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McCain groupie: Wipe out Islam


Aug 14, 2007
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This article really made me wonder as to the effect religious sentiment has, conscious and subconscious, on the morale, minds and sentiments of US soldiers signing up for the war on terror. As far as I know all US soldiers are volunteers who supposedly sign up for the sake of money, educational assistance, career enhancement and aquisition of discipline. The negatives would be the occasional amputation or rare combat death but I never really thought that much about the part religious sentiment plays in the mind of the US soldier. Now question is, since the troops in Afghanistan are about to be doubled and some troops may very soon be coming to Western Pakistan then the casualty rate of US troops might start to approach those of the vietnam era.

Now obviously in Afghanistan today the vast majority of taliban militants opposing US/NATO troops are consciously and subconsciously battling US soldiers whilst imagining they are in a religious crusade whereas to the best of my knowledge this was NOT the case on the US side, at least not initially. But if the war on terror drags on for decades and perhaps more than a century as Bush "promised" everyone then my thoughts are will the mindset of the American soldier change, especially if casualty and mortality rates rise? Will only the religious crusaders be left fighting on the US side for the most part in a few decades?

And also, isn't McCain supposed to be pro-pakistani while the dems are more pro-invasion? I know some people have said both dems and reps answer only to top pentagon planners but I always thought even then it was democrats who were more pro-invasion. How can McCain be so good for pakistan if these are the kind of nutjobs who support him? Or maybe McCain just has to put up with these kind of fanatics because he just has to, as a republican?

McCain advisor: Destroy Islam
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:26:56
John McCain (L) and Rod Parsley
Televangelist Rod Parsley, a key McCain ally in Ohio and his spiritual adviser, has called for eradicating Islam as a 'false religion'.

Senator John McCain hailed Parsley, as the Ohio megachurch pastor called upon Christians to wage a "war" against Islam to destroy it.

On February 26, McCain appeared at a campaign rally in Cincinnati with Reverend Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church of Columbus. During the rally McCain called the evangelical minister a "spiritual guide."

The leader of a 12,000-member congregation, Parsley has written several books outlining his fundamentalist religious outlook.

Parsley in his book "The 2005 Silent No More" in a chapter titled "Islam: The Deception of Allah," warns there is a "war between Islam and Christian civilization."
He also calls Islam an "anti-Christ religion", urging the US to launch a new crusade to eradicate Islam.

In the past Parsley's church has been accused of engaging in pro-Republican partisan activities in violation of its tax-exempt status.

McCain's relationship with Parsley is politically significant. In 2004, Parsley's church was credited with driving Christian fundamentalist voters to the polls for George W. Bush.


Press TV - McCain advisor: Destroy Islam
'Magic is over' for U.S., says French foreign minister

Bernard Kouchner, the foreign minister of France and a longtime humanitarian, diplomatic and political activist on the international scene, says that whoever succeeds President George W. Bush may restore something of the United States' battered image and standing overseas, but that "the magic is over."

In a wide-ranging conversation with Roger Cohen of the International Herald Tribune at the launch of a Forum for New Diplomacy in Paris, Kouchner on Tuesday also held out the hope of talking with Hamas, the Palestinian faction that rules the Gaza Strip but has been ostracized by the West and by its Palestinian rival, Fatah, because it opposes peace talks with Israel and denies that Israel has a right to exist.

Asked whether the United States could repair the damage it has suffered to its reputation during the Bush presidency and especially since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Kouchner replied, "It will never be as it was before."

"I think the magic is over," he continued, in what amounted to a sober assessment from one of the strongest supporters in France of the United States.

U.S. military supremacy endures, Kouchner noted, and the new president "will decide what to do - there are many means to re-establish the image." But even that, he predicted, "will take time."

Kouchner began the 90-minute event with a speech that emphasized that "there is not just a new diplomacy; there is a new world."

To those intimidated by or fearful of what seem to be the rising challenges of globalization, climate change, spreading disease or new technology, Kouchner had a simple message: "The great difficulty is to accept this new world."

"There are not more problems - please, have a little memory - than 35 years ago," he said, recalling how, in 1971, he co-founded Médecins Sans Frontières in response to the horrors of the conflict in Nigeria over Biafra.

The challenges may be daunting, he said, noting for instance that the world had decided to act to curb the AIDS epidemic, but asking, "Can we take charge of all the other diseases? I'm not sure."

Some of the most persistent diplomatic challenges emanate from the Middle East, and Kouchner was asked about approaches to Iran, whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called for the destruction of Israel, or to Hamas, which has the same stated goal.

Kouchner and other European diplomats have tried to talk Iran out of its controversial nuclear program, but officially rejected all contacts with Hamas, which is listed as a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union. Asked whether there is a way to engage Hamas, which is supported by a significant minority of Palestinians, Kouchner appeared to hold out hope of contact, saying: "I'm looking for a diplomatic way to say yes."

