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Maoist rebels kill 24 paramilitary commandos in central India

The major drawback of CRPF is the lack of their own intelligence unit. In Northern Andhra Pradesh where Naxalism was prevalent few years ago, the CRPF depends of the intelligence inputs of local police. These local police and their families have always been threatened by the Maoists which resulted in wrong intelligence and they end up being ambushed. Eventually, CRPF has been replaced by the BSF which had their own intelligence units and decision making authorities and that is when Naxalism has almost been eliminated in Northern Andhra. CRPF should follow the strategies employed by BSF which is more like hitting their home bases and strongholds rather than waiting to get ambushed due to false intelligence

CRPF is like Pakistani Rangers or FC right ??
I guess BSF is more like Pakistani Rangers, since they are the ones guarding the borders on either sides.
I guess BSF is more like Pakistani Rangers, since they are the ones guarding the borders on either sides.

Than what Exactly is CRPF and under whom them operate ? i didn't realize BSF = Rangers .. FC is also Guarding the Afghan border so they can be equal to BSF .. so CRPF is specialized Unit of Police/Paramilitary ?
R.I.P. brothers.... What happened to COBRA commandos?
Than what Exactly is CRPF and under whom them operate ? i didn't realize BSF = Rangers .. FC is also Guarding the Afghan border so they can be equal to BSF .. so CRPF is specialized Unit of Police/Paramilitary ?
CRPF is Central Reserve Police Force, a paramilitary force comes under Ministry of Home Affairs.
Second,Total intelligence failure CRPF should need its own intelligence unit like BSF
Intelligence Beauru should also get involved in this

Having so many intelligence units creates ego clash and coordination problem. This is what happened here most probably.
Having so many intelligence units creates ego clash and coordination problem. This is what happened here most probably.
State police intelligence units are a bunch of sissys and there is no point relying on them. If the BSF and CRPF are operating together in certain areas, they could use BSF's intelligence wing and form their own in areas where they operate independently or unifying the intelligence units under a common command when it comes to internal security issues is also a more viable option
India has been rubbing China wrong way thinking uncle same will save their back side. When push come to shove, yanks will leave them in lurch. Nobody fights anyone war.

India must understand its limitations and behave accordingly. Otherwise these shock and awe ops are just like switching the button on and off for big boys.
Maoist rebels kill 24 police in central India: official

RAIPUR: Suspected Maoist rebels killed 24 paramilitary commandos and wounded six on Monday in a remote part of central India, police said, in one of the deadliest attacks of the long-running conflict.

The soldiers were guarding road workers in the Sukma district of Chhattisgarh state, a hotbed of insurgent violence, when they came under heavy fire.

"We have recovered 23 bodies from the spot and one jawan (soldier) died in Raipur during treatment," Anand Chhabra, a senior police officer, told AFP, referring to the state capital.

He said six other commandos were critically injured and had been evacuated for treatment.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the attack against the Central Reserve Police Force, saying their sacrifice would not be in vain.

"Attack on @CRPFIndia personnel in Chhattisgarh is cowardly and deplorable. We are monitoring the situation closely," Modi posted on Twitter.

Fatal attacks by insurgents on security forces in central and eastern India are frequent, but Monday’s assault was among the deadliest in years.

Last month rebels killed 11 paramilitary policemen in the same state after ambushing their convoy, while at least 20 troops died in a 2015 attack.

In 2010, Maoists ambushed a police patrol, killing 76 in the worst-ever massacre of security forces by the insurgents. The incident shook the country and led to pressure on the government to rethink its tactics.

The Maoist insurgency started as a peasant uprising in 1967 and both sides have engaged ever since in tit-for-tat skirmishes in forests and rural areas.

The guerrillas, who say they are fighting for the rights of tribal people and landless farmers, often collect funds through extortion.

The Maoists are believed to be present in at least 20 states but are most active in Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand and Maharashtra.

The long-running insurgency has cost thousands of lives in the insurgent-dominated "Red Corridor" stretching through central and eastern India. It was described by then-prime minister Manmohan Singh as the nation’s most serious internal security threat.
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