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McConnell blocks $2,000 stimulus checks, then ties them to unrelated Trump demands on tech and election


Mar 3, 2019
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McConnell blocks $2,000 stimulus checks, then ties them to unrelated Trump demands on tech and election


  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked an attempt by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to unanimously approve a House-passed bill to increase direct payments in the coronavirus relief package to $2,000 from $600.
  • McConnell later introduced a bill that would boost the size of the checks, repeal Section 230 legal liability protections for internet platforms and create a commission to study election issues.
  • Republicans including Georgia Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, who are running in crucial Jan. 5 runoffs that will determine control of the Senate, have expressed support for bigger checks.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday blocked Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s attempt to unanimously pass a bill to increase direct payments in the year-end coronavirus relief package to $2,000.

The Kentucky Republican later Tuesday introduced a bill that would boost the size of the checks to $2,000 from $600, repeal Section 230 legal liability protections for internet platforms and create a commission to study election issues. The bill would meet all of President Donald Trump’s recent demands, which are unrelated, but would not get Democratic support and become law.

Through the bill, Republicans would both avoid the act of actually passing $2,000 payments but allow GOP senators running for reelection in Georgia’s Jan. 5 runoffs to express support for Trump’s priorities.

In a statement Tuesday, Schumer said if McConnell “tries loading up” the bill “with unrelated, partisan provisions that will do absolutely nothing to help struggling families across the country,” larger direct payments would not become law.
“Any move like this by Sen. McConnell would be a blatant attempt to deprive Americans of a $2,000 survival check,” he said.
McConnell faces pressure to act after the House — with nearly all Democrats and a few dozen Republicans on board — voted Monday to increase the cash deposits to $2,000 from $600. Senate Republicans wary of spending more on pandemic aid are looking for a way to both meet the demands of a president who called the year-end coronavirus relief and funding bill a disgrace and hold on to their majority during races overshadowed by the crisis.

McConnell brought the chamber back this week with one major goal: overriding Trump’s veto of the annual National Defense Authorization Act. He has not yet committed to bringing the $2,000 payment bill up for a vote, and it is unclear now how one would take shape.

Still, Democrats tried to use the limited tools at their disposal to force a vote. Speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon, McConnell said he planned to set up a Wednesday vote on the veto override.

He outlined three priorities Trump said he wanted Congress to address when he signed the coronavirus relief and government spending bill into law Sunday: larger direct payments, Section 230 legal liability protections for internet platforms and unfounded concerns about widespread election fraud. He said that “this week, the Senate will begin a process to bring these three priorities into focus.”

Schumer then called for the Senate to vote on both the defense bill veto override and the $2,000 payments and “let the chips fall where they may.” When he asked for unanimous consent to increase the size of the checks, McConnell objected.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., then requested a vote on the larger payments after Wednesday’s vote on the National Defense Authorization Act. McConnell again objected. Then, Sanders followed through on his threat to delay consideration of the veto override by objecting to a Wednesday vote.

As the Senate needs unanimous support to move quickly on most issues, any one senator can grind activity to a halt if they choose. The chamber now likely will not vote on overruling the president on the defense bill until the new year. It could then move on to the stimulus checks legislation.

Trump escalated the pressure on Republicans to pass larger payments Tuesday afternoon. However, he indicated he would like to tie the relief to Section 230 reform and his desperate efforts to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s November victory. The president’s lawyers have repeatedly failed to prove systemic voter fraud cost him the election.

“Unless Republicans have a death wish, and it is also the right thing to do, they must approve the $2000 payments ASAP. $600 IS NOT ENOUGH!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Also, get rid of Section 230 - Don’t let Big Tech steal our Country, and don’t let the Democrats steal the Presidential Election. Get tough!”

If the full Senate considers stand-alone stimulus check legislation, all 48 Democrats and independents who caucus with them would likely vote for it. It would then need support from 12 of the chamber’s 52 Republicans. But a bill with the Section 230 and election provisions attached would lose many, if not all, Democrats.
The Treasury Department has said the $600 payments will start going out as soon as this week. If Congress approves the increase to $2,000, it will then be added to the original sum.

