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Make Mumbai Second Capital of India

Bombay Dude

Sep 11, 2011
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In a move that might set several cats among the pigeons, a group of professionals, including doctors, advocates and teachers, have written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asking the Union government to consider moving the national capital out of New Delhi, to Mumbai – or at least declare the city as the second capital of India.

‘Mumbai for India’s capital,’ is the campaign plank of advocate Sujit Shripad Chavan, who is contesting elections to the Maharashtra Legislative Council, due next month, as an independent candidate. He is the vice–president of the Mahamumbai Padvidhar Sabha (MPS), the forum promoting the move to shift India’s capital from New Delhi to Maharashtra’s own.

The campaign will be formally launched on Wednesday and, according to Chavan, the MPS has given considerable thought to the proposal after conversations with numerous graduates, professionals and youth, most of whom have welcomed it.


In its letter to the PM, the MPS has described Delhi as ‘stagnant, non-inspirational and showing signs of rigid orthodoxy’ after serving as India’s capital for over a century. Mumbai, on the other hand, ‘is inspirational, vibrant, prosperous and a modern city with a cosmopolitan, intellectual and philanthropic outlook :lol:’, the MPS has said.

Quoting Dr BR Ambedkar from his 1955 book, ‘Thoughts on Linguistic States’, wherein he advocated a second capital, much like the Moghuls and the British had throughout their reign (Agra and Srinagar, then Delhi and Srinagar for the Moghuls; Calcutta and Simla, later Delhi and Simla for the British), the MPS has pointed out that the father of the Indian Constitution had even then picked three cities — Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad for their vibrancy, but favoured Mumbai as the ‘Emporium of India’.


The MPS suggests that ‘Mahamumbai’ be extended to Navi Mumbai, Thane and the edges of Raigad, much in accordance with the state government’s own expansion plans under the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority, and that these areas be declared the National Capital Region.

MPS president Dr Tushar Jagtap told Hindustan Times that nearly 48% of the land in Mumbai is under the no-development zone, and that it is quite feasible for the government to develop this dormant real estate to build a parliament house and other infrastructure needed for a second capital.

“This is due to India’s financial capital, and is also advisable from the security point of view — if one capital is under threat, we will always have another one in which to seek refuge,” he said.


Shiv Sena spokesperson Rahul Narvekar has welcomed the move, so long as there is no attempt to turn Mumbai into a city-state. “If Mumbai is made India’s second capital it will be a great boost to Mumbaikars, but if there is any attempt to make it independent of Maharashtra, it will be not only unfair to the rest of the state, but will be an insult to the memories of the 105 people who gave their lives fighting for an independent state in the 1950s,” he said.

The Congress, however, is rather cold to the idea. Former Mumbai Congress president Kripashankar Singh said, “The thought is attractive but if at all a second capital is needed, why not Nagpur, where the zero mile begins?” Nagpur is equidistant from across the country and would bring people closer to the capital, than placing it at one extreme, he said. “Mumbai will continue to be the financial capital and, even without being the second capital, it is not likely to decline in significance,” he added.

The PM has acknowledged the June 19 letter, but has ventured forth no opinion.

Make Mumbai second capital of India, city forum petitions PM - Hindustan Times

No Sorry. Let the Feudals Stay in the North Only.

Mumbai is Fine with Town and the Western and Eastern Suburbs. Don't need anyone more.

What Other Indians think?
Mumbai is already the financial capital.

I would suggest pune or Nasik...they are the rising stars.
As though there is huge space in Mumbai for making it as a second capital!

Enough of people migrating to metros! Time to develop Tier II and Tier III cities in India! Else in the next war the enemy will fire 6-7 bombs in the metros and other important cities and India will be dragged some 50 years back!

99% of my friends studies with me are in Chennai, Bangalore and Mumbai!

Why not the Australian Example of Canberra and create a new city as a second capital?
In its letter to the PM, the MPS has described Delhi as ‘stagnant, non-inspirational and showing signs of rigid orthodoxy’ after serving as India’s capital for over a century. Mumbai, on the other hand, ‘is inspirational, vibrant, prosperous and a modern city with a cosmopolitan, intellectual and philanthropic outlook’, the MPS has said.

So a bunch of people want to turn Mumbai into another Delhi - 'stagnant, non-inspirational and rigid orthodoxy'? Sorry no way. Mumbai is best as is.
It's ridiculous idea..
First, they will setup comity, then will pass 1000 crore rupee bill to the great thinkers of GOI who have no educational qualification for that headed by either MMS or chidaram.. Then all that money will be in hell, and after 15 years when again question will be raised they will again setup one more comity and the cycle will continue...
So one capital is enough,..
Mumbai needs to be made into it's own independent state outside of Maharashtra with City Mayors.
Why not the Australian Example of Canberra and create a new city as a second capital?

I thought Canberra was the only National Capital of Australia :confused:

‘Stagnant, non-inspirational,dull and orthodoxy’ are the characteristics of national capitals be it Delhi, Beijing, Washington or Canberra while the financial centres are polar opposite like Mumbai, Shanghai, New York and Sydney [Just my PPOV]

So there's nothing special in case of Delhi and Mumbai :whistle:
What an absurd India, I guess people have too much of time and money to waste on such propaganda...

Will they get free mangoes if Mumbai is made the second Capital, I think not... :pop:
Seriously why are we even discussing this, setting up a new capital will eat up a lot of precious public money, which can otherwise be utilized for other important projects. Delhi is just fine as a capital, nothing wrong with it.
the idea should be of
winter capital and summer capital. with delhi constituting major planning board. this sounds little logical more over, its an absurd, idiotic, insane, weird, and nonsense idea. some dumb minds have become dumber.
Whats wrong with New Delhi ?

Gone are those days of two capitals. Even J&K has dispensed with a summer / winter capital.

Everything costs money. If anything, its the builders lobby who could profit from such a venture not the nation.
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