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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

Have you forgotten the Olympics episode when people pretended to be related to the athletes or fake coaching staff so they could travel to England.

Are you sure you deserve to be in Jr.Think Tank group?

Keep the jokes coming...
And you can press the report button if you think any of my posts are against forum rules..
Other than that,sometimes sarcasm is the best reply...
Talk of dirty politics

If Pakistan starts a army action in the north west on a big scale and it disturbs the elections next year (with no law and order as retaliation from extremist) , will we have Zardari as President for next two years or till the end of the army action(no election) or a care takers government ?

What will happen to Swiss letters and accountability ?

If Army run out of cash after a year and its big civil war then what ? MQM wants to see out side forces to come and help , they might look at India.

I take Imran seriously as at least; let the elections be first and give him a chance to weaken the hardcore extremist by isolation them and rehabilitate Phustons in tribal area and then go after the hardcore in a small army action.

Never the less its in Pakistans interest to make bridges with Northern Alliance in Afghanistan too before any army action ; else they might help any one fighting GOP.
Zeenews Bureau

London: Young Pakistani girl activist Malala Yousafza who was flown to Britain for better care, is responding exceptionally well to the treatment, “impressing” doctors with her strength, the doctors in UK hospital said Wednesday.

The 14-year old Malala has “good chances of recovery” because unlike adult brains, the teenagers’ brains are still growing and can adapt to trauma better, as per experts.

"Her response to treatment so far indicated that she could make a good recovery from her injuries," the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in central England's Birmingham said in a statement.

The statement by Dr David Rosser, the medical director of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham also said that the team of specialists from hospitals had been "impressed with her strength and resilience."

Other experts said they were not sure if a complete recovery of Malala’s brain was feasible.

"You don't have a bullet go through your brain and have a full recovery," said one Dr. Jonathan Fellus, chief scientific officer at International Brain Research Foundation.

Malala, who was shot by Taliban in head in Swat valley in Pakistan, has been threatened of follow up attacks as she backs “Western thinking”. Malala has been a brave voice campaigning for girls education.

Malala’s safety continues to be a concern with reports yesterday saying that two people tried to visit Malala. Police stopped and questioned two, but hospital officials and police stressed there was no threat to the girl's safety. The two people, who claimed to be Malala's relatives, were turned away.

"We think it's probably people being over-curious," hospital spokesman Dr. Dave Rosser said.

A message board has been set up on the Trust's website to allow well-wishers to leave their messages of support.

With Agency Inputs

THE will-they, won’t-they pendulum on North Waziristan seemed to momentarily slip towards the possibility of a military operation but it appears, in fact, to resolutely be stuck on, no, there will be no significant military operation in North Waziristan any time soon. The army claims the launching of an operation is a ‘political decision’ thereby seemingly tossing the matter into the civilians’ lap, while the political leadership hems and haws and occasionally deploys Interior Minister Rehman Malik to add to the confusion. In theory, the decision to launch a full-scale military operation in North Waziristan ought to lie with the civilian leadership. In acceptable practice, the decision ought to be taken by the civilians in close consultation with the army. In reality, the decision will be taken by the army itself.

That reality is very significant in the context of the ‘national consensus’ that the army insists must be created before an operation in North Waziristan can be launched. But what has the army-led security establishment done to try and create the much-touted national consensus? Not very much — unlike during the run-up to earlier military operations in other parts of the north-west. If North Waziristan has militants of every stripe projecting power from there into Pakistan proper, Afghanistan and beyond, it is also a black hole of information — nothing really gets out. Privately, senior security officials admit that the panoply of militant groups must be taken on sooner rather than later if the security situation in the country is to slowly be pulled back towards normality. Privately, senior security officials admit that from Al Qaeda to the Haqqanis and from Punjabi Taliban to foreign militants from countries as diverse as the Maldives — yes, the Maldives — to Sudan and groups such as the Uzbeks, Chechens and Arabs, North Waziristan has become a global hub of terrorism and militancy. But next to nothing has been done to educate the Pakistani public about the nature of the threat in North Waziristan and what the proper response to it is. How, then, will the national consensus for a military operation in North Waziristan be developed?

