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Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting inciden


Mar 24, 2007
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Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting inciden

(People's Daily Online)
19:00, May 14, 2013

Chinese mainland and Taiwan should use their advantages and strength to put pressure on the Philippines by sanctions in the fields of economy, trade and tourism.

Taiwanese fishing boat Kuang Ta Hsin 28 was shot by Filipino coast guard officers when doing traditional fishing work. One fisherman was killed and three were injured. A poll by Taiwanese media after the incident shows that about 70 percent interviewees hope Chinese mainland and Taiwan to join hands to cope with the Philippines if it cannot give a satisfied response.

If the Philippines refuses to make compensation for the incident, Chinese mainland and Taiwan can impose more pressure.

The Kuang Ta Hsin 28 fishing boat is not the only incident involving Taiwanese fishermen. The same kind of incident has happened in 2006, when the Philippines coast guards’ brutal shooting killed one Taiwanese fisherman and injured another. Similarly, fishermen of the mainland have been killed, detained and their hard-earned money been extorted frequently.
The Philippine coast guard has disregarded international laws and humanitarian by assaulting Chinese civilians. Some Philippine soldiers even joined the race to bully and harass Chinese people in order to get ransoms. If the two sides of the Straits can form a joint force, they will be able to suppress the arrogance of the Philippines.

After the Kuang Ta Hsin 28 fishing boat incident, Chinese foreign ministry and Taiwan authorities condemned the atrocities of the Philippine side. The Philippine authorities should not misjudge the situation; it has to apologize, punish those responsible for the incident and fully compensate the Taiwan compatriots.

Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting incident - People's Daily Online
Philippines says sorry for death of fisherman - China.org.cn

Philippines says sorry for death of fisherman

The Philippine government last night reversed its stance over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman and agreed to three demands from Taipei authorities -- a formal apology, the speeding up of an investigation into the death and punishment for the perpetrators.

However, it stopped short of mentioning the demand for compensation to be paid to the fisherman's family.

The announcement came at a late-night press conference given by the Philippines' representative to Taiwan, Antonio Basilio, after he arrived in Taipei from Manila.


Demonstrators protest near the Philippine consulate in Hong Kong on Tuesday. A Taiwan fisherman was killed by the Philippine Coast Guard on Thursday. [China Daily]

The Taiwanese authorities had set a deadline of midnight last night for the apology and had warned the Philippines of diplomatic and economic measures if it did not respond positively.

Basilio had returned to Manila on Monday to discuss the handling of the incident.

Hung Sih-cheng, 65, was shot dead last Thursday when a Philippine coast guard vessel opened fire on his boat.

Though Basilio visited the family of the dead man and expressed his sympathy and condolences, the Philippines had refused to make a formal apology, saying that an inquiry into the matter had begun and it would be better to wait for the results.

Earlier yesterday, Philippine presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said his country would rather defer any comment on a response to Taiwan's demands over the incident involving the Taiwanese fishing vessel.

"If there will be a response, it will be handled through the proper channels and not through the media," Lacierda said in a news briefing at Malacanang, the presidential palace.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman also said yesterday that China hoped the Philippines would conduct a thorough investigation into the fatal shooting of the fisherman.

"We hope the Philippines will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and provide a concrete explanation at an early date," spokesman Hong Lei said.

"We have always firmly safeguarded the safety and legitimate rights and interests of our Taiwan compatriots," Hong noted, adding that the central government had already made strong representations to the Philippines.

Last week, a spokesman for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office condemned the shooting, calling it "barbaric."
Taiwan already told China to stay out of it. Why would they change their minds after Philippines have given their apology?

I don't know. May be it's a matter of timing. When exactly did Pinoy apologize?

When it is all said and done, Taiwanese and Chinese in mainland are brothers and sisters. It is natural for them to help each other.

Politics be damned.

I don't know. May be it's a matter of timing. When exactly did Pinoy apologize?

When it is all said and done, Taiwanese and Chinese in mainland are brothers and sisters. It is natural for them to help each other.

Politics be damned.

i don't get this attitude: if you condemn politics to hell, what is left of chinese and debazi ties? racial (with their hybridity and pollution by southeast asian blood)? cultural (with their degradation of noble chinese letters and art)? economic (with their bloodletting and theft of chinese economic achievements year after year)?

the only connections left across the strait are political connections, which involve mainland telling dewei that it moves one toe out of line we will cut it off.