He then carefully couched this statement by noting that, in general, "we have to talk with our enemies," and that Fatah, which controls the West Bank, "always said they were in favor" of unity talks with Hamas. But after Hamas routed Fatah forces from Gaza in June, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, has refused to deal with Hamas, which he accused of committing a coup. Kouchner, of the Socialist left in France, stirred controversy when he accepted the offer from President Nicolas Sarkozy, leader of the Gaullist center-right, to join his government last May.

At the end of the conversation, held in a glittering hall at the Académie Diplomatique Internationale, the IHT's partner in the new diplomatic forum, Kouchner denied that his activism had been curbed by the need to run the resplendent Foreign Ministry on the Quai d'Orsay and France's large diplomatic machinery around the world.

But he conceded that practicing the new diplomacy - which he defined as being action that is more practical, multifaceted and realistic than mere protocol calls and visits - "is very difficult, and very time-consuming."
McCain’s ‘spiritual adviser’ an Islam basher

* Parsley claims Islam ‘responsible for more pain, more bloodshed, and more devastation’ than nearly any other force

By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: Senator John McCain has expressed admiration for an Ohio pastor who has called upon Christians to wage a “war” against the “false religion” of Islam with the aim of destroying it, according to a published report.

Mother Jones, a liberal journal, writes that on February 26, McCain appeared at a campaign rally in Cincinnati with the Reverend Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church of Columbus, a big Pentecostal institution that features a 5,200-seat auditoriam, a television studio and a 122,000-square feet Ministry Activity Centre. That day, a week before the Ohio primary, Parsley praised the Republican presidential front-runner as a “strong, true, consistent conservative”.

McCain, with Parsley by his side at the Cincinnati rally, called the evangelical minister a “spiritual guide”. The leader of a 12,000-member congregation, Parsley has written several books outlining his fundamentalist religious outlook. He also attacks Islam.

In a chapter titled “Islam: The Deception of Allah”, Parsley warns there is a “war between Islam and Christian civilisation”. He writes, “I cannot tell you how important it is that we understand the true nature of Islam, that we see it for what it really is. In fact, I will tell you this: I do not believe our country can truly fulfil its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam. I know that this statement sounds extreme, but I do not shrink from its implications. The fact is that America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed, and I believe September 11, 2001, was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore.”

He also believes that Christopher Columbus had also sailed to the New World in 1492 for the same purpose.

Responsible: He urges his readers to realise that a confrontation between Christianity and Islam is unavoidable: “We find now we have no choice. The time has come. We may already be losing the battle. As I scan the world, I find that Islam is responsible for more pain, more bloodshed, and more devastation than nearly any other force on earth at this moment.” He also blasphemes against the holy Prophet (PBUH). He maintains that Islam wants to conquer the world. He also maintains that America is a Christian nation.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Did you guys know the word "cover" actually came from the Arabic word "Kafir"?

The "Kafir" are in fact those who 'cover the truth'...and if you want to know who the "Kafir" are...don't look at average non-Muslims, but rather statements like this:
“We find now we have no choice. The time has come. We may already be losing the battle. As I scan the world, I find that Islam is responsible for more pain, more bloodshed, and more devastation than nearly any other force on earth at this moment.”
These are the enemies we should be fighting. What is the "truth" that is being covered in the above statement?? Good old modern-era colonialism...their own crimes against humanity - i.e. wiping out North American natives, enslaving blacks, lynching, bombing and nuking, etc.
Alhamdurilah this heralds the defeat and destructon of america.
The guy is a televangelist, what can be expected of him. This guy's views are not shared by the vast majority of Americans. People like Rod Parsely are also in favor of amending the US constitution to make it abide by the bible. They want to outlaw gay marriage and pre-martial sex. They are, in every sense of the word, religious fanatics.

Recently Barack Obama's spiritual guide's comments in the past have come to light. Obama's religious church guy said soon after 9/11 that America deserved the terrorist attack because of it's treatment of blacks in the past and it's support for Israel. He said very provacative things like "Damn you America" and he hoped that such attacks would continue until America changed.

What we see here is two extremists on the opposite end of the spectrum. One blames Islam for everything, the other blames America for everything.

Journalists love to play up something like this, but the truth is politicians try to distance themselves from such remarks whenever they are made by people connected to them. McCain is pro-Pakistan, even if his advisers may not be pro-Islam. Personally, I don't care if he bombs Iran, as long as Pakistan is reaping the benefits.
It shows that the democracy in USA is just a farce.There is nothing like Republicans and democrats.There is only one power PENTAGON which decides every thing.The freemasons,the New world order followers,Evangelicals,Neo cons,Zionists have it all.
i think behind all this is the jew loby ....

