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Malala: The real story (with evidence)


Sep 8, 2013
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In September 2012, a 15-year-old school girl from Pakistan’s Swat valley was reported to have been shot in the face and head by a Taliban activist.

The attack caused outrage around the world and the news was given widespread coverage in the local and international media.

Malala was reported to have barely survived after doctors in Pakistan and then England performed multiple surgeries on her face and head.

Today Malala lives in the UK and has repeatedly vowed to continue working for the cause of women’s education in Pakistan, especially in those areas of the country where extremists and militant outfits are said to have been blowing up girls’ schools.

But this is just one side of the whole story. The narrative about what really happened on the day Malala was allegedly shot has mostly been weaved by the Western media.

In April this year, Dawn.com sent a group of its most seasoned reporters to Swat to undertake an intensive five-month investigation of the event. Their collective findings unearthed a series of some stunning disclosures (with evidence) that are bound to affectively challenge the mainstream narrative of the Malala story.

The following are the major findings of the investigation:

• Malala was not born in Swat and neither is she a Pushtun. A respected medical doctor in Swat, Imtiaz Ali Khanzai, who runs a private hospital and clinic in Swat told our reporters that he has a DNA report that proves that Malala is not Pushtun.

Showing us the report, he said he extracted Malala’s DNA when as a child she visited his clinic (with her parents) complaining of an earache.

“After she was supposedly shot last year, I remembered I had a bottle where I had kept some of her earwax,” the doctor explained. “Collecting earwax of my patients is a hobby of mine,” he added.

He went on to claim that according to the DNA, Malala is a Caucasian, most probably from Poland.

After the discovery, the doctor called Malala’s father and told him that he knew who Malala was. “

“He was stunned and began to stutter,” the doctor said. “He pleaded that I did not make my findings public. I told him I wouldn’t but only if he told me the whole truth.”

Malala’s father told the doctor that Malala’s real name was Jane and she was born in Hungary in 1997. Her real biological parents were Christian missionaries who, after traveling to Swat in 2002, left Malala as a gift to her adopted parents after they secretly converted to Christianity.


When our reporters asked the doctor why he was revealing Malala’s real identity now, he said he was convinced that Malala was planted in Swat by anti-Pakistan elements.

He then added that he can also prove that the young man who shot her was not a Pushtun either. “I have his earwax as well,’ he claimed.

After extracting the DNA of the shooter’s earwax, the doctor discovered that he was probably from Italy. He then invited our reporters to look at the man’s earwax under a microscope.

“Those tiny yellow bits that you see in the wax are bits of pizza,” he explained.

The doctor told us that in January 2012 he emailed his findings to some senior members of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI.

After a few days his clinic was raided by the police. He was in Saudi Arabia at the time collecting earwax samples of some members of the Saudi royal family. His staff at the clinic was harassed by the police who wanted to know where he kept the earwax samples.


In June this year, the doctor was visited by a young ISI officer who apologised to him about the police raid and told him that the ISI were well aware of Malala’s real identity. After much coaxing on our part, the doctor eventually gave us the cell phone number of the ISI officer.

However, the officer kept refusing to talk to us but finally relented on the condition that we refer to him as ‘Master X’.

Master X met one of our reporters at an abandoned girls’ school in lower Swat. To hide his face, the officer wore a Spiderman mask.

Talking to the reporter he said: “This had to come out one day. And I just couldn’t let myself continue to keep such a dangerous secret hidden. I am a true patriot.”

He then added: ‘My father once told me, ‘Peter, with great power comes great responsibility’.’


His revelations led us to our next shocking discovery (with evidence):

• Malala’s shooting was staged by intelligence agencies. The officer told the reporter that the whole shooting incident was a stunt planned by Pakistani and US agencies to pave the way for the Pakistani army’s invasion of North Waziristan: “It was all a drama,” he explained. “It was staged so the Pakistan army would have an excuse to invade North Waziristan.”