And if the mapping out of the threat has been poor enough, even less is known about the army’s strategy to eventually fight it. Are the Haqqanis eventually in line for some kind of financial and military squeeze? Is the policy really to slowly win over some groups temporarily to clear the way for a fight with others? Is there a plan to prevent militant leaders from escaping the battle zone as they have in operations elsewhere? If Pakistanis are told nothing, not even the barest details, how can they form a consensus?
Alhamdulillah. let us keep her in our prayer today that she becomes fit and ready for life soon.
After a Bullet in the Head, Assaults on a Pakistani Schoolgirl's Character Follow - NYTimes.com

As a Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot in the head by Taliban militants last week fights for her life in a British hospital, a battle to tarnish her reputation is being waged on social networks and news sites in Pakistan.

In yet another statement to the Pakistani news media defending the assassination attempt, a Taliban spokesman claimed on Tuesday that young Malala Yousafzai, who had criticized the Islamists for closing girls’ schools in a blog she wrote for the BBC when she was 11, was “a spy who divulged secrets” and “created propaganda.” The spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, also took pains to note reports that the girl had turned 15 in July, suggesting that this meant that she was no longer a child. “Even if no sign of puberty becomes noticeable,” he said, “this age of the girl marks the end of prepuberty phase.” That being the case, he added, the “Taliban executed the attack on an adult girl only after she emerged as a pivotal character in the media war against us.”

The Taliban’s media wing issued the statement after an outpouring of sympathy for the girl, and anger at the militants, swept Pakistan. As my colleague Declan Walsh reported, “Front-page headlines have carried updates of her medical treatment, schoolchildren held prayer services and candlelight vigils, and the political system has united to condemn the Taliban with an unusual vehemence and unity.”

That solidarity, however, has been less than universal online, where extreme nationalists and politicians from religious parties who support the Taliban have attempted to tarnish the image of the young activist by spreading rumors of her supposed complicity with the American military. One of the main elements in the viral campaign is a mislabeled image of Malala and her father, Ziauddin, meeting in 2009 with President Obama’s envoy to the region, Richard Holbrooke.

As the Pakistani journalist and blogger Beena Sarwar noted, the image was posted on Twitter repeatedly by Samia Raheel Qazi, a senior figure in Pakistan’s largest religious party, Jamaat-e-Islami. Ms. Qazi, who is the daughter of the party’s former leader, added a caption that falsely claimed that the child had attended “a meeting with American military officers.”

Far from being a glimpse of a secret meeting, however, the image is actually a still frame taken from a documentary about the family made by my colleague Adam Ellick. As the film makes clear, the Yousafzais and other grass-roots activists were invited to meet Mr. Holbrooke on July 24, 2009, as they made their way home to the Swat Valley, following a Pakistani military operation to regain control of the region from Taliban militants. When it was her turn to speak, Malala said simply, “I will request you all, and respected Ambassador, I will request you that if you can help us in our education, so please help us.”

After Ms. Qazi circulated the falsely captioned image of Malala with Mr. Holbrooke, several Pakistani journalists expressed outrage that she appeared to be spreading rumors about the young shooting victim.

In a subsequent update, the Islamist politician defended her decision to circulate the image by endorsing, obliquely, the theory that Malala’s shooting was part of an American-led conspiracy to justify further strikes in Pakistan. Ms. Qazi wrote that she had shared the image only because “we condemn those who used this little candle in the wind.”

In addition to Elton John’s tribute to Princess Diana, Ms. Qazi appeared to be referring to a conspiracy theory promoted in recent days by Islamist politicians and nationalists who claim that Malala was shot by American intelligence agents in order to deflect criticism of drone strikes or build public support for Pakistan’s Army to move against militants in the tribal area of North Waziristan.

Ms. Qazi’s father, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, who is the Islamist party’s former leader, hinted darkly at the conspiracy on Pakistani television, condemning those who, he said, “used Malala.”

Before she circulated the image, Ms. Qazi passed on a series of claims from conspiracy theorists who insisted that the attack was a ploy.

