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Malala is being exploited by the pro-war lobby - Wikileaks tweets on Malala


Aug 7, 2007
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Saudi Arabia
Malala is being exploited by the pro-war lobby - Wikileaks tweets on Malala

WikiLeaks some recent Yesterdays tweet-

1. WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
1. The Guardian's recent Person of the Year fiasco is illustrative of how the UK establishment and modern media work. Points follow (1-10).
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2. WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
1. Decide to push pro-war Afghan war line by exploiting wounded girls similar to this CIA report released by WL CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010 - WikiLeaks
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3. WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
2. Front load the Guardian "Person of the Year" list with the target that will let the Guardian rip on and on about the evil Taliban.
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4. WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
3. This week, that's Malala, a 14 year old girl reportedly shot in the head by the Taliban who has been exploited by the pro-war lobby
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5. WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
4. Create the Guardian candidate list and front load it with the intended winner (Malala)
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6. WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks
5. To make readers feel like it's not a sham, offer to have other entrants nominated. The Guardian did not have Manning as a candidate.
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It was very much a game of two halves. The overwhelming majority of early votes in the three-day poll went to Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban for defending girls' right to education. Malala, who is still recovering from injuries sustained in October, had 70 percent of votes at the halfway stage with many readers predicting a foregone conclusion. "What that kid did really focussed the world on the evil that these men can do - and what evil all people can do when they feel inclined. But it also showed the courage to pull through and the will of others to not succumb to evil," wrote jamieTWC1.

But in the latter stages, following a series of tweets from the @Wikileaks twitter handle telling followers to vote Manning, thousands of voters flocked to his cause. Manning secured 70 percent of the vote, the vast majority of them coming after a series of @Wikileaks tweets. Project editor Mark Rice-Oxley said: "It was an interesting exercise that told us a lot about our readers, our heroes and the reasons that people vote."
Guardian person of the year: Voters choose Bradley Manning | World news | guardian.co.uk

Thanks to wikiLeaks- it saved Malala from further exploitation-
whoever wrote this is a giant asshole
sadly, the attitude among most pakistanis is that no one should ever progress except themself.
what us wrong with a father, whose daughter was a victim of terrorists, get involved with an organization that tries to educate people?

it's pathetic how everyone is jumping on the hate wagon because instead.of crawling back in a hole the Malala family dares to move on and make a better life for themselves

And we don't need them back in this hole either!
This Malala thing in my opinion was just another way to damage Pakistans image. Just recently the news came out that they are planning to stay in UK for good.
Any despicable act of terrorism is often used by other nations as a subject to malign a nation. Here, the usage of the act by those parties doesn't mean the victim of the act be held responsible. Whether its Salala, 26/11 or 9/11. The victims and the family of the victims are the one who paid the highest price. So blaming the victims is outright idiotic.

What do you expect from the media channels of the other party to do, these type of incidents is their fodder, they will use it to get the maximum out of it. So if anyone has to be blamed are the people behind the act, not the people who suffered from it. Media is just doing what it does the best.

Talibans wants to Kill her- West wants to exploit her- in between is another Pakistani girl- Malala-
Exactly, why blame her for all the mess created ?
This is baloney at the highest level, which goes to show how gullible and exploitable are Pakistanis, given their penchant for indulging in such nonsense like the Ahmed Quraishi created PakiLeaks. But the sad state of affairs is, if their former HEC chairman can indulge in HAARP theories and if their nation can be swayed by a "Water Car Engineer", then there is little doubt that they can spin conspiracy theories out of Conspiracy theory.
This is baloney at the highest level, which goes to show how gullible and exploitable are Pakistanis, given their penchant for indulging in such nonsense like the Ahmed Quraishi created PakiLeaks. But the sad state of affairs is, if their former HEC chairman can indulge in HAARP theories and if their nation can be swayed by a "Water Car Engineer", then there is little doubt that they can spin conspiracy theories out of Conspiracy theory.

So says an Indian sitting on top of a grand bridge between Sri Lanka & India (supposedly made by monkeys but according to some monkeys are just an indication of evolution), a bridge so important that Govt has been pressurized into halting all developmental work there.

