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Major Gaurav Arya's SECOND OPEN LETTER to Kashmiri Youths

Go cry a Yangtze about it.

You Chinese perform ethnic dilution in Xinjaing, which even most imperialistic colonizers from 8 nation alliance would feel disgusted about, but are deluded enough to belive of having a higher moral ground to talk about Kahsmir
No you India always believe your democracy give your higher moral ground to interfere with Tibet issue of independence from China. I'm not China citizen therefore I'm not deny Tibet their right to be independence from China. But for Indian need to instropect your own treatment of Kashmir before Indian have the moral to criticize China policy in Tibet.
General dyer didn't rule anything . He simply killed civilians asking independence. Like you and your country are doing nowadays.
What you claim that we are doing in one part of our country, you are doing for your whole life time.. Pakistan takes pride in Military dictatorship.. Pity u..

You can also shove up your hindustan and its zindabad or murdabad up your rear side. Thank You :)
Wow, such a nice post from an "ELITE MEMBER".. I have genuine question..Elite member status in PDF is given on what basis??
Still doesn't make sense where in the article it's saying that India is arming, financing ,training the militants ?

It at least shows that you have your own "good terrorists". Now shoo.
I don't understand what this so called veteran major is trying to prove.
In the first letter, he's addressed a deceased militant, accusing him of false publicity through social networking sites, one could ask this Major as what's his objective other than seeking attention by addressing a dead person. For the same effort why doesn't the Major write a few letters for the benefit of the Indian security people who also get killed in IOK.
First we saw some young kid saluting the IA for killing her father's killer, which later turned out to be false claim and now this guy issuing sermons to the ones not listening. All in all typical Indian psyche of cheap thrills merely to get the tail up.
Stop writing stupid letters and leave Kashmir :crazy:
That letter touched a raw nerve, didn't it? :P Never mind. Truth hurts real bad.

Whats the point??
You don't get it do you? Comprehension difficulties? Read it again....and again till it sinks into those brain cells. But then, nothing can enter a closed mind. So leave it be and move on......
His first letter was weak on intellectual arguments, came out as a bluster. To that, another useless letter was posted as a response. Now this. What is the objective?
Right wing propaganda.
He was paid Rs 500 to show his middle finger and chuck a few stones. He even managed an extra Rs 100 for covering his face with a Pakistani flag!

Now do you want the complete rate list? It's on the net. Check it out!


And you were his munshi that is why you know how much money he took from Pakistan. :lol:

And you were his munshi that is why you know how much money he took from Pakistan. :lol:
Not me. Geelani of the Hurriyat and his chief munshi from across the border. The whole world knows it but you don't? Ignorance is bliss, what? :P
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