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Majority of Germans think Sanction would harm Germany more than Russia


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Political barometerMajority of Germans want no sanctions against Russia
14.03.2014 15:21

Officially only an armed man in a tank in front of the Russian Flag on the Crimea. Unofficial: a Russian soldier. PHOTO: DPA
Sanctions against Russia were more likely to Germany damage feared that almost half of Germans. A majority also assumes that the Crimea to Moscow will fall. Chancellor Merkel and foreign Minister Steinmeier harm the crisis in Ukraine is not.

Shortly before the Referendum, on the Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea via a connection to Russia is the vast majority of Germans for a cautious policy towards Moscow. According to the latest political barometer, the research group for elections in the ZDF and the Tagesspiegel has created, 25 percent of the opinion that the European Union should be completely out of theConflict around the Crimean between Ukraine and Russia stay out of this. A further 44 per cent think that it should be used with diplomatic means on the Russian approach to respond, whose goal it is obvious, the Crimea to the Russian territory anzugliedern.

Only 26 percent of Germans are for economic sanctions, and only three percent of Germans believe that Ukraine should, where appropriate, also to use military force against Russia.

The assessment of how the Federal government in the conflict position should differs depending on the Parteianhängerschaft: In the ranks of the Union, the SPD and the Greens are mostly only diplomatic means in favour of the followers of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) are mostly for complete removal stay out of this, in the Left-both opinions of the scale.

Fear of an escalation of the
This cautious opinion could also be due to the fact that almost half of the German believes that the possible economic sanctions of the EU against Moscow Germany more would harm than Russia. 46 percent of the respondents are of this view, only 18 percent believe that the damage would be for Russia to be larger. In almost all Parteianhängergruppen see more of them a potential harm to Germany as for Russia, only with the Greens are the opinions expressed here are divided.

A majority of 60 percent of the population expects Other so that there is an affiliation of the Peninsula of Crimea to Russia will come, only 25 percent believe that it doesn't come to that, 15 percent of answers "don't know". Should the Crimea is a part of the Russian Federation, found that 53 percent of Germans are bad, eight percent would be this good and 31 percent, this is for you no matter.
In addition, believes a majority of 57 German is not that it is because of the conflict around the Crimean there to a military confrontation will come, at 36 per cent, however, feared that this escalation threatens.

ze germons.
Well, Europe does import a large chunk of its energy products from Russia.
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