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Malaysian force arrives in KSA and joins the coalition

Iran has isolated itself

If Iran is isolated against Muslim allies that PROUDLY host US bases and attack civilians in Yemen but take no concrete steps against Al Qaeda in Yemen or ISIS in the region, then it makes us proud to be isolated.

It's interesting that you say this while you are living in one of the active coalition members countries, the UAE. According to your previous posts, you have been living in Dubai for most of your life. Persia or Iran or whatever is an hour flight, and most Western countries have been offering you guys safe heaven through refugee immigration visas (among other types of immigration routes). Yet, you decide to live among Arabs that hate you and look down on you. Shamelessly trading your dignity for stacks of dollars.

What are you talking about? I live in Tehran. I USED to live in Dubai and I have great memories from my time there. A lot of my Arab friends did not look down on me, and I respected and still respect them greatly.

Some of my extended family has been in Dubai for many decades, and a lot of "Arabs" there in Dubai were originally Iranians, who went and started a business in Dubai (like in Kuwait & Oman & Qatar) back in 70s & 80s. This is not something I find shameful. People move around, looking for better opportunities, and it is only recently that people draw strict racial lines.

My grandfather was offered the UAE citizenship in the 80s, but he never accepted. If he had, would I have become "Arab"? Who the hell cares. Each person should be part of the country he is the citizen off. Only in the west, do we have the race of the hyphens. The Mexican-American or the Italian-American makes no sense to me. They should all be Americans.

Unfortunately, it seems some people, have been greatly influenced by racial concepts from the west. You think when Salman Farsi was with Prophet Mohammad, everyone treated him differently because he wasn't an Arab? Or he was treated with the exact same respect & dignity as any other of Prophet Mohammad's followers, whether Iranian, African, or Arab.
Just because some condemn it doesn't mean it's the popular opinion. There are many opinions and political theories about governance and politics in Islam, which add richness and verity and allow more room for creativity and human evolution, unlike the stone age system of mullah/Imam one man rule all system.

But then again, the case is that You Shiites have no right to protest monarchy when your system is a monarchy on steroid.

now you are blaming Islam for different opinions and political theories while None approves monarchy as Islamic.

Monarchy cannot be defended using Islam. you can bring any other reason to defend it.

you are comparing our following of shia marjas like your following of your monarchs while infact there is no slightest comparison between them. we consider words of our Marjas as Islam and there is No family rule. Monarchy can be toppled but Marja cannot. It proves that Islamic System is not at the mercy of its enemies and they cannot harm the system. Enemies can only harm individuals while Islamic system remains safe of any pollution. overthrow governments and monarchs but cannot overthrow marjas. Monarchs will kill and bomb and spread destruction anyone who challenges and that is what we see today.
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i find it laughable, everyone who claims their flavour is right. Who decides who is right is not decided by a gun. Actions, deeds and communal harmony are vital.
I find it very interesting an entire stock of foreign forces are amassing against a very poorly equiped Yemeni opposition. Instead, this KSA force is sterile against the attrocities carried out in Syria or even in Darfur.

You and your monarchs are a reason of all this terrorism in this world. It is not about ME or Asia. We in balkans equally curse you and pray for your death. Your funded Militants has hands full of innocent blood.May Almighty give you slow and painful death and we will cheer on that day.
100% accurate.

just tell me that if there is a sunni masjid in Tehran but i know there is a jewish temple there
Listen my friend, dont judge iran by Teheran. It is a city and small province. Go to the East and you will find plenty.

He's the one saying monarchs are anti Islam so what else besides caliphate does he want it replaced with??
Calpihates notion is a dream formed by smoking ganja. It never did exist and wont ever. When a civilization cannot even make its own bicycle design from scratch, making a new state is a delusion.
Animal Farm is what the idea will be akin to.
If Iran is isolated against Muslim allies that PROUDLY host US bases and attack civilians in Yemen but take no concrete steps against Al Qaeda in Yemen or ISIS in the region, then it makes us proud to be isolated.

Wait a second. You and the Americans (or Obama to be precise) are besties now. Working closely in Iraq. Fighting alongside each other. After all, you couldn't take Tikrit without calling up Obama for help. :lol:
To get back on topic, what about the Malaysians?

From Malaysian news sources,

"Armed Forces chief General Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin says the sole mission of Malaysian troops in Saudi Arabia is to facilitate the safe and smooth evacuation of the remaining Malaysian citizens in Yemen.

He said this in refuting media reports that have stated that the Malaysian Armed Forces have joined the Saudi-led coalition against the rebels in Yemen.

“Two of our Royal Malaysian Air Force C-130 Transport Aircrafts will be positioned at the Forward Operating Base (FOB) at Prince Sultan Air Base (PSAB) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

“The FOB has been established at the PSAB as a ‘firm ground’ before departing to the evacuation location.

“Subsequently, our Malaysian citizens will be evacuated and returned to the FOB for safe passage to Malaysia.

“The focus of the The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners has now shifted from Operation Decisive Storm to Operation Renewal of Hope.

“It is our hope that the proposed cease-fire, which will begin on Tuesday, remains,” he said in a press statement.

There has been unrest in Yemen since last September when the capital of Sanaa was taken over by Houthi forces."
Fighting for House of Saud is fighting for Islam?
House of Saud - leaches, british appointed self titular custodians of everything ... money from oil first..:). Let that house be thrown out into the streets and let them learn the meaning of living like ordinary people.
If Arabs were a standard of Islam, we would not have prophets come down on them and they still move away from guidance. Who are they to impose who is a muslim and who is not... I say drag them out of their huge excesses they lead and make them walk in the streets with people shoes thrown at them.
They are and will remain rubbish/trash appointed by imperial power with no credence in reality except for projecting their power via terrorism proxies.
Basically right now every Muslim nation is starting to stand up against Iranian aggression, the more the Mullahs get isolated the better :)
Oh God , Look at this .

This dude is more hot headed than Saudis !

Enough with Iran BS for God's sake .

People are speaking about Iran's part in Yemen war and after 2 fucking months they have not brought 1 single reliable evidence to prove that .

For the 100th time Please give me 1 reliable picture or video of Iranian soldiers , advisers or Iranian weapons in Yemen .

Either you are too stupid to understand the meaning of what i said or just pretending to be one. I was merely trying point out saudi dillusion and not even once i tried to insult your mighty iranian arse. The entire world is standing on one side and iran on the other so figures who is telling the truth.
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