and politics is noble: it answers for us ultimate questions about justice. debazi might have some blood relations with us, some economic ties, and some cultural thefts from us, but what prevents debazi's worst abuses of china and chineseness from getting any worse is politics, the almost messianic promise of politics that all debazi evils can be defeated, all debazi wrongs corrected, in letting dewei go through a bloodbath. a world without politics is as insufferable as a world without hope and promise.
Taiwan should not join China in any way to prosecute the matter, because 1) it would be an act of betrayal to the Americans, and 2) China never had Taiwan's best interest in mind. If China did, it would have used its membership on the security council to lodge a complaint against the PH the day the after the killing occurred. The fact China didn't is an indication of sit-and-see stance, waiting to reap the benefit for itself from this conflict between Taiwan and PH. Like the Chinese adage -- Yu Own De Li (translated into English - the bird of prey

Taiwan should not join China in any way to prosecute the matter, because 1) it would be an act of betrayal to the Americans, and 2) China never had Taiwan's best interest in mind. If China did, it would have used its membership on the security council to lodge a complaint against the PH the day the after the killing occurred. The fact China didn't is an indication of sit-and-see stance, waiting to reap the benefit for itself from this conflict between Taiwan and PH. Like the Chinese adage -- Yu Own De Li (translated into English - the bird of prey
Taiwan should not join China in any way to prosecute the matter, because 1) it would be an act of betrayal to the Americans, and 2) China never had Taiwan's best interest in mind. If China did, it would have used its membership on the security council to lodge a complaint against the PH the day the after the killing occurred. The fact China didn't is an indication of sit-and-see stance, waiting to reap the benefit for itself from this conflict between Taiwan and PH. Like the Chinese adage -- Yu Own De Li (translated into English - the bird of prey

Taiwan should not join China in any way to prosecute the matter, because 1) it would be an act of betrayal to the Americans, and 2) China never had Taiwan's best interest in mind. If China did, it would have used its membership on the security council to lodge a complaint against the PH the day the after the killing occurred. The fact China didn't is an indication of sit-and-see stance, waiting to reap the benefit for itself from this conflict between Taiwan and PH. Like the Chinese adage -- Yu Own De Li (translated into English - the bird of prey

did you debazi just got banned?

china will not have debazi's best interests on its mind; china will care for the best interests of chinese, and debazi's hybridity disqualifies them from any kind consideration of china's political and strategic calculation. the recovery of dewei would be extremely unkind to debazi for sure
because the mainlanders want to source points with Taiwan that's why and they love to bully the Philippines because we as of now don't have the military forces to oppose them but Taiwan i think its maintaining its independence from mainlanders
because the mainlanders want to source points with Taiwan that's why and they love to bully the Philippines because we as of now don't have the military forces to oppose them but Taiwan i think its maintaining its independence from mainlanders

If we really are bullies, your maids in our land would have be treated as bad as the locals do in the Middle East Countries. In fact you are those who really attempt to bully us and force us to change the law and insult the spirit of the contract in our own land, just because we are so friendly and give so many salary to you.
Here are some of the strategic goals that Chinese leader wants to get out of this incidence:

1) Increase pressure on the Philippines to drop its lawsuit to the International Court, which has been damaging China "good" image. PRC wants the Philippines to agree with its two-party-talk gimmick, which put the Philippines into an even weaker position without helps from the international community, especially America. "Divide and Conquer" is the name of the game. The recent threat of violence by a couple hawkish Generals approved by PRC propaganda machine is intended to scare the Philippines into this deal.

2) Within that scope of "Divide and Conquer," PRC is trying to court Taiwan, which has been cooperating with Japan in the Sekkaku's issue. PRC wants to stoke the nationalist movement within Taiwan to increase the strength of pro-mainland party in Taiwanese politic. By saying they are protecting Chinese, PRC is scheming to represent interest of all Chinese in Taiwan, braking down its alliance with the US.

3) Diverting focus on PRC other aggressive moves in the SCS that I have discussed before. With the recent sending of illegal fishing boats and claiming of the hilarious "ban on fishing in the SCS," I expect the condemnation drum-beat will be extended into next week.

4) Scaring other nations in the SCS to not actively force PRC's "fishermen" out of those nations's territory water. PRC wants to provide a threat-of-violence cover for its illegal activities.

5) Gaining PRC the right of doing even more aggressive bullying of the Philippines. Their intention is clear, breaking the Philippines first, then the next target is Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, and India: breaking chopsticks, one at the time.

With everything to gain and nothing to lose, no wonder PRC government and its dedicated posters glee at this incidence. The number of threads attacking the Philippines grows like mushroom after rain in this forum. Someone even pushed this incidence to the absolutely ridiculous level of "Crime against humanity."
^ they are hypocrites, and proud of it. Btw, nice to see you here, fighting against the tides in this infested Chinese dream land
Forget about Mainland China, USA lawmakers are also siding with Taiwan.

USA, China, Taiwan > Pinoy Pride
^ the incident is not concerning PRC, don't self-insert your government there to gain political advantages upon the death of a Taiwanese man.
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