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Maryam calls Zardari Kameena and back stabber...

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It is means a very pious and righteous personality. :)
Just looked up what Kanjar means: "The term 'Kanjar' is more generally used to refer to a person of low moral character than as a reference to the tribe."

Urdu Word ذَلیل Meaning in English​

The Urdu Word ذَلیل Meaning in English is Abject. The other similar words are Kamina, Zaleel, Passt and Bay Charah. The synonyms of Abject include are Base, Contemptible, Degraded, Dejected, Deplorable, Dishonorable, Fawning, Forlorn, Groveling, Hangdog, Humiliated, Low, Miserable, Outcast, Pitiable, Servile, Submissive, Worthless and Wretched. Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English.
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One zalil ,kameeni calling another zalil kameena. And both are going to meet next week and part of so called PMD going to save democracy in pakistan.
Politics as usual a dirty place full of dirty people.
Actually this is not PDM its real name is CPM (corruption protection movement)...
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Urdu does not have such obscene language.
Wtf you do know that both of these are proper urdu words right?, Your knowledge of Urdu seems to be lacking
Bdsk is a Urdu/Hindi word, BC is a Urdu word so are dozens and dozens of other curse words
It's a language
Can someone here explain why a literate educated individual would support Nawaz Sharif or Zardari?
Genuine Question ^

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