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MBS meets AIPAC, anti-BDS leaders during US visit

Is MBS being too desperate for recognition by Western socio-political elites?

  • The guy is a puppet, he does have the freedom to be desperate or to do anything.

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  • He is just playing it smart ......for the throne.

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Jan 2, 2012
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MBS meets AIPAC, anti-BDS leaders during US visit


Leaked itinerary shows MBS has met leaders of several right-wing Jewish organisations during ongoing US tour.

Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, known as MBS, has met leaders from a number of right-wing Jewish organisations during his tour of the United States.

The groups, which have donated millions to illegal settlement building and the fight against BDS (the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, include officials from AIPAC, Stand Up for Israel (ADL) and the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA).

According to a leaked copy of his itinerary, Haaretz reported that MBS also met with leaders from the Conference of Presidents, B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Committee (AJC)

AIPAC, ADL and the JFNA have long targeted BDS, a non-violent movement that seeks to economically pressure Israel into providing equal rights and a right of return to Palestinians.

Some of the pro-Israel US groups have spent millions in lobbying for the Combating BDS Act, a bill that seeks to stifle BDS.

Meanwhile, JFNA gave almost $6m to illegal Israeli settlements between 2012 and 2015.

JFNA supports a number of settlements over the Green Line (the border separating pre-1967 Israel from the Occupied Palestinian Territories), and helps families of Jews suspected or convicted of violence against Palestinians.

'Pro-Israelis guard Washington'
While Saudi Arabia does not officially recognise Israel, analysts have repeatedly said the overtures by MBS signal a warming of ties between the two countries.

Mahjoob Zweiri, the director of the Gulf Studies Programme at Qatar University, said the MBS visit was "a PR campaign aimed to represent a new face of the kingdom to the US, one that was flexible and willing to change".

"There was an old understanding from Arab leaders that the gates for Washington, DC are guarded by pro-Israeli leaders. This includes business leaders, groups such as AIPAC and others linked to Israel," Zweiri told Al Jazeera.

"MBS is following that trend, he's trying to court the US and show them that he supports their plan for Israel-Palestine and their decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

"Another dimension is that when Republicans are in power, it's widely believed they have closer ties to Israel and the Israeli agenda.

"US President Donald Trump's 'deal of the century,' which recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, could also see a normalising of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and force the Palestinians to agree to Israeli demands."

As part of his two-week tour, MBS has already met Bill and Hillary Clinton, Senator Chuck Schumer, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

He is expected to meet Oprah Winfrey, a media mogul and major opinion-maker in the US in the coming days.

Other notable media meetings include dinner with Rupert Murdoch, CIA director and soon to be Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Vice President Mike Pence, Defence Secretary James Mattis and Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
This shameless clown is also meeting Oprah Winfrey and Rupet Murdoch. He is really desperate for western recognition and doing some serious western zionazi boot licking.

@PaklovesTurkiye @Iqbal Ali @war&peace @Psychic @Khafee @Apprentice @Banglar Bir @dsr478 @Zarvan @AUz @Dai Toruko @Verve @HAKIKAT @Arsalan @Samlee @Max @Khafee @jamal18 @Narendra Trump @mb444 @Mirzah @shah_123 @Avicenna
@Meengla @Lagay Raho @Dawood Ibrahim @simple Brain @Malik Abdullah @Mrc @Fledgingwings @tesla @Timur
Take notes gents. I am impressed how MBS is changing the Saudi policies. He managed to quash any internal dissension and has changed his country's position on long standing issues. The middle east is beginning to be even more interesting than before.
I want our leaders in Pak to do the same. Show some balls and make Pakistan great again!!

Both countries are completely on the opposite side of the spectrum. One is an oil rich money spinning kingdom while the other is can't go five years without either political or economic turmoil. We'll show balls when are we are internally strong. And I do not see that happening in the next 10 years.
Both countries are completely on the opposite side of the spectrum. One is an oil rich money spinning kingdom while the other is can't go five years without either political or economic turmoil. We'll show balls when are we are internally strong. And I do not see that happening in the next 10 years.
How did South Korea become great? Japan? Both are not gas/oil producing countries. They both became great due to new concepts introduced by American manufacturing industrialists. Concepts such as lean processing, six sigma, etc. I work in IT and every IT job here in US is filled with Indians, many of them don’t even have programming degrees. They learn IT concepts and java/c# skills in technical schools and get american Jobs there in India or get sponsored to come to US. The stuff they do even a child in Pak can learn. Pak can become the next IT hub and IT export hub only if we had smart people like MBS as leaders. It’s not hard to make the change. People in PAK are hard working people they just need the tools for the change.
How did South Korea become great? Japan? Both are not gas/oil producing countries. They both became great due to new concepts introduced by American manufacturing industrialists. Concepts such as lean processing, six sigma, etc. I work in IT and every IT job here in US is filled with Indians, many of them don’t even have programming degrees. They learn IT concepts and java/c# skills in technical schools and get american Jobs there in India or get sponsored to come to US. The stuff they do even a child in Pak can learn. Pak can become the next IT hub and IT export hub only if we had smart people like MBS as leaders. It’s not hard to make the change. People in PAK are hard working people they just need the tools for the change.

The Asian miracle i-e the rise of Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan was a combination of a lot of factors, not just American aid or largesse, and it was not easy to pull off. Any further explanation would derail this thread. Read the book "The Miracle" by Michael Schuman. It should clear a lot.

Secondly, our leaders are not secure of their power position at home as MBS is. He took out dissent before changing the course of foreign policy. We have spineless gutter trash and holier than thou uniformed buffoons. And both of them have their own agendas which unfortunately do not match most of the time. Do you really expect our lot to tackle things differently or even effectively when each is constantly trying to pull the other's leg?
Seems MBS is working hard to personally convince all known US leaders to impose sanction on Iran in exchange offering lucrative deals. Again , he should contact late King Abudullah adviser team and formulate a proper foreign policy. Due to this type of action only he is losing his voice and respect. After all he is crown prince of KSA, he must realize that.
Seems MBS is working hard to personally convince all known US leaders to impose sanction on Iran in exchange offering lucrative deals. Again , he should contact late King Abudullah adviser team and formulate a proper foreign policy. Due to this type of action only he is losing his voice and respect. After all he is crown prince of KSA, he must realize that.

EU, Japan, China do not want to impose sanctions on Iran. Its a huge market and all these countries want to do trade with Iran. SO MBS only options & window of opportunity is the 4 years that the orange lunatic will stay in white house.

Iran is indeed mischievous and caused blood shed in ME but so did KSA in yemen. Problem is KSA and UAE want to preserve the post-colonial status quo of tyrannical despots ruling artificial ME states while serving western interest and treating their populations as subhumans. That is why they intervened in Egypt, Libya, attempted coup in Turkey and went after Qatar because Qatar wanted to adapt to the changing dynamics in ME as opposed to maintaining the status quo. The region has changed and arab spring was just an expression of that change. KSA is dead scared of this change. They are even poking their nose in relatively stable Tunisia to destabilize it and outlaw MB inspired Ennahda. These current GCC rulers are utter crooks and absolutely insane.
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