When asked why he was using the word ‘invasion’ when North Waziristan was a part of Pakistan, the officer replied: “North Waziristan is an autonomous Islamic Emirates. It has been like that for centuries. But our history books distort the facts and teach our children that it is part of Pakistan. The area has unimaginable amounts of oil, gold, copper, silver, bronze, coal, diamonds, gas and fossilised dinosaur remains underneath its rugged grounds. That’s what the Americans are after.”

Our reporter then asked whether he had any evidence to prove his claim.

The officer pulled out a few photographs and showed it to the reporter. The photographs showed a few bones. “Dinosaur bones,” he explained.

He added: “These were excavated in North Waziristan by the archaeology division of the Taliban. After they were studied by the geology division of the Taliban, it had traces of oil, gold, copper, silver, bronze, coal, diamonds and gas.”


What about the evidence proving that the shooting was staged by American and Pakistani agencies?

Pulling out a piece of paper, the officer said: “This is the evidence. It was decoded by the Taliban’s division of quantum physics.”

The paper had screen shots of a brief exchange of tweets on Twitter between one ‘Lib Fish’ and ‘Oil Gul.’

The officer said that Lib Fish was actually a CIA operative based in Qatar and Oil Gul was an ISI sleuth on Twitter based in Lahore. The exchange was intercepted and decoded by one ‘Tsunami Mommy’ who is based in Swabi in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa province in Pakistan and is an engineer by profession.

We are publishing the Twitter exchange between Lib Fish and Oil Gul that was provided to us by the officer:

@LibFish Yo, @OilGul, how goes life?

@OilGul Life’s kool, mate.

@LibFish @OilGul Any chance of visiting Qatar soon?

@OilGul @LibFish Haha. Soon after I’m done with my O level exams. They suck.

@LibFish @OilGul Haha. Yea, they do, don’t they?

The officer told us that Tsunami Mommy jumped in after he realised what was taking place:

@Tsunami_Mommy Agents! I know what you two do. Anti-Islam anti-Pakistan bastaaas. @OilGul @LibFish

@OilGul Dude, who are you? Why are you trolling us?

@Tsunami_Mommy Shup ut fake liberalz fascist agents IK is best you bastaaas NA250 rigging 1 billion fake liberalz votes anti-Pakistan anti-Islam inshallah Nya ******** tabdeeli …

The officer said he used famous Pakistani linguist and WW-II code-breaker, Mustansar Hussain Tarar, to decode the suspicious Twitter exchange and that is when he discovered that the CIA and the ISI were planning the fake shooting.

He also gave the reporter the manuscript of the book that Tsunami Mommy was writing on the shooting after piecing together the evidence (with evidence) provided by the doctor, the officer and Mustansar Hussain Tarar.

The book’s title will be ‘A Fake Shooting of a Fake Liberal by a Fake Liberal, You Bastaaas.’

Below is the brief summary of what the manuscript claims:

October 1, 1997: Malala is born to Hungarian parents in Budapest and named Jane.

October 4, 2002: The parents are recruited by the CIA and given a crash course in evangelical Christianity, hypnosis and karate.

October 7, 2003: They land in Pakistan and head for Swat posing as NGO workers. They get in touch with a low-level ISI agent, and convert the family to Christianity, leaving Jane with him. He changes her name to Malala and instils in her the fear of Jesus.

October 30, 2007: Malala starts to write a blog that asks the militants of Swat to put down their weapons, pick up a Bible and boogie.

October 21, 2011: The militants request her to stop writing her evangelical blogs and finish her homework instead.

October 1, 2012: CIA recruits a Pashtu speaking Italian-American loner (Robert) living in New York and gives him a crash course in gun-slinging and acting.

October 7, 2012: CIA shares plan of Malala’s fake shooting with the ISI. The ISI agrees and gives Malala and her parents a briefing.

