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Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising | Global Research

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India surpassed Japan to become third largest economy in 2012.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since the name of Pakistan is poping up in list of failed states, he tries very hard to find matching article of India. Unable to do so, he fabricated the heading of an old incident which kind of incidents happen in Pakistan on routine bases. We should see that as the frustration of Poster to vent his frustration not anything else.
Written by Asad Ismi. No prizes for guessing where he is from :rofl:
OP is an idiot lol

showing his pakistani skills :D
Pakistanis cant even hold own country under central law ... 85% pakistani land belongs to 10-15% people....shitty economy .... trpand like minded groups screwig local people day and night...shia getting killed everday and few pakistanis are barking like dog for kashmir....what a funny national pride....

follow your faith and no one need to fight with you...jai ho belivers..
LOL Failed thread.
By the same author, on the same blog:

Pakistan “Election” Sham, Pakistani Taliban Terrorists supported by Military | Global Research

The Pakistani Taliban are part of the terrorist network created by the Pakistan army, which helps it inflict horrendous violence on the country to destabilize it, politically and economically, so that no strong political counterforce to the army can emerge.

The task of these groups has been to serve as death squads of the army that killed secular politicians and the supporters of any political group that the army felt could weaken its domination of Pakistan — especially its stranglehold on the national budget. These groups include the Jamaat-i-Islami, which also has long-standing CIA links and is allied with Nawaz Sharif; the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi which also has been linked to Sharif (he has long been criticized for “suspected covert support” of it); the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), formerly the Sipah-i-Sahaba (SSP), which similarly is linked to Nawaz Sharif; and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which organized the terrorist attacks on Mumbai (India) that killed 166 people in 2008. The army’s ISI helped create LeT.

The Pakistan army, always a U.S. vassal, has run Pakistan as its personal fiefdom since its formation in 1947, and lost the eastern half of its territory in 1971 rather than lose its domination of the rest of the country. In that year, the army slaughtered up to three million people in East Pakistan after refusing to accept the results of a national election won by the leader of the Bengalis, Sheikh Mujibur Rehman. Because of this horrific genocide, East Pakistan, the majority of whose residents belonged to the Bengali ethnic group, seceded from Pakistan and became the independent nation of Bangladesh. It was the only time in modern history when the majority of a country’s people seceded from it.

Refusing to learn from the East Pakistan debacle, the army attacked another Pakistani province, Baluchistan, only two years later in 1973, killing 5,000 Baluchis and starting another civil war. Today, Baluchistan is once again embroiled in a civil war with a widespread armed insurgency raging across the province and the army murdering and torturing thousands of Baluchis.

What say, @Icewolf? Sudddenly the author doesn't seem too credible anymore, does he?
None of the Indians that are barking here have the guts to respond to the article rather taking pot shots against me and the title... Indian mob mentality....

You can take the animal out of the jungle, but can't take the jungle out of the animal

Kashmir is Pakistans territory.
None of the Indians that are barking here have the guts to respond to the article rather taking pot shots against me and the title... Indian mob mentality....

You can take the animal out of the jungle, but can't take the jungle out of the animal

Kashmir is Pakistans territory.

That is precisely why we don't bother to give a serious response to the likes of you. Because it is futile.
This thread is really "Brilliant". India has really decended into a "Failed State"..................and Somalia has just ascended into a "Most Developed State", right?

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