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As long as East India Company Army & its related power structure exists in its current form and strength, the people of Pakistan will never have any sense of sovereignty, dignity, peace or justice.

The Brits left this power structure in 1947 & the Americans after 1947 have maintained it for this very reason. This institution is the guarantor & enforcer of compliance of the local populace.

If we are banking on the good faith & decency of a general ( or a group of them ) to stand up and defend the rights & dignity of the people, then we are no different to the sheep in an abattoir.

The people of Pakistan can only have a sovereign state if they can somehow destroy this treacherous institution along with its power structure.
What happened in Pakistan, has striking similarity with the battle of plassey.

That time foreign master was Robert Clive, and this time Joe Biden.

Since I'm not Pakistan so probably I shouldn't go further , but at least the complains of Imran khan about the foreign conspiracy should be investigated; or at least when Imran Khan dissolved parliament, SC shouldn't declare it unconstitutional ( correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm not familiar with your constitution).

Specially all things happened after the brave speech of Mr Imran Khan and that is , "Kiya ham aapka ghulam hain, Jo aap chahein ham karlenge".

What a brave speech for a real hero. I doubt that any other people of this subcontinent can react such boldly as Imran Khan did.

He might be ousted from power of Pakistan but he now forever settle as a hero in every people's ( who have dignity) mind!

Imran khan no longer remains only a Pakistani, but he became a Hero of all people ( who have dignity) of this subcontinent!

Hats off Mr Imran Khan , the present days HERO of South Asia.
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Thank you.

People who don't understand the precise institutional heritage of the Pakistan Army continue to be surprised. If anybody cared to look slightly deeper into history, as you clearly have, it would emerge that our Army was not borne out of a resistance movement (like the IDF in Israel, for example) --- rather was inherited from the Imperial British Army.

And to understand this organization in its truest sense, one only has to examine how the Imperial British Army saw the land it was supposed to defend: as a colony and fiefdom, with primary responsibilities being the maintenance of order and control.

Today, is the rest of Pakistan anything but a colony of an unaccountable, omnipresent, and powerful deep state?

That’s exactly what it is.

The problem is cultural & deep rooted in our elites psychology. No body in power especially, & by extension the general public generally ( except the very down trodden classes & they do it because they don’t have another choice ) feels or sees themselves as the sons of the soil. They might profess it & might even believe they do, but they don’t. It stems from a sense of superiority over the locals, the original inhabitants, & to make matters worse the original inhabitants already had a very strong, clearly defined culture of class.
How many Syed’s do you see calling themselves Multani instead of Gilani ? Or Chakwali instead of Buhari ?
Raja’s, Maliks, Gujjars, Jutt, Ghilzai, Mughals, Balochis, you name it, all have a story to tell how great their ancestors were & feel a sense of superiority over the others. They all see themselves as the progeny of conquerers. They are all somehow Foreign. There is no real affinity to the land and for the people, especially amongst the ruling elite.
Hence the Brits found it so easy to build a mercenary army here.
It continues to be a mercenary Army.

It’s subconscious.

What happened in Pakistan, has striking similarity with the battle of plassey.

That time foreign master was Robert Clive, and this time Joe Biden.

Since I'm not Pakistan so probably I shouldn't go further , but at least the complains of Imran khan about the foreign conspiracy should be investigated; or at least when Imran Khan dissolved parliament, SC shouldn't declare it unconstitutional ( correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm not familiar with your constitution).

Specially all things happened after the brave speech of Mr Imran Khan and that is , "Kiya ham aapka ghulam hain, Jo aap chahein ham karlenge".

What a brave speech for a real hero. I doubt that any other people of this subcontinent can react such boldly as Imran Khan did.

He might be ousted from power of Pakistan but he now forever settle as a hero in every people's ( who have dignity) mind!

Imran khan no longer remains only a Pakistani, but he became a Hero of all people ( who have dignity) of this subcontinent!

Hats off Mr Imran Khan , the present days HERO of South Asia.

Robert Clive
was here long before he was actually here & has never left our land. He is still here, omnipresent & stronger than ever.
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