In a detailed report on the viral campaign against Malala on Pakistani Facebook pages and Twitter feeds, Jahanzaib Haque, the Web editor of the English-language Express Tribune, explained that the conspiracy theory widely shared online was outlined in an article headlined “C.I.A. Behind Attack on Malala; Attackers Are in Afghanistan.”

That report, from a Web site called The Lahore Times, which is set up to look like a replica of The New York Times, begins with the assertion that the “United States of America was behind the attack” on the schoolgirl. It goes on to claim that Taliban militants are in fact American agents: “Evil U.S. forces created a dirty plan to kill Malala and they gave the task to Tehreek-e-Taliban or Black Water (Xe).” A part of the report, in bold type and somewhat broken English, calls the Pakistani Taliban, “a coward terrorists organization which works close with C.I.A., Mossad and R.A.W.,” referring to the American, Israeli and Indian intelligence agencies.

As Mr. Haque reported, another formulation of the same theory was posted on Facebook by the Pakistani nationalist blogger Ahmed Quraishi, who wrote:

Fact is, the U.S. is partially responsible for Malala Yousafzai’s plight. The killers of Malala are a bunch of criminals known as ‘Swat Taliban.’ This terror group was roundly defeated by Pakistan Army in 2009 and flushed out from northern Pakistan. That action by Pakistani military was a lesson to American commanders in Afghanistan in how to successfully defeat terrorists.

But Pakistani officials have discovered last year to their horror that the entire leadership of this terror group, the ‘Swat Taliban’ is alive and well and thriving in terror ‘training and resting’ camps inside Afghanistan under the watch of U.S. Army.

Although it requires a deeply conspiratorial mind to believe, as Pakistani nationalists do, that the American military has the power to choose which Islamist militants operate from areas of Afghanistan under the control of the Afghan Taliban, every good conspiracy is woven from scraps of the truth. As the journalist Ahmed Rashid explains in a post for The New Yorker, the Pakistani Taliban’s leader, Mullah Fazlullah, described as the mastermind of the attack on Malala, does appear to be based in Afghanistan.

Fazlullah’s forces were defeated by the Pakistani Army in 2009 after the public was incensed by a video showing Fazlullah’s gunmen flogging naked women. The army, also under enormous American pressure, moved some 2.5 million people out of the Swat Valley and sent in eighty thousand troops to clear Swat of militants — except that Fazlullah and his commanders escaped across the border into Kunar province, in northeastern Afghanistan. From Kunar, which is under the control of like-minded Al Qaeda affiliates, the Afghan Taliban, and multiple other groups from Central Asia, the Caucasus, China, and Europe, Fazlullah has recently relaunched his movement, attacking army posts inside Pakistan’s tribal belt and then retreating back to Kunar, where Pakistan cannot touch him.

While Mr. Rashid, who is based in Lahore, does not embrace the theory that Mullah Fazlullah is an American agent, he notes: “Afghan officials have quietly admitted to me that Fazlullah’s actions are being backed by the Afghan intelligence services. (Officially, Afghanistan denies all such charges.)” He adds:

Afghan support for extremists like Fazlullah is, in a sense, return pay. Pakistan’s army has done exactly the same thing for the past twelve years — allowing Afghan Taliban to launch strikes into Afghanistan against United States and Afghan forces and then retreat back into Pakistan. Now both countries are more evenly balanced in this dangerous, brutal, bloody proxy war — one that is leading to open war, with Pakistan’s army shelling Fazlullah’s camps and Afghan villages in Kunar almost every day, angering the Afghan public.

Late last year, when Afghan forces became involved in a nighttime firefight along the disputed and thinly guarded border between Pakistan’s Mohmand tribal region and Afghanistan’s Kunar Province, they called in American airstrikes on positions that were only identified later as Pakistani Army posts. Two dozen Pakistani soldiers were killed, and Pakistan’s government responded by closing NATO supply routes into Afghanistan and ordering the Central Intelligence Agency to vacate an air base in Pakistan used for drone operations.

Another part of the online backlash to the support shown for Malala were demands from Pakistani nationalists that the news media should pay as much attention to the victims of American drone strikes. Several images of children said to have been wounded or killed in drone strikes were sent to journalists, with the demand that they be given equally intense coverage.

