buy parity with India use it to fight the war on the Afghanistan border or let NATO enter these areas and do your dirty work.

There is a very simple solution.

Hand over your part of disputed Kashmir to the UN. India will be shamed in the eyes of the world.

Make China give up its part too.

Once UN troops are stationed in your part of disputed Kashmir India dare not attack.

Move the extra troops to FATA Bajaur etc.

The money ur are using now to buy parity with India use it to fight the war on the Afghanistan border or let NATO enter these areas and do your dirty work.


"Make China give up its part"? Seriously, again, get your head out of the clouds. The Israelis never cared for respecting UN troops and there is no reason to expect that India would. UN troops would wilt in the face of an assault from India, heck, the Dutch troops didn't even act to prevent a massacre.

India would probably not even have to fire a shot, the UN would just surrender as Indian tanks and troops rolled in. You are really reaching for higher and higher levels of absurdity. The only option here is to find a negotiated end to the Kashmir dispute, or to have the US pressure India to free up resources from the East.

Sorry, but you have offered absolutely nothing to explain how Pakistan is to offset the increased chaos that would result in simultaneously engaging all Taliban factions, and result in Pakistan being destabilized and its economy collapsing, as we see it is now.
One last point here.

Most of my arguments against increasing the scope of the military action in FATA are based on the assumption that the PA is stretched, and will not be able to control terrorist attacks from the areas under the control of breakaway Taliban factions. I am not aware of what sort of quid pro quo the PA has with the US Mil. Perhaps the PA does consider itself to be capable of handling the increased threat level with available resources. We shall find out I suppose.
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