As some GOP senators opposed the $900 billion in spending in the latest relief package, they may not support adding $463 billion — the Joint Committee on Taxation’s cost estimate for increasing the checks to $2,000 — to the price tag. However, several Republicans such as Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue of Georgia have said they will back the $2,000 payments.
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) talks with reporters following the weekly Republican Senate conference meeting in the Mansfield Room at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, December 1, 2020.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) talks with reporters following the weekly Republican Senate conference meeting in the Mansfield Room at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, December 1, 2020.
Tom Williams | Reuters

In a tweet responding to Loeffler and Perdue’s support for bigger checks, Hawley said: “We have the votes. Let’s vote today.” He, like Sanders, said he would block consideration of the defense bill until the Senate votes on the $2,000 payments.

If the GOP would decide against holding a vote on bigger checks, it would have to defy the man who controls the Republican Party: Trump. He has repeatedly pushed for $2,000 payments since he threatened to veto the aid bill last week.

He said he wanted larger direct payments along with less foreign aid funding in the $1.4 trillion government funding package passed in tandem with the relief proposal. Trump relented and signed the legislation into law Sunday night, approving the pandemic aid and preventing a government shutdown.

Votes in the House on Monday show the GOP may have become more comfortable bucking Trump. Only 44 Republicans supported the $2,000 check legislation, while 130 GOP representatives voted against it. Republicans also joined Democrats in easily overriding Trump’s veto of the defense bill.

Sanders’ move to keep the Senate in Washington through the week could also hamper Loeffler and Perdue, the Georgia Republicans campaigning in crucial Jan. 5 runoff elections. If Democrats win both races — in which they have hammered the GOP senators for their response to the coronavirus — they will flip control of the Senate.
However, it is unclear if and when the two senators will return to Washington.

The Democrats running in those contests, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, have called the GOP senators’ coronavirus response inadequate and pushed them to support $2,000 payments. In Fox News interviews Tuesday, Loeffler and Perdue suggested they would back the larger checks.

“I’ve stood by the president 100% of the time. I’m proud to do that and I’ve said absolutely, we need to get relief to Americans now. And I will support that,” Loeffler said when asked if she would vote for the bill.

Perdue told Fox he is “delighted to support the president” in his push for $2,000 deposits.
On Twitter later, both fully endorsed the $2,000 payments.

Both had previously resisted efforts to send higher direct payments as part of the stimulus package.

The effort to boost the size of direct payments comes amid widespread concern about whether the rescue package went far enough to help Americans struggling to pay for housing and food. Congress failed for months to renew pandemic-era financial lifelines that expired over the summer as millions started to spiral into poverty.

Before he agreed to the $900 billion package, McConnell had pushed for about $500 billion in new spending. Democrats, meanwhile, called for at least $2.2 trillion in aid.

The compromise package the parties eventually reached includes $600 direct payments, half of what Congress passed in March as part of the CARES Act. It also adds a $300 federal unemployment insurance supplement, half of the enhanced payment Congress approved in March. The $600 weekly supplement for jobless Americans expired in July after lawmakers failed to renew it.

The new package includes $284 billion in forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans. It also extends a federal eviction moratorium through Jan. 31 and creates a $25 billion rental assistance fund.
The bill puts more than $8 billion into Covid-19 vaccine distribution and more than $20 billion into providing it to Americans for free.

It also includes $82 billion in education funding and $45 billion for transportation. It left out any aid for state and local governments struggling as the pandemic drags on.
— CNBC’s Hannah Miao contributed to this report

This same guy wants USA to continue spending trillions on low relevance wars in the ME. Its idiots like McConnell that have ruined the USA. Spending on meaningless wars is fine but spending on Americans is welfare and bad.:cuckoo:
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Moscow Mitch back at ya!

Look at this moron. Lets keep the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan going......socialism for defense contractors :lol: . Trillions on wars is OK but a few hundred billion spent on Americans (money that will trickle through the economy regardless of who gets it) is an evil thing. I bet a large chunk of Kentucky's GDP comes from defense spending:coffee:.