All part of Western propaganda against Islam. They can say all they want about Islam, they can curse at our religion, insult our porfit, but when Iran's President Ahmdinajad questions the Holocaust he is condemmed world wide.
The two faces of John McCain

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
By Linda S Heard

The thought of a McCain presidency is enough to give me indigestion. I just can’t swallow the image of a humble nice guy. You might be tempted to respond, “Well, since you’re not American why should you worry?” Fact is, I’ve learned my lesson.

When George W Bush was elected in 2000, I took one look, shrugged my shoulders and thought that’s their problem. A Wild West Afghanistan, a devastated Iraq, a broken Lebanon and a divided and bleeding Palestine have elicited a change of heart.

When a US president sneezes this region gets pneumonia. And I suspect that if McCain wins the top job we’re going to require a hefty dose of antibiotics.

Bush’s legacy of futile wars and a failed economy should mean the next election is the Democrats to lose. A Democrat in the next White House should be a slam dunk to borrow a phrase from former CIA Director George Tenet.

But is it really when Hillary Clinton has a likeability deficit and the establishment innuendo-laden knives are out to get Barack Obama currently distancing himself from his “racially divisive” pastor?

It wasn’t so long ago that McCain’s candidacy seemed washed up. He had little support and almost no funds. At that time, the former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was riding high. McCain’s miraculous resurgence just goes to prove the fickleness of the voting public. And this is what concerns me.

I’m even more concerned about John McCain’s seeming fickleness or to use election-speak flip-flopping. Over the years, he’s flip-flopped over his support for Bush and he’s flip-flopped over torture.

McCain, a war hero, was tortured by the Vietnamese and thereafter campaigned against it. Yet, he supports the President’s use of veto to prevent the passing of a bill outlawing water-boarding while at the same time admitting unequivocally that water-boarding is, indeed, torture.

What’s particularly confusing is that the youthful McCain was remarkably principled. How many prisoners of war would refuse the opportunity of being sent home unless his incarcerated compatriots were allowed to be repatriated along with him?

McCain did and for that he should be commended. And he was with Silver and Bronze Stars, a Purple Heart, a Distinguished Flying Cross as well as the Legion of Merit.

It takes an exceptional and iron-willed human being to reject preferential treatment for the honour of standing - or in McCain’s case being brutally tortured - with one’s comrades in arms.

Weak with dysentery, McCain was beaten until he publicly confessed to being an “air pirate”, an admission he was later to regret as having been dishonourable while admitting that every man has a breaking point and at that time he had reached his own.

That McCain I like. That was someone who was strong, loyal and willing to make the ultimate personal sacrifice for his country; just the kind of traits a good president should possess.

But the McCain currently beating a path to the Oval Office seems to have lost his way. When just about everyone of normal intelligence knows the invasion of Iraq was a blunder, McCain not only supports it but he now says if American troops stay in country for the next 100 years that would be fine with him.

You can find him on YouTube singing “Bomb, bomb Iran”, categorising Tehran as a member of Bush’s “Axis of Evil” and asking “When do we send an airmail message to Tehran?”

Just as disconcerting is his unwillingness to renounce an endorsement by Televangelist Rod Parsley; the preacher McCain has described as his “spiritual guide”.

Parsley, who leads a Pentecostal congregation of over 12,000, is an Islamophobe who has called for what he calls “the false religion” to be eradicated. In his book Parsley writes “I do not believe our country can truly fulfil its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam”.

McCain has similarly refused to reject an endorsement from another evangelical Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, who has launched a war on the Catholic Church labelling it “the anti-Christ” and an “Apostate church”. Lastly, McCain’s hardline pro-Israel stance doesn’t bode well for peace in the Middle East any time soon.

Speaking at a reception given by the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs after receiving the Distinguished Service Award, McCain said this: “No American leader should insist that Israel negotiate a political settlement while terrorism remains its adversaries’ favoured bargaining tool.”

McCain’s calm, affable exterior belies his legendary explosive temper, and we can only speculate on what other negatives lurk beneath the surface.

One thing is certain. A McCain presidency will equate to more of the same or worse.

Torture has a way of scarring the souls of even the nicest people while according to the poet Walter Savage Lander “ambition is but avarice on stilts and masked”.

Together they make a lethal combination to which it’s possible that a once decent man has fallen victim. I may be wrong but during these times of worldwide turmoil this is time for certitude not a throw of the dice. —GN

The two faces of John McCain
They are welcome to try, forces equal to them, perhaps even greater than them in the past have tried and failed.
I wonder if US policy makers will take this Pastor to be their voice!

Such oddities interest and are best consigned to the dustbin of history!
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