One of the journalists, Beena Sarwar, pointed out that one widely circulated, heartbreaking image, presented as an example of an overlooked drone victim, actually showed a 7-year-old girl named Laiba who was shot by members of Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Constabulary in 2008.

(In the reddened part it seems like the writer is describing some PDF members' actions.)
Surrender your intellect - Make Malala your slogan


Clock started ticking when some moron, criminal and animalistic character attacked a girl and tried to kill her. There was a garden in Pakistan before this tragic incident happened and this changed our paradigms over-night. There were no murders, no schools being blown and no "grave-treats" to the country until this tragic incident happened. Malala today is known more than any other girl in Pakistan - not because she has been a victim of first barbaric incident in our country - but because its suites the world. I am really requesting everybody to surrender their intellect and stop thinking about other side of the tragedy..

  • Yes, please make a person, the attacker of Malala representation of over 1 Coror people of KPK, FATA and all agencies.
  • Lets forget there has been attacks on Naval and Air Bases
  • Lets forget 40 thousand Malalaz have been killed before
  • Lets forget that USA couldn't defeat those terrorist, not because USA didn't wanted to, but because it choosed a wrong philosphy and wrong approach to solve this problem.
  • Lets forget what we have lost in the past 10 years in fighting and victory is no where around
  • Lets forget what our enemies have gained in the past 10 years
  • Lets fail to identify existence of intellect in us, let emootions be our only guide
  • Let a promise of Nobel Peace Prize be our divine thread line to follow
  • Lets call peace-finders supporters of terrorists, lets abuse poster of this post and lets call Imran Khan as the moronic supporters of terrorists
  • Lets forget all the extract of last 10 years because MALALA has been victim of terrorism.

LET GEO, ARY, DUNIYA and Express Tribune be our direction makers. Lets fail to see the other and darkest side of the story. Malala is victim of barbaric terrorism, but let that devilish murder be the only angle to look at whole situation.

Lets forget Imran Khan's Peace March was actually against USA and its interests, lets forget that USA had to find an incident to revert the effects which Imran Khan's peace march caused. Lets forget that if it wasn't Malala, there would've been Kainat, Zaitoon or Nelam who would've been picked for Noble Peace Prize.

Lets surrender our intellect - because Malala incident has happened! Incident is really grave and hurting but let this be the point when we stop thinking and lets burn everything we collected in the past 10 years because - Malala incident has happened!


THE will-they, won’t-they pendulum on North Waziristan seemed to momentarily slip towards the possibility of a military operation but it appears, in fact, to resolutely be stuck on, no, there will be no significant military operation in North Waziristan any time soon. The army claims the launching of an operation is a ‘political decision’ thereby seemingly tossing the matter into the civilians’ lap, while the political leadership hems and haws and occasionally deploys Interior Minister Rehman Malik to add to the confusion. In theory, the decision to launch a full-scale military operation in North Waziristan ought to lie with the civilian leadership. In acceptable practice, the decision ought to be taken by the civilians in close consultation with the army. In reality, the decision will be taken by the army itself.

That reality is very significant in the context of the ‘national consensus’ that the army insists must be created before an operation in North Waziristan can be launched. But what has the army-led security establishment done to try and create the much-touted national consensus? Not very much — unlike during the run-up to earlier military operations in other parts of the north-west. If North Waziristan has militants of every stripe projecting power from there into Pakistan proper, Afghanistan and beyond, it is also a black hole of information — nothing really gets out. Privately, senior security officials admit that the panoply of militant groups must be taken on sooner rather than later if the security situation in the country is to slowly be pulled back towards normality. Privately, senior security officials admit that from Al Qaeda to the Haqqanis and from Punjabi Taliban to foreign militants from countries as diverse as the Maldives — yes, the Maldives — to Sudan and groups such as the Uzbeks, Chechens and Arabs, North Waziristan has become a global hub of terrorism and militancy. But next to nothing has been done to educate the Pakistani public about the nature of the threat in North Waziristan and what the proper response to it is. How, then, will the national consensus for a military operation in North Waziristan be developed?

