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meet the Trump group's laser manufacturing facility in the US, the biggest in North America

Trumpf Group.

Trumpf is the original spelling. Trump is Trumpf anglicized.

In 1885, at age 16, Trump emigrated via Bremen, Germany, to the United States aboard the steamship Eider, departing on October 7[4]:32 and arriving at the Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot in New York City on October 19. U.S. immigration records list his name as "Friedrich Trumpf", last place of residence as "Kallstadt", country of birth as "Germany", and his occupation as "farmer".

Trumpf is the original spelling. Trump is Trumpf anglicized.

In 1885, at age 16, Trump emigrated via Bremen, Germany, to the United States aboard the steamship Eider, departing on October 7[4]:32 and arriving at the Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot in New York City on October 19. U.S. immigration records list his name as "Friedrich Trumpf", last place of residence as "Kallstadt", country of birth as "Germany", and his occupation as "farmer".


According to the Germans it was actually spelled "Drumpf" not "Trump" nor "Trumpf"


It doesn't matter anyway since he doesn't own The Trumpf group no matter how his name is spelled.
It was never Drumpf. That is a lie. It has always been Trumpf which is Trump anglicized. There is a company in my city called Stumpf.

Whether it is Drumpf or Trumpf what does it really have to do with the laser company? He doesn't own it and the company isn't exactly using him as a spokesman.
Whether it is Drumpf or Trumpf what does it really have to do with the laser company? He doesn't own it and the company isn't exactly using him as a spokesman.

It's the same family. The Trumpf family was established in the 1600s in Kallstadt.
German engineering is the best in the world. First jet fighter Me 262. First jet bomber Ar 234. First selective fire guns FG 42 and StG 44.

Ok...you summed up a lot of German American people's backgrounds. What makes Trump's so special?

I bet if you look in Germany during WW2 you could link Dwight Eisnehowers name to something in Germany. Of course he had nothing to do with it. In fact he probably ordered them to be bombed.
Ok...you summed up a lot of German people's backgrounds. What makes Trump's so special?

I bet if you look in Germany during WW2 you could link Dwight Eisnehowers name to something in Germany. Of course he had nothing to do with it. In fact he probably ordered them to be bombed.

Trump is German so he is smart. It's a gene mutation in the brain that makes machines. Chrysler, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hoover are all German.
Trump is German so he is smart. It's a gene mutation in the brain that makes machines. Chrysler, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hoover are all German.

Wow Germans are smart...what a revelation. The US used to have a very high percentage of German immigrants. That contributed very highly to all the technological advances made in the last 200 years. When WW2 broke out it was almost German against German basically seeing who could outsmart each other.

This isn't new.
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