October 11, 2012: The Italian-America arrives in Swat posing as an Uzbek homeopath


October 12, 2012: Robert is given a gun that is loaded with blanks. He intercepts Malala’s school van and fires blanks at her. She pretends to be hit and squeeze opens a small pack of Mitchel’s Tomato Ketchup she is hiding in one of her hands and rubs the ketchup all over her face. A fake ambulance suddenly arrives on the scene and takes away Malala. The world is told that she was shot in the face and head by a Taliban fanatic.

The story that ran in the media quoted Malala’s friends in the van saying that the gunman asked for Malala and then shot her.

But the officer shared with us the testimony of one of Malala’s friends that was repressed by vested interests in the media.

According to the testimony, a man stopped the van and shouted (in Pashtu), ‘who is Jane … I mean, Jeanette … no, Alberta Joan Lucas?’

The girls looked at each other in confusion and the driver was about to drive away when the gunman pulled out a gun and started to shout: ‘Uno momento, un momento …’

Then looking at a girl he asked: ‘You lookin’ at me?’ At which Malala threw down her school bag and shouted (in Italian): ‘No you idiot, I AM lookin’ at you. Malala, Malala, remember? Fool.’

Saying, ‘Oh,’ he shot her (with the blanks).

• The girl that the media was shown in the hospital was not Malala. The officer shared with us some photographs to prove this. He first showed us a video (on his iPhone) that he shot hours after the shooting. It shows Malala joyfully bungee jumping on the hills near River Swat.


Then the officer informed us that the doctor had the earwax samples of the girl in the hospital. When we contacted the doctor again and asked what the samples proved he said that the DNA he extracted from the sample suggests that the girl in the hospital was not a girl at all. It was a pillow.

He said he had managed to sneak into the operating room (posing as a postman) and while he was secretly drawing out earwax from the girl’s ears, he managed to take a picture of the girl with his Nokia phone.

‘I came back and was shocked when I enlarged the picture,’ he said.

He then gave us a printout of the picture …


We believe there is now enough evidence for Pakistan and the international community to have a serious re-look at the Malala story and demand that the United Nations orders a full investigation into the matter.

Hahaha an awesomely written article i like that guys sarcasm :P
NFP - simply brilliant. However, the fundos will not understand any of it. The feeble minded donkeys who believe in these conspiracy theories are a complete embarrasement to PK and Islam.
I am not in favor of Malala because he father is tout ... But this article is totally garbage ...........
Good heavens! Haven’t people seen Malala’s interview with Hamid Mir of 2009. Is it implied that Hamid Mir is also a part of this conspiracy and all this was pre-planned. All that happened is totally discounted on account a non-corroborated account from an anonymous doctor!

Malala Yousufzai Interview with Capital Talk - 2009 - Part 1 - YouTube

Oh Yes I forgot we are the nation who believes that CARS CAN RUN ON WATER!
I have no words to say about the complete morons who write such article. I can only quote the following article and hide away in shame at the bigotry of my countrymen.

The death of critical thinking

Adiah Afraz
Sunday, October 13, 2013
From Print Edition

153 57 22 1

The death of critical thinkingSo Malala didn’t get the Nobel Peace Prize. Big deal! Frankly, Malala didn’t need a Nobel prize to validate her cause. And I am not saying this because grapes have turned sour. Of course I rooted for Malala to get this prize, of course it would have been wonderful had she won it. But having said that, isn’t it also wonderful that Malala is already at a place where she has risen above the need for laurels? As somebody else also pointed in The Guardian this week, Malala’s cause is already in the limelight it deserves, and it’s just starting off. The peace prize can wait for yet another time.

So let’s wish more power to Malala, let her bask in the glory of global attention and stop for a minute to analyse the situation back home.

While the whole world is celebrating the courage of Malala Yousafzai, why is it that so many people in Pakistan are cynical about her? This beautiful courageous Pakistani girl whose only fault is that she took a stand for education, became famous for her activism, and then paid the price by being shot in the head at point-blank range.