And if the mapping out of the threat has been poor enough, even less is known about the army’s strategy to eventually fight it. Are the Haqqanis eventually in line for some kind of financial and military squeeze? Is the policy really to slowly win over some groups temporarily to clear the way for a fight with others? Is there a plan to prevent militant leaders from escaping the battle zone as they have in operations elsewhere? If Pakistanis are told nothing, not even the barest details, how can they form a consensus?

We don't need an excuse to clean that area, that area must be cleared because it's point that anti Pakistan elements use around the world to defame us and push us into isolation that's doing no good to us as nation, don't bring the poor soul into this mess, why we can't see it's in our larger interest to clear the land, it's not a impossible thing as it is hyped about.
Surrender your intellect - Make Malala your slogan


Clock started ticking when some moron, criminal and animalistic character attacked a girl and tried to kill her. Our country was a peaceful garden before this tragic incident happened and this changed our paradigms over-night. There were no murders, no schools being blown and no "grave-treats" to the country until this tragic incident happened. Malala today is known more than any other girl in Pakistan - not because she has been a victim of first barbaric incident in our country - but because its suites the world. I am really requesting everybody to surrender their intellect and stop thinking about other side of the tragedy..

Yes, please make a person, the attacker of Malala representation of over 1 Coror people of KPK, FATA and all agencies.
Lets forget there has been attacks on Naval and Air Bases
Lets forget 40 thousand Malalaz have been killed before
Lets forget that USA couldn't defeat those terrorist, not because USA didn't wanted to, but because it choosed a wrong philosphy and wrong approach to solve this problem.
Lets forget what we have lost in the past 10 years in fighting and victory is no where around
Lets forget what our enemies have gained in the past 10 years
Lets fail to identify existence of intellect in us, let emootions be our only guide
Let a promise of Nobel Peace Prize be our divine thread line to follow
Lets call peace-finders supporters of terrorists, lets abuse poster of this post and lets call Imran Khan as the moronic supporters of terrorists
Lets forget all the extract of last 10 years because MALALA has been victim of terrorism.

LET GEO, ARY, DUNIYA and Express Tribune be our direction makers. Lets fail to see the other and darkest side of the story. Malala is victim of barbaric terrorism, but let that devilish murder be the only angle to look at whole situation.

Lets forget Imran Khan's Peace March was actually against USA and its interests, lets forget that USA had to find an incident to revert the effects which Imran Khan's peace march caused. Lets forget that if it wasn't Malala, there would've been Kainat, Zaitoon or Nelam who would've been picked for Noble Peace Prize.

Lets surrender our intellect - because Malala incident has happened! Incident is really grave and hurting but let this be the point when we stop thinking and lets burn everything we collected in the past 10 years because - Malala incident has happened!
Surrender your intellect - Make Malala your slogan


Clock started ticking when some moron, criminal and animalistic character attacked a girl and tried to kill her. Our country was a peaceful garden before this tragic incident happened and this changed our paradigms over-night. There were no murders, no schools being blown and no "grave-treats" to the country until this tragic incident happened. Malala today is known more than any other girl in Pakistan - not because she has been a victim of first barbaric incident in our country - but because its suites the world. I am really requesting everybody to surrender their intellect and stop thinking about other side of the tragedy..

Yes, please make a person, the attacker of Malala representation of over 1 Coror people of KPK, FATA and all agencies.
Lets forget there has been attacks on Naval and Air Bases
Lets forget 40 thousand Malalaz have been killed before
Lets forget that USA couldn't defeat those terrorist, not because USA didn't wanted to, but because it choosed a wrong philosphy and wrong approach to solve this problem.
Lets forget what we have lost in the past 10 years in fighting and victory is no where around
Lets forget what our enemies have gained in the past 10 years
Lets fail to identify existence of intellect in us, let emootions be our only guide
Let a promise of Nobel Peace Prize be our divine thread line to follow
Lets call peace-finders supporters of terrorists, lets abuse poster of this post and lets call Imran Khan as the moronic supporters of terrorists
Lets forget all the extract of last 10 years because MALALA has been victim of terrorism.

