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Mastermind Of The Sept. 11 Attacks Wants To Convert His Captors


Nov 18, 2010
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Mastermind Of The Sept. 11 Attacks Wants To Convert His Captors

WASHINGTON -- The mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks now says that the use of violence to spread Islam is forbidden by the Quran, a major shift away from the more militaristic view he had put forward previously.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's thinking is detailed in a first-of-its-kind 36-page manifesto obtained by The Huffington Post. In a departure from his previous stance, which led the Guantanamo Bay prisoner to tell a military commission, "it would have been the greatest religious duty to fight you over your infidelity," KSM, as he's known in intelligence circles, instead seeks to convert the court to Islam through persuasion and theological reflection, going so far as to argue that “The Holy Quran forbids us to use force as a means of converting" and that reaching "truth and reality never comes by muscles and force but by using the mind and wisdom."

"Don’t believe the media that the Mujahedeen believe that Islam spread in the past and will prevail in the future with the sword," writes KSM, who has previously admitted to his role in the 9/11 attacks that killed thousands of Americans. He uses the bulk of the manifesto to put his newfound principle into practice, attempting to persuade his captors, prosecutors and lawyers that the path to true happiness lies in Islam.

SEE HIS MANIFESTO HERE --- The Huffington Post
Well better late than never for him to realize this, figures though considering the amount of time he has on his hands.
36 page manifesto? Really while people are destroying each other in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan this idiot sits down and writes a 36 page article? Lovely!
Pakistan's political parties on media have repeatedly cursed Pervaiz Musharraf for handing over of KSM to US.

KSM is a double agent.

most likely a single agent, turned dis-obedient.
Pakistan's political parties on media have repeatedly cursed Pervaiz Musharraf for handing over of KSM to US.

most likely a single agent, turned dis-obedient.

not surprised

probably angry that the security around Osama was not better too...
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