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Massive augmentation of India’s armed forces

But you're relying more on Russia for weapons and therefore adopting Russian tactics especially for Mountainous/cold area doctrines
India doesn't adopt Russian tactics. India gets weapon from Russia but always indigenises them by learning and then reverse engineering. India doesn't get weapons from Russia merely for using as is. India modernises Russian weapons according to Indian needs and uses it in its own way. India does use some Russian tactics but that is because it is compatible with Indian terrain. For example, USA using 65ton Abrams tank doesn't make sense for mountainous terrain of India. So, India prefers to use 48ton weighing T90 tanks as they provide better mobility in mountains. Similarly, India uses smaller lighter weight AFV like BMP2 for the same reason. This is simply coincidence as terrain condition which India has is more suitable with Russia than the terrain condition expected by USA for most of its military expedition which is based in ME and its desert regions

is supa powa taking training into account? how long will it take to train their navy?
Training is the easiest thing. Most of the modern equipments are idiot-proof or very easy to handle as the computers do most of the complex problem solving. It is not like older times where mechanical weapons were used
India doesn't adopt Russian tactics. India gets weapon from Russia but always indigenises them by learning and then reverse engineering. India doesn't get weapons from Russia merely for using as is. India modernises Russian weapons according to Indian needs and uses it in its own way. India does use some Russian tactics but that is because it is compatible with Indian terrain. For example, USA using 65ton Abrams tank doesn't make sense for mountainous terrain of India. So, India prefers to use 48ton weighing T90 tanks as they provide better mobility in mountains. Similarly, India uses smaller lighter weight AFV like BMP2 for the same reason. This is simply coincidence as terrain condition which India has is more suitable with Russia than the terrain condition expected by USA for most of its military expedition which is based in ME and its desert regions

Training is the easiest thing. Most of the modern equipments are idiot-proof or very easy to handle as the computers do most of the complex problem solving. It is not like older times where mechanical weapons were used
and yet your forces must be one of the most accident prone in the world!
It's not easy for both Pakistan and India to dominate in a war since some of the weapons both the nation posses do keep a good balance with each other. Pakistan too is ramping up her Navy with the induction of Chinese type 54 frigates, Turkish milgems and 8 AIPs subs in the next 8-9 years.

Indian coast guard is also getting more vessels than Pakistan navy. So, even now, Indian Navy has upper hand. Pakistan is yet to get the submarines. With IK blaming China and halting CPEC, the submarine project may have been halted too. Also, India is going to get at least 15 submarine including nuclear ones in next 10 years. So, even here, Indian navy will be dominant

and yet your forces must be one of the most accident prone in the world!
Accident happens everywhere. Even Russia lost its aircraft carrier when a big structure fell on it! USA has had accident on its navy too. F35 was lost near Japanese coast, F35 crashed due to insufficient oxygen, several F16 have crashed throughout its operational lifespan.

India appear to have more accident because it imports items which create spare part problem and because India keeps using older imported items to reduce expensive replacement and hence have more problems. But that doesn't mean there is a flaw in Indian armed forces. There is no reason to say that Indian armed forces are more accident prone except for circumstances which are out of its control
Ah yes the two front war indians are dreaming about.Infact operation Gagan Shakti was all about two front War, neturalizing PAF in 3 days and than taking on PLAAF. All that went to garbage on27th Feb2019 when an indian mig21 was shot down and indians shooting down their own helicopter in haste.

So much for operation gagan shakti but hey indians can dream about a two front war but the reality is they cant take on a "small" nation like Pakistan. Enough said

PS: I hope this Modernisation of Indian army can also equip good food and rations for Indian soldiers so less Tej Bahadurs can come out complaining about dal roti.
Indian coast guard is also getting more vessels than Pakistan navy. So, even now, Indian Navy has upper hand. Pakistan is yet to get the submarines. With IK blaming China and halting CPEC, the submarine project may have been halted too. Also, India is going to get at least 15 submarine including nuclear ones in next 10 years. So, even here, Indian navy will be dominant

where is IK blaming on China for CPEC, he has reservation but stopping CPEC is not possible, we have different tactics to deal IN superiority in Arabian sea that we we have lots of subsonic/supersonic anti ship missiles from land /air sea from standoff ranges
Indian coast guard is also getting more vessels than Pakistan navy. So, even now, Indian Navy has upper hand. Pakistan is yet to get the submarines. With IK blaming China and halting CPEC, the submarine project may have been halted too. Also, India is going to get at least 15 submarine including nuclear ones in next 10 years. So, even here, Indian navy will be dominant

Accident happens everywhere. Even Russia lost its aircraft carrier when a big structure fell on it! USA has had accident on its navy too. F35 was lost near Japanese coast, F35 crashed due to insufficient oxygen, several F16 have crashed throughout its operational lifespan.

India appear to have more accident because it imports items which create spare part problem and because India keeps using older imported items to reduce expensive replacement and hence have more problems. But that doesn't mean there is a flaw in Indian armed forces. There is no reason to say that Indian armed forces are more accident prone except for circumstances which are out of its control
Yes, accidents happen everywhere but Indians rank # 1 in this aspect.