LET GEO, ARY, DUNIYA and Express Tribune be our direction makers. Lets fail to see the other and darkest side of the story. Malala is victim of barbaric terrorism, but let that devilish murder be the only angle to look at whole situation.

Lets forget Imran Khan's Peace March was actually against USA and its interests, lets forget that USA had to find an incident to revert the effects which Imran Khan's peace march caused. Lets forget that if it wasn't Malala, there would've been Kainat, Zaitoon or Nelam who would've been picked for Noble Peace Prize.

Lets surrender our intellect - because Malala incident has happened! Incident is really grave and hurting but let this be the point when we stop thinking and lets burn everything we collected in the past 10 years because - Malala incident has happened!

We don't need an excuse to clean that area, that area must be cleared because it's point that anti Pakistan elements use around the world to defame us and push us into isolation that's doing no good to us as nation, don't bring the poor soul into this mess, why we can't see it's in our larger interest to clear the land, it's not a impossible thing as it is hyped about.

WHY YOU ARE NOT THINKING CLEARING THAT LAND WILL THROW THE BALL INTO US/NATO court and we will be out of this blame game, A CHANCE TO SAY GOOD BYE TO WOT, you want to keep these thugs in your land and keep labeled as terrorist nation? ... people there in NW need hope and liberty and all those needs that city civilians are enjoying why no heart for them? they want this internet too, why? save them from continues drones attack by clearing that land ... we are not goons to be played with think your self.

can you elaborate what good we have gained in past 10 years that will be perished by this NW OP, terror state?, lost of our brave Army men?, lost of our civilians?, economy in strains beacuse of this WOT?
Surrender your intellect - Make Malala your slogan


Clock started ticking when some moron, criminal and animalistic character attacked a girl and tried to kill her. There was a garden in Pakistan before this tragic incident happened and this changed our paradigms over-night. There were no murders, no schools being blown and no "grave-treats" to the country until this tragic incident happened. Malala today is known more than any other girl in Pakistan - not because she has been a victim of first barbaric incident in our country - but because its suites the world. I am really requesting everybody to surrender their intellect and stop thinking about other side of the tragedy..

  • Yes, please make a person, the attacker of Malala representation of over 1 Coror people of KPK, FATA and all agencies.
  • Lets forget there has been attacks on Naval and Air Bases
  • Lets forget 40 thousand Malalaz have been killed before
  • Lets forget that USA couldn't defeat those terrorist, not because USA didn't wanted to, but because it choosed a wrong philosphy and wrong approach to solve this problem.
  • Lets forget what we have lost in the past 10 years in fighting and victory is no where around
  • Lets forget what our enemies have gained in the past 10 years
  • Lets fail to identify existence of intellect in us, let emootions be our only guide
  • Let a promise of Nobel Peace Prize be our divine thread line to follow
  • Lets call peace-finders supporters of terrorists, lets abuse poster of this post and lets call Imran Khan as the moronic supporters of terrorists
  • Lets forget all the extract of last 10 years because MALALA has been victim of terrorism.

LET GEO, ARY, DUNIYA and Express Tribune be our direction makers. Lets fail to see the other and darkest side of the story. Malala is victim of barbaric terrorism, but let that devilish murder be the only angle to look at whole situation.

Lets forget Imran Khan's Peace March was actually against USA and its interests, lets forget that USA had to find an incident to revert the effects which Imran Khan's peace march caused. Lets forget that if it wasn't Malala, there would've been Kainat, Zaitoon or Nelam who would've been picked for Noble Peace Prize.

Lets surrender our intellect - because Malala incident has happened! Incident is really grave and hurting but let this be the point when we stop thinking and lets burn everything we collected in the past 10 years because - Malala incident has happened!


We don't need an excuse to clean that area, that area must be cleared because it's point that anti Pakistan elements use around the world to defame us and push us into isolation that's doing no good to us as nation, don't bring the poor soul into this mess, why we can't see it's in our larger interest to clear the land, it's not a impossible thing as it is hyped about.

