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Martians yet to retaliate after Curiosity's 100,000th laser strike

Do not worry guys!! All the hollywood movies suggests that if an alien attack is happening, it will be in US soil particularly around White House and Lady of Liberty.. So we have plenty of time to dig a bunker and hide ourselves.. Not that we need a bunker here in South Asia, Aliens will die because of the pollution here :D

in our area the the polio virus will be the end of them all
@FaujHistorian,@Skull and Bones: I don't know a damn thing about all these,so please educate me. You are saying this because,all form of life that we are seeing here is biological,and is identical at a basic level. What if life outside earth has a totally different structure,something really different to us?
...What if life outside earth has a totally different structure,something really different to us?

higher order life can take many shapes.

But cell level life would be pretty similar.

Read a bit of cell biology.

Plenty of info is out there.
@FaujHistorian,@Skull and Bones: I don't know a damn thing about all these,so please educate me. You are saying this because,all form of life that we are seeing here is biological,and is identical at a basic level. What if life outside earth has a totally different structure,something really different to us?

Advanced species will have more further cell complexities, but the working principle will be the same. For a cell to survive, they'd need mitochondria to provide energy, and they gets energy from biochemical reactions.

And by different structure of you mean, silicon replacing carbon as the building blocks? Even then, the chemical properties of Silicon and Carbon is more or less same, and at the same time, the window for silicon to make something as complex as protein is very small, so even if there is life based on Silicon, it will be unicellular or primitive multi cellular.
@fauj Historian,@Skull and Bones : Once again,the info that you guys gave are based on life that we see around,i.e no matter how complex the organism is,cell form their basics. My point is what if there are life forms,which has cells that don't need mitochondria to form energy,and are made of totally different,with stuff we are completely unaware off.
I am not saying for sure they exist,but we just don't know for sure!
@fauj Historian,@Skull and Bones : Once again,the info that you guys gave are based on life that we see around,i.e no matter how complex the organism is,cell form their basics. My point is what if there are life forms,which has cells that don't need mitochondria to form energy,and are made of totally different,with stuff we are completely unaware off.
I am not saying for sure they exist,but we just don't know for sure!

Not mitochondria, but cell entities like mitochondria to generate energy. Think about it in a way, no matter how complex the life is, the origin will trace back to the unicellular organisms. Now, all unicellular organism has more or less the same morphology.

Maybe the environment from which they'll derive nutrition from will be different, for example, we have extremophiles deriving nutrition and energy from arsenic compounds, and other poisonous stuffs which is considered toxic for normal cells. But the working principle of both the normal cell and extremophiles are the same, they derive energy from breaking down complex chemical compounds to simpler compounds.

Even if there is an extraterrestrial organism, it will do the same, maybe they'll adapt to harvest other forms of nutrition which is considered toxic for earth organism, but for cellular energy, it will always have to be biochemical form of energy, maybe in part assisted by direct harvesting energy from other energy sources.
all form of life that we are seeing here is biological,and is identical at a basic level. What if life outside earth has a totally different structure,something really different to us?

this is what is termed as hypothetical types of biochemistry
one of that kind is silicon based life form. where the building block is silicon instead of carbon (like us). its a scientifically possible life form but not proven to exist yet. such life form will be able to survive in the Space as well.
You are saying this because,all form of life that we are seeing here is biological,and is identical at a basic level. What if life outside earth has a totally different structure,something really different to us?

There is probably a finite amount of solutions to what will work in the long term. Take flying for example, the solution was wings and birds have them, insects have them and mammals have them, but they all got them following their own evolutionary path.

this is what is termed as hypothetical types of biochemistry
one of that kind is silicon based life form. where the building block is silicon instead of carbon (like us). its a scientifically possible life form but not proven to exist yet. such life form will be able to survive in the Space as well.

Silicon is also considered to be an inferior building block to carbon, from our own perspective ofc.
I condemn this hole'istic assault on Martians! :D
@fauj Historian,@Skull and Bones : Once again,the info that you guys gave are based on life that we see around,i.e no matter how complex the organism is,cell form their basics. My point is what if there are life forms,which has cells that don't need mitochondria to form energy,and are made of totally different,with stuff we are completely unaware off.
I am not saying for sure they exist,but we just don't know for sure!
it is possible that even carbon based life form could survive outer space and even live on mars...
was not a bacteria found half mile under antarctica ice?
@acetophenol :well i agree with you and i have a doubt to,if they are some sort of things that can absorb energy from the heat of our bombs and bullets,can we treat them as more advance than us(humans)?????.if yes,then why those advanced versions are not coming to our earth at least for a visit and why our satellites,Radar,space stations,etc.. are not informing about the unrecognized Arial objects entering to earth.
i to know the news about the villagers and the shepherd boys who see UFO with a unexplainable shape
flying throw the sky of Indo-china border or in some places like that.
why this UFO are more frequently seen in US and in china?,i think those alliance are searching for strengthen peoples.
we cannot avoide the role of china or usa about the UFO Story.because they both are trying to find the National secrets of both nations aswell as military secrets.china or usa can easily make a UAV which cant be discovered by a redar.sorry i am just telling ma doubt and i still holding my belief about Alliance.
Do not worry guys!! All the hollywood movies suggests that if an alien attack is happening, it will be in US soil particularly around White House and Lady of Liberty.. So we have plenty of time to dig a bunker and hide ourselves.. Not that we need a bunker here in South Asia, Aliens will die because of the pollution here :D

Negative remember battle LA. :P
it is possible that even carbon based life form could survive outer space and even live on mars...
was not a bacteria found half mile under antarctica ice?

BActeria shares similar cell structures as us.


thus vulnerable to laser just like us.
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