Japanese F-35 loss was due to pilot error, nothing to do with aircraft. Numerous F-16 losses are due to pilot error as well, nothing to do with aircraft. American hardware is of very high quality on average - not the same as Russian junks. But give this hardware to monkeys and it won't do any good.
Yes, accidents happen everywhere but Indians rank # 1 in this aspect.

Japanese F-35 loss was due to pilot error, nothing to do with aircraft. Numerous F-16 losses are due to pilot error as well, nothing to do with aircraft. American hardware is of very high quality on average - not the same as Russian junks. But give this hardware to monkeys and it won't do any good.
The pilot error of F35 which were reported in USA crashes were eventually found out to be error in oxygen supply system of F35. Likewise, many equipment errors in other USA equipments have also taken place. You are simply discounting all the incidences of USA while only highlighting Indian or Russian ones.
The pilot error of F35 which were reported in USA crashes were eventually found out to be error in oxygen supply system of F35. Likewise, many equipment errors in other USA equipments have also taken place. You are simply discounting all the incidences of USA while only highlighting Indian or Russian ones.
Do you really think that F-35 is being delivered to customers with a faulty oxygen supply system? :crazy: :rolleyes:

American companies have a history of following stringent quality assurance and control measures in order to make sure that each finalized product should be free of all noteworthy defects/faults prior to delivery to potential customers. Problems during the course of development, do not count.

FYI: https://thediplomat.com/2019/08/japans-air-force-pilot-error-caused-f-35a-crash/

I also checked a 3rd party database of F-16 crashes, and many are due to pilot error. Piloting is the job of the best of the best among humans, mind you.

Every operator of jets in the world have experienced crashes from time-to-time (various causes), but Indians never fail to impress in this respect. :lol: Either Russian jets have quality issues or Indians need to train better pilots. Take your pick.

EDIT: Boeing 737 MAX issues also have Indian aspect to it. Boeing had no choice but to rewrite software for this aircraft and even redesign its flight controller! Shame.

FYI: https://securityboulevard.com/2019/08/outsourcing-cost-cutting-and-the-boeing-737-max-debacle/
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EDIT: Boeing 737 MAX issues also have Indian aspect to it. Boeing had no choice but to rewrite software for this aircraft and even redesign its flight controller! Shame.

FYI: https://securityboulevard.com/2019/08/outsourcing-cost-cutting-and-the-boeing-737-max-debacle/

Indians wrote faulty software for 737? Why do you think Boeing would allow Indians to write complex FBW software to critical parts? These parts are so critical that it is a state secret and the basic codes are never allowed to be written by anyone outside. Only minor codes like control of lighting, speaker, altitude etc can be outsourced. Secondly, Indians have written codes fro 747 and few other aircrafts too. But only 737 has problems. This shows that the problem is not with Indian IT workers. Just pointing fingers at others is absurd. Even your article says that Boeing has denied any software issues with 737.

I also checked a 3rd party database of F-16 crashes, and many are due to pilot error. Piloting is the job of the best of the best among humans, mind you.

Every operator of jets in the world have experienced crashes from time-to-time (various causes), but Indians never fail to impress in this respect. :lol: Either Russian jets have quality issues or Indians need to train better pilots. Take your pick.

Just check the number and reasons for F16 crash here and then you will understand - http://www.f-16.net/aircraft-database/F-16/mishaps-and-accidents/
India is doing what the Arabs did with the 1973 war. Countering India can best be done through striking their critical military/industrial/political nodes based on intelligence, and key high tech weapons that allow Pakistan to keep pace. Pakistan should not fall into the trap of massively ramping up defense spending (beyond what is absolutely needed) at the detriment of its economy. India is more bluff than bite. Once the economy stabilized and starts growing Pakistan can slowing increase defense spending. Countering India will also need to be done by building up political soft power around the world. The French have a doctrine of a demonstration of a single strategic weapon to show resolve. If need be; Pakistan should be prepared to do the same in its own desert near the border against open desert to show the world Pakistan is serious. The world will get real serious real fast if INdia does not back the f down from its BS adventurism, and Pakistan will have demonstrated its resolve, forcing the world to intervene or be prepare for actual strategic implications. Then the $100+ Billion India spends will be all for naught.

you should think opposite, yours previous adventurism has already been failed be it 1948,65,71, 99 and policy of thousands cuts. India is transforming gradually from defensive to defensive offensive and hope it should not transform itself into offensive which pakistan has already tried than it will be a nightmare.
Indians wrote faulty software for 737? Why do you think Boeing would allow Indians to write complex FBW software to critical parts? These parts are so critical that it is a state secret and the basic codes are never allowed to be written by anyone outside. Only minor codes like control of lighting, speaker, altitude etc can be outsourced. Secondly, Indians have written codes fro 747 and few other aircrafts too. But only 737 has problems. This shows that the problem is not with Indian IT workers. Just pointing fingers at others is absurd. Even your article says that Boeing has denied any software issues with 737.

Just check the number and reasons for F16 crash here and then you will understand - http://www.f-16.net/aircraft-database/F-16/mishaps-and-accidents/

The 737 max issue was due to software being utilised to "mimick" flight characteristics of its' preceding models, not "faulty code written by dum gangoos". But then again don't expect someone who couldn't output "Hello world" in HTML to understand that.

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