WHY YOU ARE NOT THINKING CLEARING THAT LAND WILL THROW THE BALL INTO US/NATO court and we will be out of this blame game, A CHANCE TO SAY GOOD BYE TO WOT, you want to keep these thugs in your land and keep labeled as terrorist nation? ... people there NW need hope and liberty and all those needs that city civilians are enjoying why no heart for them? they want this internet too, why? save them from continues drones attack by clearing that land ... we are not goons to be played with think your self.

can you elaborate what good we have gained in past 10 years that will be perished by this NW OP, terror state?, lost of our brave Army men?, lost of our civilians?, economy in strains because of this WOT? drones? ...

I don't see any emotional attachment to this issue that's required, just need a assertive strategy and we can hope for good, like good hopes came in SW.
Hypocrisy And The Shooting of Malala Yousafzai

By Shaik Zakeer Hussain

October 16, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - The shooting of 14 year old Malala Yousafzai has shocked the world, and shocking it should be, as children don’t deserve such ruthlessness.

What Malala stood for, and what she was fighting against, is not my concern at the moment, for such concerns, whether right or wrong, have already been addressed by a large number of so-called advocates for Human rights and justice. I am not even concerned in knowing who actually tried to kill her, for I as a Muslim do not condone such an act. What I am really concerned about is the hypocritical stance taken by some of the voices who are standing up for Malala today.

Two days after the activist girl was shot, American singer Madonna, dedicated a song for her, and said, “This made me cry. The 14-year-old schoolgirl who wrote a blog about going to school. The Taliban stopped her bus and shot her. Do you realise how sick that is?” Now whether Taliban is responsible for this act or not, I am not sure, but why doesn’t Madonna cry when drone attacks launched by her country kill hundreds of innocent men, women and children every day in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen? The children killed here, also wanted to go to schools, they wanted to live too. Doesn’t she realises how sick that is?

UNICEF tweeted on October 11 that, “Today our thoughts are with Malala Yousafzai, the inspirational 14-year-old activist for girls’ rights.” What made this organisation for children rights remain mum, when 16 year old Abdul-Rahman al-Awlaki , the innocent son of Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, was killed by the United States, when he was having barbecue with his cousin and friends?

What moral rights do countries like UK, USA, and their warmongering allies have, to condemn this shooting, when their hands are coloured with the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq?

More than half a million children died due to U.S. sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s, and continue to do so till today. When asked whether these killings were worth the price, the then U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, said ’We think the price is worth it’. And the result? Ms. Albright got the Honorary Chair for the World Justice Project for this audacity of her’s, and her victims got Metal Contamination, and Birth Defects as lullabies to go to sleep.

The question we should all be asking is does the blood of children become worthless, when the super-power of the world does it, and is sacred when its adversaries allegedly do it? I don’t think so.

Hypocrisy And The Shooting of Malala Yousafzai*** :** Information Clearing House: ICH
Both types of violence are not different, qualitatively speaking. The difference is in political standing.

However one has to also take into account, the fact that organizations like the Taliban actually TARGET civilians, dont mind shooting Children. In the case of the US, UK and other countries, although even they kill civilians through bombing cities and such, if they had actually TARGETED civilians, the deaths would have amounted to Genocide. Instead of the million or so dead today, you'd have figures of tens of millions.

BTW one has to also accept the fact that most of these deaths are NOT due to the invading forces, but because of insurgency by groups like the Taliban. Almost 75% of the civilian casualties in Afghanistan is because of groups like the Taliban using IEDs and what not.

So yeah, it is indeed hypocrisy to a certain extent., but I guess this girl's story has stood out. So I wouldnt read too much into it. Its normal human reaction to condemn such attacks, when people come to know about it. If those same Americans actually saw what was happening on the ground in these tribal areas, as the Us "droned" them, then am sure they'd be against it too.
The author has lost the plot here. Malala attack is not a collateral damage as unfortunate civilian drone strike deaths are. Some how there seems to a collective and concerted effort to justify attack on Malala in the garb of draw parallels to drone strike deaths. They have not stopped at justifying the attack, now they are spreading rumors about this 14 year old girl !!! :angry:

After bullet in the head, assaults on Pakistani schoolgirl's character follow | NDTV.com
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