Moscow Mitch is spot on. This fool would be at home on the USSR's politburo. He would probably devote 50% of the USA's GDP on defense like the Soviets did if he could. Focusing on defense spending above all else is why the soviets failed. There are many idiots in the USA that want to go the same direction.

In order to make the USA great again you have to remove dumb fossils like this guy from key positions of power. Don't think they will be voted out anytime soon, sad to say.
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Look at this moron. Lets keep the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan going......socialism for defense contractors :lol: . Trillions on wars is OK but a few hundred billion spent on Americans (money that will trickle through the economy regardless of who gets it) is an evil thing. I bet a large chunk of Kentucky's GDP comes from defense spending:coffee:.

Moscow Mitch is spot on. This fool would be at home on the USSR's politburo. He would probably devote 50% of the USA's GDP on defense like the Soviets did if he could. Focusing on defense spending above all else is why the soviets failed. There many idiots in the USA that want to go the same direction.

In order to make the USA great again you have to remove dumb fossils like this guy from key positions of power. Don't think they will be voted out anytime soon, sad to say.

Establishment of both parties will always ruin everything.

Wokies are so anti-Trump that they actually became pro-war

People can't even pay rent or get food on the table, but Moscow Mitch is so corrupt he has to bend over to his masters regardless.

America is screwwwwwwed
Establishment of both parties will always ruin everything.

Wokies are so anti-Trump that they actually became pro-war

People can't even pay rent or get food on the table, but Moscow Mitch is so corrupt he has to bend over to his masters regardless.

America is screwwwwwwed

It doesn't matter if you take the blue pill (Democrats) or the red pill (Republicans). Granting the illusion of choice is how the machines (special interests) control the humans (masses). Both parties bow to the same masters despite what the media circus says. The media circus just the modern version of opium for the masses. Rome had coliseum. Middle ages had religion. Modern democracies have the the media circus.

The Obama administration ignored requests to replenish and boost National stockpile of masks, ventilators, and other medical supplies yet spent tremendous amounts of money on the war in Afghanistan. Ironic in many ways.

Biden should look more to Bill Clinton and the 90's as role model. USA stayed far away from major foreign conflicts, cut defense spending, invested in civilian technology and infrastructure (internet, cellular systems etc). USA boomed economically in the 90's.

I'm not very optimistic the special interests won't wreck things. The swamp can not be drained.
View attachment 702442

It doesn't matter if you take the blue pill (Democrats) or the red pill (Republicans). Granting the illusion of choice is how the machines (special interests) control the humans (masses). Both parties bow to the same masters despite what the media circus says. The media circus just the modern version of opium for the masses. Rome had coliseum. Middle ages had religion. Modern democracies have the the media circus.

The Obama administration ignored requests to replenish and boost National stockpile of masks, ventilators, and other medical supplies yet spent tremendous amounts of money on the war in Afghanistan. Ironic in many ways.

Biden should look more to Bill Clinton and the 90's as role model. USA stayed far away from major foreign conflicts, cut defense spending, invested in civilian technology and infrastructure (internet, cellular systems etc). USA boomed economically in the 90's.

I'm not very optimistic the special interests won't wreck things. The swamp can not be drained.

Bill Clinton was the root of the 2009 financial crisis. He repealed Glass-Seagal, cut welfare, and packed prisons. We needed Bernie Sanders, however, the media machine will never let that happen. It doesn't matter who is at the executive position, but voting local elections can help change domestic stuff, somewhat.
Bill Clinton was the root of the 2009 financial crisis. He repealed Glass-Seagal, cut welfare, and packed prisons. We needed Bernie Sanders, however, the media machine will never let that happen. It doesn't matter who is at the executive position, but voting local elections can help change domestic stuff, somewhat.
IMO importance of Glass–Steagall to 2009 financial crisis is an exaggeration. Bigger factors were stupid bankers and real estate speculators that thought housing prices could never go down. Plus the federal reserve kept interest rates low for too long.

Bernie Sanders would cause a rebellion in the red states. In the 90's, Clinton managed to work with a republican's so he is the best role model president for the USA today.
IMO importance of Glass–Steagall to 2009 financial crisis is an exaggeration. Bigger factors were stupid bankers and real estate speculators that thought housing prices could never go down. Plus the federal reserve kept interest rates low for too long.

