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Meet the Arjun: The Tank That Took India 35 Years to Build

So cute see some one bothering about "milking" when his own nation is PRACTICALLY BANKRUPT. lol.

Regarding Military, Have you ever bothered to calculate the cost of SINGLE... SINGLE MILITARY project taken up by US , USSR and China which are Dumped / Abandoned at a later stage ?

Hint : Combine ALL Indian Projects .. their costs and still many of the "pilot" / "experimental" projects by these nations would have greater money poured.

The Irony being that you still have the audacity to speak with ZERO R & D base in your own country.

Its Like, India telling US that they are wasting money on F35 while we could build Marut in 70s.

Relax its just a propaganda article since now Indian army ditching FRCV and buying more Arjun & T-90s. Even PA is interested in how IA will use Arjun so ignore the rest. While we still have 3000+ medium weight category tanks.

And Old Post from 2011 :

An Interesting Comment ... if u Appreciate Arjun ... ( Yes its a piece of Openion by an Israeli )

#1 Arjun is getting massive Israeli help and NOT 6 as being reported in many places in media, but 8 rolled out recently. There are some Armour and rifling techniques which Isreal has taken from India as they were truly impressive. Other than that a lot of contribution from Israel. NO I CAN NOTprove this right now.

This is what i know after discussing Arjun with a high ranking scientist who is a member of the Foreign defense services board (rough translation from Hebrew) who have worked on Arjun for the last 9 months. I personally witnessed a really cool addition to the recent 8, it employs the exact same copy of the HW and SW as the Abrams self diagnostic system...not only does it tell you when the tank is not feeling well but also tells you which part.

there is also a battle management system deployed....the funniest part was how decked up the CO's Arjun was...the seats are amazing, even the Russian contingent (overpaid pricks) were emotionally moved to see the interior with all the widgets - and went the best capitalist tank (being sarc. and all)

...i think i will be able to SOMEDAY get pictures of the ARJUN M2 and let you folks see what i have seen...it a true comfort to drive that tank
I walk among diffrent circles compared to many out here on the forum and intend to build a reputation where people believe me without much fuss...

as i will not always be able to post links (actually i am too deep into defense to rely on media and links to prove myself). Anyway i am off to a hunting trip organised my some army chaps here in India..will defanately take pictures and post that

#2 You really will have a problem ...say in a desert coming close to this machine. This is a really good machine...the main gun beats the Merkava any day.

Bloody hell the shear energy at extended range in ft.lb delivered with the accuracy is truly astonishing...i personally think this main gun is a accidental find for Indian's. the saboy round penetrated the hull of a t-55 derelict then went through the second one behind it and the place where it pierced the sand dune had a formation of glass crystals around the sand.

I have an idea (to how the Pakistanis can get it)...when the crew falls to sleep driving this beast - due to its crew comfort...you could run to it and shove some tnt between the hull and the chaise

#3 I just saw the interior picture of Al khaled. You have a serious problem here. Is that a prototype or the finished product? I am serious , i really need to know this.

I truly hope that it is not a finished product. If it is, my god " the very Question that arjune is a better tank is a understatement. You have no idea what you have here lads. Even if the idea is a "will get the job done and cheap to produce" Al Khaled can be mass produced is the idea of Pakistani Armour....etc etc....WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?

Someone here tell me what is the purpose of Al-k...isit supposed to take on the inferior Indian tanks and put the t-80 against the arjun (still crazy - Russian admit it will eat the t-90) ok maybe its a attempt by Pakistan to atleast get hold of technologies to create a tank..etc etc
the nuts and bolts in alkhalid will kill the crew if a HESH round even nicked it. moreso the LR-APFSDS will cut like butter the armour....you guys better get some good reactive armour on this tiny thing. please any experts here..
i really wish to ask some questions on the al-khaled.

#4 Incidentally my father worked on a series of Merkava tanks (yes yes i am a Jew) i too graduated with honors in Armour. but right now in a slightly different objective in India. anyway i agree with you maneuver is imp.

BUT THEN AGAIN in all the discussion i have seen here maneuver is something gone a miss here. i havent driven a al -k but this arjun is as maneuverable as a Abram M2(spent a lot of my time with these tanks) ..no bloody difference, i dont know maybe al-khalid is much better compared to A-M2 in maneuver.

You will outrange it...by what 5000m from a reflexes Chinese copy of soviet projectile...do you think no one here thought of ATGM and countermeasure. This is the classified bit in electronics Israeli gave to Arjun. I am telling you buddy, someone better get serious about countering Arjun...its mere prototype passed direct hits from t-90 AP rounds (new round), it passed fragmented top attack munitions, You want to kill it.

a) you need to get it tracks off
b) in some way get the electronics off
c) hit it at less than 200 m from something like a Milan 3 repeatedly in hopefully the same area or
d)put a huge mine under it (has counter electronic to detect it...direct contribution from what is to be a Merkava 4 system)
e) i would have a serious debate going against this tank on a Merkava 3 and i am honors in armour and spent a few.

I think the brits will be very very interested in the armour these people have developed or even the rednecks....thats the level and quality you are looking at..

thats what you guys said about mkis and bisons...
USS Zumwalt.
We cant really name many as they had decades to build on their failures.

Indians have no faled projects because Indian project management do not know when to fail a project. As a result, you never know when a succrssful Indian project is a fsilire. In other countries, arjun and lca.are certain failures.
Arjun’s horsepower-to-weight ratio sank to a mediocre 22.5 to 1. The vehicle’s weight also means it cannot be used in Punjab and the northern deserts of India in India’s “Cold Start” offensive strategy against Pakistan.
So what's the point then to develop it if it can't be used against Pakistan
So cute see some one bothering about "milking" when his own nation is PRACTICALLY BANKRUPT. lol.

Regarding Military, Have you ever bothered to calculate the cost of SINGLE... SINGLE MILITARY project taken up by US , USSR and China which are Dumped / Abandoned at a later stage ?

Hint : Combine ALL Indian Projects .. their costs and still many of the "pilot" / "experimental" projects by these nations would have greater money poured.

The Irony being that you still have the audacity to speak with ZERO R & D base in your own country.

Its Like, India telling US that they are wasting money on F35 while we could build Marut in 70s.
Let us allow to bankrupt once while india did three times in history
Indians have no faled projects because Indian project management do not know when to fail a project. As a result, you never know when a succrssful Indian project is a fsilire. In other countries, arjun and lca.are certain failures.
It's a decadal project....nothing will fail, the development continues into the next decade. And they will still be saying LCA is state of the art in another 20 years. The project will be in perennial under development, why do u think their military got so pissed.
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