And there was something about an ancient flying machine, Antique Indian UFO, where ancient Indians in 10,000 BC went for the worlds first nuclear war.

What about India's favorite historian P.N. Oak who claims Taj Mahal is Tajo Mahalya a Shiva mandir. Some words about an exceptionally refined way on how P.N Oak combined Linguistics, Theology and Folk Lore to bring about The Indian revolution >

"Oak has written several books and articles on Indian history and founded an "Institute for Rewriting Indian History" in 1964. According to Oak, modern secular and Marxist historians have fabricated "idealized versions" of India's past and drained it of its "Vedic context and content". Srinivas Aravamudan noted that Oak's work typically resorts to "deep punning" – associating Sanskrit sound-alikes with non-Sanskrit religious terms such as Vatican=vatika "hermitage", Christianity=Krishna-netti or Chrisn-nity "ethics of Krishna or the way of Krishna" Islam=ishalayam "temple of God", Abraham as an aberration of brahma, and George as an aberration of Garg. Based on this, Oak claims that both Christianity and Islam allegedly originated as distortions of "Vedic" beliefs. "

Now who has a penchant for indulging in nonsense? Just Google P.N Oak and see how many Indians believe this abomination. You been DEEP-PUNNED :D
So says an Indian sitting on top of a grand bridge between Sri Lanka & India (supposedly made by monkeys but according to some monkeys are just an indication of evolution), a bridge so important that Govt has been pressurized into halting all developmental work there.

And there was something about an ancient flying machine, Antique Indian UFO, where ancient Indians in 10,000 BC went for the worlds first nuclear war.

What about India's favorite historian P.N. Oak who claims Taj Mahal is Tajo Mahalya a Shiva mandir. Some words about an exceptionally refined way on how P.N Oak combined Linguistics, Theology and Folk Lore to bring about The Indian revolution >

"Oak has written several books and articles on Indian history and founded an "Institute for Rewriting Indian History" in 1964. According to Oak, modern secular and Marxist historians have fabricated "idealized versions" of India's past and drained it of its "Vedic context and content". Srinivas Aravamudan noted that Oak's work typically resorts to "deep punning" – associating Sanskrit sound-alikes with non-Sanskrit religious terms such as Vatican=vatika "hermitage", Christianity=Krishna-netti or Chrisn-nity "ethics of Krishna or the way of Krishna" Islam=ishalayam "temple of God", Abraham as an aberration of brahma, and George as an aberration of Garg. Based on this, Oak claims that both Christianity and Islam allegedly originated as distortions of "Vedic" beliefs. "

Now who has a penchant for indulging in nonsense? Just Google P.N Oak and see how many Indians believe this abomination. You been DEEP-PUNNED :D
LMAO at this response. Unlike you, we do not confuse symbolism with valid reasons for objections. The reason this is being objected was not due to the mythological background, but due to the environmental impact post the dredging effects after building the canal. There is no convoluted Conspiracy theory or Madrassa-logic at work here. Here, we do not have our "visionaries" like Mubarakband talking about the Water Car on National television, making a fool of himself and his country.
i bet this wont sound nice to many pakistanis here :lol:

malala malala, she is our hero

well hero doesnt seek asylum and get exploited by our biggest enemy of today

Is this wikilwak credible??? We have seen fake Wikileaks by Pakistani Members in Past...

if you even bother to read, its not from pakistani media but mouth from the mighty itself
LMAO at this response. Unlike you, we do not confuse symbolism with valid reasons for objections. The reason this is being objected was not due to the mythological background, but due to the environmental impact post the dredging effects after building the canal. There is no convoluted Conspiracy theory or Madrassa-logic at work here. Here, we do not have our "visionaries" like Mubarakband talking about the Water Car on National television, making a fool of himself and his country.

actually bro we arn't as bore as some of our neighbours……:haha:
come on don't me so mad on him……
It's allright just chill…:yahoo::cool:
actually bro we arn't as bore as some of our neighbours……:haha:
come on don't me so mad on him……
It's allright just chill…:yahoo::cool:
mate this is 1 year old thread.. he is banned member why are you replying to him.. :D

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