Bernie Sanders would cause a rebellion in the red states. In the 90's, Clinton managed to work with a republican's so he is the best role model president for the USA today.

True. I was originally a Bernie supporter, if it wasn't for corona I would've voted Trump.
predicted weeks ago that congress would try to steal the Nov elections. Pence is gonna attempt to over-turn the electoral college vote. What they do is what the UK did with Huawei, faux support for Hauwei, then bans. Pence has faux support for electoral college, then switches sides, and CNN is shocked. Psy-ops.

Republicans are chimping out. Now McConnell is chimping out too.
predicted weeks ago that congress would try to steal the Nov elections. Pence is gonna attempt to over-turn the electoral college vote. What they do is what the UK did with Huawei, faux support for Hauwei, then bans. Pence has faux support for electoral college, then switches sides, and CNN is shocked. Psy-ops.

Republicans are chimping out. Now McConnell is chimping out too.
Republican's can only hold any national power in the senate going forward if current trends continue. Both parties report to the same masters, the only difference is that the republicans want a government run by white men. Dems are more open to giving minorities and women a seat as well. This current drama is the last gasps of the traditional republican order. If DC and Puerto Rico become new states, then republican's will lose any hope in the senate as well. :pop:

Look at this moron. Lets keep the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan going......socialism for defense contractors :lol: . Trillions on wars is OK but a few hundred billion spent on Americans (money that will trickle through the economy regardless of who gets it) is an evil thing. I bet a large chunk of Kentucky's GDP comes from defense spending:coffee:.

Moscow Mitch is spot on. This fool would be at home on the USSR's politburo. He would probably devote 50% of the USA's GDP on defense like the Soviets did if he could. Focusing on defense spending above all else is why the soviets failed. There are many idiots in the USA that want to go the same direction.

In order to make the USA great again you have to remove dumb fossils like this guy from key positions of power. Don't think they will be voted out anytime soon, sad to say.

Dont you worry. If he is removed, another as*hole will take his place. This whole American Empire is rotten and needs to be pulled down if peace is to prevail in the world.
predicted weeks ago that congress would try to steal the Nov elections. Pence is gonna attempt to over-turn the electoral college vote. What they do is what the UK did with Huawei, faux support for Hauwei, then bans. Pence has faux support for electoral college, then switches sides, and CNN is shocked. Psy-ops.

Republicans are chimping out. Now McConnell is chimping out too.

Called it.

Nobody, except me and the intelligent knows how these individuals operate. They do psy-ops, UK says they support Huawei and China, then oppose Huawei to start the snowball to gain anti-Huawei support from those who do support Huawei. It is the classic '"good" cop'/'bad cop'. The "good cop" was never on your side. Australia is never on China's side. UK is never on China's side, except with somebody like Corbyn. UK and US are going to have the same goals. Even if it was like Pence who for weeks hid true intentions. While CNN painted Pence as an anti-trumper.
Called it.

Nobody, except me and the intelligent knows how these individuals operate. They do psy-ops, UK says they support Huawei and China, then oppose Huawei to start the snowball to gain anti-Huawei support from those who do support Huawei. It is the classic '"good" cop'/'bad cop'. The "good cop" was never on your side. Australia is never on China's side. UK is never on China's side, except with somebody like Corbyn. UK and US are going to have the same goals. Even if it was like Pence who for weeks hid true intentions. While CNN painted Pence as an anti-trumper.
These clowns will go nowhere with this. Cruz and the other younger senators are just positioning themselves to take Trump supporters in the next presidential election. Its part of the media circus and opium for the masses.