Where is the conspiracy in this story, and how do people find it?

And here I am not referring to those of Malala’s critics who are uneducated and illiterate and don’t know any better. Instead, I refer to those who have the benefit of an education and are literate enough to read newspapers and write convoluted analyses on social media. Those who simply refuse to believe that a girl child in Pakistan can value education enough to go out and fight for it.

I remember I once wrote an emotional piece about Malala when she was still recovering in the hospital. As I wrote, I thought of my own children and Malala’s mother and what she must have gone through. Many people appreciated the emotion in that article but many of them criticised its content as well. My doctor, for example, complimented me by saying this: “Beautiful article. But you don’t really believe all of that, do you?” “Believe what?”, I asked. “That Malala is a hero? Why would I say it if I didn’t believe it?”

“Ok fine, this is a very sad thing to have happened to her” said the doctor. “But can’t you see how her father has benefitted from this incident?”

“Benefitted? But how? By getting his child shot in the head?” I was bewildered.

To think that this statement came from a doctor who had been trained in the US and UK for twelve years, and had more degrees in front of his name than teeth in his head; the proverbial healer of human bodies, the messiah in white robes, an angel with the touch of God! I was simply amazed.

Since then I have come across many of those educated Pakistanis who in all honesty believe that Malala getting shot in the head is actually part of a larger conspiracy to bring bad name to Pakistan. A lot of times these educated people don’t say it in so many words, but whatever they say means exactly that. And this is where I see the underlying problem.

When they make anti-Malala arguments, these educated people don’t show a lack of education, they show a lack of a certain kind of education. Education that cultivates critical thinking, the ability to understand the implication of one’s own words, to rationalise by rising above one’s own prejudices and belief systems, to evaluate arguments on the basis of evidence rather than emotions.

Believing that those who take the name of religion to force their agendas on us could actually be brutal, power-hungry maniacs is still considered sacrilegious by many. So doubting Malala becomes the easier option. Because if they keep doubting Malala they don’t have to get out of their comfort zones of denial.

And this is where I propose that we rethink how we define education for ourselves.

If only when a future doctor is studying physics, chemistry or biology at school, we somehow can make him take a few courses in humanities and social sciences, he might learn to view things as they exist rather than fitting them into moulds created by societal biases.

If only our school curricula could incorporate sociology and human rights; rational inquiry and critical thinking, literature, gender studies, feminist theory or human psychology; then maybe one day there could be less misogyny and hate mongering in Pakistani society. Because it is only through this kind of education that we can teach our children about reason, empathy, acceptance, tolerance and the universality of human emotions.

Those who resent Malala for rising to fame while so many others have gone unrecognised fighting for the same cause can benefit from a course on civil rights movements. They can learn, for instance, that icons are always those who represent the struggle of many and yet they are the ones who are singled out to be idolised and many times to pay with more personal sacrifice.

There could be many woman fighting against segregation for instance, but there would only be one Rosa Parks who would become a symbol of that fight. There could be many men dreaming of a free society but there would only be one Martin Luther King who would rise to fame.

Malala’s fame has come with a price. A bullet shot at her head at point-blank range.

There are some who hate Malala because while she is rising to fame, so many children are dying in drone attacks. They too should rationalise and separate the two phenomena. Tragic as they are, drone deaths are not Malala’s fault. Let’s own our little girl. We need some Malala after all, and Malala needs us.

The writer is a graduate student at the University of Oxford, and faculty member at LUMS.

