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major Mast Gul (a terrorist of ahrar ul hind) with jamaat islami leadership


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom

He is also a former Kashmiri 'Mujahidin'.
Ajab teray jalway ajab teray kam - yazim say marasim hussain ko bhi salam

hope i have said it right
He is also a former Kashmiri 'Mujahidin'.

Hizbul Mujahidenn denies it vehemently.

MUZAFFARABAD: Upset by media reports linking a ‘militant commander’ from a tribal area with it, the largest fighter group in India-held Kashmir, Hizbul Mujahideen (HM), on Tuesday deplored what it termed an attempt to tarnish its image.

“Attempts to affiliate someone claiming responsibility for bomb blasts in Pakistan with Hizbul Mujahideen to dent its credibility are upsetting and painful,” said the group in a brief statement issued here, in a reference to Major Mast Gul, alias Haroon Khan.

An earlier statement of the group mentioned Mr Gul by name, while recalling that he had quit Hizbul Mujahideen before 2001. However, in a revised statement, his name was taken off.

A section of the media had introduced Mr Gul as a Hizbul Mujahideen commander after he resurfaced in Miramshah early this month.

The Kashmiri fighter group made it clear that it deemed any militant activity within Pakistan “nefarious and against the tenets of Islam”.

“Hizbul Mujahideen is an indigenous freedom fighter group of India-held Jammu and Kashmir and it is also a historical fact that the Kashmiris hold Pakistan dearer than their lives,” it said.

“Let it be clear that the leadership and cadres of Hizbul Mujahideen are fighting Indian occupation forces and their resistance movement is restricted to held Kashmir,” said the statement.

It paid tribute to the leadership and public of Pakistan for their deep concern and moral, diplomatic and political support for the cause of struggling Kashmiris. “Kashmiri people and fighters are also prayerful for the safety of the people of Pakistan and stability of their country.”

Hizbul Mujahideen says Mast Gul no more its member - DAWN.COM

Whenever there is a group (any group - political, militant, legal, civil etc.) that is ascendant, it always draws attention, envy, praise, fear and adherence. Among the adherents of the new group, there are people which can be classified best as 'Opportunists'. They will join the said group for their own interest - whether that be financial, political, ideological, religious etc.

Once the said group has lost it's power and charisma; these 'Opportunists' will no longer aspire to carry on 'The Mission' of the said group, because, it no longer provides them any kind of benefit.

We can also call these 'Opportunists' as 'Mercenaries' or 'Soldiers of Fortune'; they will be inclined to join other groups which can provide them benefits they were used to enjoy - i.e. whoever pay highest. Major Mast Gul could be just one of these kinds: An Opportunist.

In the words of an Indian Officer in Kashmir, there are stages of militancy:

1. First is Commitment - that happened during the 1987 - 1989 era. When ideological people came out to fight their opperessors.

2. Second in Craziness (his jargon) - that was the peak of militancy in Kashmir 1990 - 1995. When Indian army was completely bogged down.

3. Third is Criminality - That was the time when there were reports of rape and extortion by Kashmiri Mujahideen. By that time, Indian army had infiltrated into Mujahideen's organisations and were trying to vilify the prestige of these organisations by spreading such rumours and committing such atrocities in their name.

4. Final stage is 'No' - that is when ordinary people start to say 'No to Militancy' because they are weary of the actions of 'Freedom Fighter'. Indian army was able to infiltrate the Kashmiri Mujahideen successfully and was able to inflict considerable damage to the prestige of 'Freedom Fighters'. At this stage, in fact, Indian army had created it's own fake Mujahideen groups, for example, Al-Faran; it is the same Al-Faran which brought Molvi Masood Azhar from India by Hijacking a Plane. Same Masood Azhar who founded Jaish-e-Muhammad.

Who knows who is this person - Major Mast Gul - and how he is related to Jihad in Kashmir. As I said earlier, most likely, he is not an ideological person at all; He is just a Soldier of Fortune.
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