Republicans want to blame USA problems on brown and Asian peoples to hide their bad policies from debate. Its simple identity/blame other politics that works in many democracies. China has become a scapegoat for bad policies in the democracies.
Mitch McConnell Will Lose Control Of The Senate As Democrats Have Swept The Georgia Runoffs
Democrats will control both chambers of Congress plus the White House, giving President-elect Joe Biden the chance to enact his agenda.
Reporting From
Washington, DC
Posted on January 6, 2021, at 8:17 a.m. ET
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Mitch McConnell frowns

Xinhua News Agency / Getty Images

WASHINGTON — Democrats have won control of the Senate after winning two runoff elections in Georgia Tuesday. Those victories will end six years of Republican Senate control under Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock defeated Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, respectively, on Tuesday night, becoming the first Democrats to represent the state in the Senate since 2000.

The victories bring Democrats up to 50 seats in the chamber, tied with the 50 seats held by Republicans. But incoming vice president Kamala Harris casts the tiebreaking vote, giving Democrats the power to take control. Democrats will control both chambers of Congress as well as the White House, a level of power the party hasn’t held since the start of 2011 under then-president Barack Obama.

Senate control is pivotal for President-elect Joe Biden’s chances to enact his agenda because he no longer has to go through McConnell. Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the current Senate minority leader, is expected to take over as majority leader. It is a massively powerful role, as the majority leader controls the floor schedule and can cause or block votes on any piece of legislation.

“It feels like a brand new day," said Schumer in a statement Wednesday morning. "For the first time in six years, Democrats will operate a majority in the United States Senate — and that will be very good for the American people."

Schumer promised to pass "bold change" and to address the COVID pandemic that is causing around 200,000 new confirmed cases each day. "Help is on the way," he said.

Neither Loeffler nor Perdue has yet conceded their race. Perdue released a statement promising to "exhaust every legal recourse" to ensure votes are properly counted. Speaking to supporters shortly after midnight, Loeffler called her race "a game of inches" in which she would eventually come out on top.

"There are a lot of votes out there, as y'all know, and we have a path to victory and we're staying on it," she said.

McConnell used his power as majority leader to great effect, stonewalling bills passed in the House by both Democrats and Republicans. Rather than vote down those bills in the Senate, McConnell simply ignored them, never letting them go to a vote. Over the four years of Trump’s term, McConnell’s Senate has hardly passed any substantial legislation, despite Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress for the first two of those years. A Republican tax cut bill in 2017 and a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill in 2018 were among the rare exceptions.

Instead, McConnell focused on confirming conservative judges. He was able to confirm 218 federal judges to lifetime appointments under Trump, including three Supreme Court justices. “A lot of what we’ve done over the past four years will be undone, sooner or later, by the next election,” McConnell said last month during the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. “They won’t be able to do much about this for a long time to come.”

McConnell’s disinterest in passing legislation enraged Democrats — and also drew frustration from some Republicans in the House and the Senate.

Aside from failing to repeal Obamacare after years of promising to do so, high-profile, bipartisan efforts on gun control, immigration, and healthcare all ended up dying on the floor of the Senate. McConnell also presided over two significant government shutdowns, including the longest federal shutdown in US history from December 2018 to January 2019.

Democrats will be under intense pressure to do away with the legislative filibuster, which requires 60 votes to actually get to a vote on a bill. The filibuster means Democrats will need to get at least 10 Republicans to support any bill they want to pass.

Democrats could do away with the filibuster with a simple majority vote. But their narrow margin of power means every single Democratic senator (plus the vice president) would need to support the move. That is unlikely to happen. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin has publicly sworn that he will not vote to end the filibuster.

Still, Democrats will have one chance per year to bypass Republicans altogether and try to pass major legislation. Each year the Senate can pass a budget reconciliation bill, which is exempt from the filibuster and only needs a majority to pass. In theory, these bills need to pertain to the federal budget, but that can be interpreted widely. Republicans tried to use a budget reconciliation bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, only to fail to gain 50 Republican votes.

The Georgia results give Biden’s ability to tackle the climate crisis, one of his priorities, a big boost. The new Senate opens the door to raising spending, whether it relates to the federal budget or the next coronavirus aid package, on climate, resiliency, and environmental justice efforts. There’s also now a greater chance that Congress confirms Biden’s environmental appointees.

But the incoming administration still faces an uphill battle in passing any new, bold climate laws, the kind needed to meet Biden’s goal of dramatically cutting climate pollution from the transportation, buildings, and energy sectors in the coming decades.


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