Email: adiahafraz@**********
The death of critical thinking - Adiah Afraz

The OP made me burst with laughter after a long time,the world's most funniest,stupidest,sarcastic most article which was ever existed in the history of sarcasm and madness.
I am totally speechless right now...
My first question,why the hell do 'missionaries' need to 'import/export' a girl from Hungary,when they can get millions from swat valley?
-Never seen a doctor who keeps 'ear wax' as a hobby and checks DNA.
-Never heard of an ISI agent who wears 'Spider man' mask,he can use some better technique such as mustaches,hair coluor etc..:woot:
-Never saw agents conversing like that officially on twitter,when they can have a better technology ie something like 'Intranet'?
-The girl and that Uzbek agent had a talk too?
-Gold traces on Dinosaurs?
-Taliban's quantum physics wing?:woot:

I can admit that Malala's bravery maybe used as a tool to hide cases of Abeera or of brutality of American forces/agents who are raping and torturing victims of swat as referred by Auriya Maqbool Jan,but the above post is full of crap.
Hate those who are trying to hide their dirty,bloody faces not a brave girl like Malala.
mullha jaat, just wanted to be agent x?lolzz
tried best but?lolzzzz
me malala k khilaf ho albata ye b aik jot ha me khod shangla ka ho jo malal ka asal gaw ha ka ho aur muje pata sub malala k abu humare school aya karte tay itne mukhlis nahe taleeem k liye kion k us k home village me boys school b nahe aur paisa kamane k liye us ne swat city me school open kiya aur apne home village ka khayal b nahe aya :hitwall:
me malala k khilaf ho albata ye b aik jot ha me khod shangla ka ho jo malal ka asal gaw ha ka ho aur muje pata sub malala k abu humare school aya karte tay itne mukhlis nahe taleeem k liye kion k us k home village me boys school b nahe aur paisa kamane k liye us ne swat city me school open kiya aur apne home village ka khayal b nahe aya :hitwall:
Man - People were right, she is foreign agent

me malala k khilaf ho albata ye b aik jot ha me khod shangla ka ho jo malal ka asal gaw ha ka ho aur muje pata sub malala k abu humare school aya karte tay itne mukhlis nahe taleeem k liye kion k us k home village me boys school b nahe aur paisa kamane k liye us ne swat city me school open kiya aur apne home village ka khayal b nahe aya :hitwall:

Bro - You joined forum to bang your head on wall? :blink:
The same article was also sent to me by another friend commenting that it is unbelievable how low some of our countrymen will stoop to in their envy.

Let us rationally analyse the facts.

Only way Doctor could have the ear wax of Malala in the first place if she had come to see him for some illness; how come the doctor couldn’t tell that she was not a Pashtun when he examined her? To pass herself off as Pashtun, especially in front of her class mates and teachers day after day; Malaya must be able to speak fluent Pashto without accent. It means that she must have been raised in Swat from a very young age.

Pashtuns are a close knit family, therefore the grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins from both sides of the family have to be part of this conspiracy. Malala was interviewed by the Pashto language station AVT Khyber, Urdu language Aaj Daily and Malala has appeared on Capital Talk twice. Malala was born in 1997 and appeared on Capital Talk in 2009; it means Malala was an accomplished actress from the tender age of 12?

It is a normal practice that some investigation is done by the gov’t before any award is given. Malala was awarded Sitara Shujaat just before she was shot. The article under discussion implies that the media and the government are so stupid that no one couldn’t detect a fake and it was left to this genius doctor to unveil the truth.

Now lets us come to the motive. Who is behind this great drama to fool not only Pakistan but the United Nations Secretary General as well? May be Banki Moon is part of the conspiracy too?
Taliban did not need Malala to make them look bad. The videos showing Taliban beheading Pakistan soldiers and public flogging of women was more than enough. But to create such an elaborate drama just to show Taliban are against female education? What is purpose of this elaborate hoax?

Did it occur to the people who read this hogwash that the heretofore unknown doctor is lying thru his teeth and simply made up this story to gain publicity? Is there no end to the depravity of some people?
Here is lint o an article by Hamid Mir, the first journalist who interviewed Malala.

Hamid Mir- Qalam Kaman- achay kaam buri khabrain - Jang Columns
@niaz : I think the article is meant to be sarcastic.
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