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Massive blast reported at suspected Iranian nuke facility


Sep 13, 2014
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Massive blast reported at suspected Iranian nuke facility

Two reportedly killed in explosion that shatters windows kilometers away from secretive Parchin site

2004 satellite image of the military complex at Parchin, Iran (photo credit: AP/DigitalGlobe - Institute for Science and International Security)

EHRAN, Iran — Two people were killed in an explosion at a defense ministry plant east of Tehran for the production of explosives, Iran’s state news agency IRNA reported Monday.

The Defense Industries Organisation, quoted by IRNA, said the fire broke out at the plant on Sunday night but it gave no further details.

The BBC, citing a report from the semi-official Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported on Monday that the incident happened in an “explosive materials production unit” at the site that is south-east of the capital Tehran.

According to ISNA the blast was so powerful it shattered windows up to 12 kilometers away and the glare from the explosion lit up the night sky.

Several arms facilities and military bases are located east of the Iranian capital, including Parchin which UN nuclear inspectors have been seeking to visit to answer concerns about Iran’s atomic programme.

The base lies at the centre of allegations of past Iranian research into sophisticated explosives that can be used to detonate a nuclear warhead.

Tehran, which has denied inspectors access to Parchin since 2005, insists its nuclear programme is for purely civilian uses.

Massive blast reported at suspected Iranian nuke facility | The Times of Israel
In August Iran reiterated that it will not allow IAEA inspectors to visit the site.

IAEA inspectors have been given access to a string of declared nuclear sites as part of an interim nuclear deal reached with the major powers last November. Access to Parchin was not agreed under the terms of that accord but the IAEA has been seeking to visit the base as part of its mission to answer all concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, past and present.
Big boom there was:

your virus attack in action again?

last time it melted the Siemens chipset in the machinery causing a meltdown

IAEA inspectors have been given access to a string of declared nuclear sites as part of an interim nuclear deal reached with the major powers last November. Access to Parchin was not agreed under the terms of that accord but the IAEA has been seeking to visit the base as part of its mission to answer all concerns about Iran’s nuclear program,

that is settled now.. its gone
These Western and Zionist media are so obsessed. I remember they started to constantly report about random Iranian industrial accidents and when nothing was of interesting for them they moved on and it seems they started again..... not that i am against it but they spin it in favour for their sheeple.

Anyway, uranium enrichment on Iranian soil will never ever stop no matter how much Kerry ketchup jumps up and down.
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The usual facists jump in to roll in joy over some foreigners deaths hoping for as much damage and pain suffered as possible, while American propaganda makes no pause and leaves no chance to pull up the usual "Iranian nuke threat" propaganda.

Sad display of human values.

Rest in peace to the victims.

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