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Main Battle Tank T-84


May 21, 2006
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The T-84 Main Battle Tank was publicly presented in United Arabian Emirates in 1995 during international armament exhibition. The new tank called interest in the Pakistan Army and after a long negotiations there was made an agreement to sell 320 T-84 Main Battle Tanks for Pakistan.

This main battle tank's development works started in Charkov Machine-Building Plant's Design Bureau in the late 80-ties. The T-84 is an improved modification of the T-80UD Main Battle Tank.Scheme of the T-84 Main Battle Tank

After the breakup of the Soviet Union designers faced technical and supply problems. However by the help of Ukrainian Ministry of Machine-Building and Military-Production corpse there were made great preparation works to produce all parts of the new tank indigenously.

The T-84 Main Battle Tank was publicly presented in United Arabian Emirates in 1995 during international armament exhibition. The new tank called interest in the Pakistan Army and after a long negotiations there was made an agreement to sell 320 T-84 Main Battle Tanks for Pakistan.

Comparing with the T-80UD the T-84 features improved explosive reaction armor. Tank features multi-layer armor, filled with ceramic thinners and built in second generation explosive reaction armor packages. Built in explosive reaction armor packages have modular design and can be replaced damaged or during tank's improvement works by more advanced.

The main armament is similar to it's predecessor - the T-80UD Main Battle Tank. It is completed with 125-mm smoothbore gun. It features a quickly detachable barrel, that can be replaced in the field conditions. The PKT 7.62-mm Machine Gun is coaxially mounted with the main gun. One more 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on the roof. Anti-aircraft machine gun is operated remotely from inside of the turret.

The main gun is fed with a separately loaded rounds. It's ammunition is completed with armor-piercing undercaliber projectiles, anti-tank cumulative, high-explosion fragmentation projectiles, anti-tank guided missiles. Anti-tank guided missile can be fired from the moving into a moving target. Guided missiles are intended to defeat targets out of reach for usual projectiles and low flying helicopters. However high penetration characteristics sometimes make missiles even more effective at any ranges comparing with ordinary projectiles. The T-84 has a 40 round ammunition storage where 28 of them are placed in an The T-84 Main Battle Tank on international military exhibitionautomatically loaded storage.

Fire control system provides dual handling for the main gun and machine gun both. Commander operates combined sight with independently stabilized sighting line. Gunner operates "Irtysh" day sight, laser rangefinder, anti-tank guided missiles control system and new "Buran" thermovision system. Fire control system is based on ballistic computer considering to a number of factors for accurate fire.

One more improvement is the "Shtora-1" Active Optical-Electronic System intended for active counteraction against anti-tank guided missiles, based on semi-automatic or semi-active laser guidance. It has two warning indicators, informing crew about vehicle's enlightening by a laser beam, two infrared strays generators, two 6-barrel smoke grenade launchers, computer and control deck.

Such system greatly increases tank's survivability in the battlefield. Polygon tests of the "Shtora-1" shows it's high effectivity: hit probability launching anti-tank guided missile based on a semi-automatic command guidance principle is decreased 3-fold and based on a laser semi-active guidance - 4-fold. Corrected Artillery Projectiles are 1.5-fold less effective. Furthermore this complex is capable to counteract against some missiles, attacking main battle tank from different locations at once.

The main difference of the T-84 from it's predecessor is aThe T-84 Main Battle Tank presence of a more powerful engine. Main battle tank is powered with 6TD-2 Multi-Fuel Turbo Diesel Engine. The 6TD-2 reaches 1 200 hp power. Furthermore there is more powerful variant of the T-84, completed with 6TD-3 - the 1 500 hp engine.

Vehicle is fitted with an auxiliary power unit, based on a gas turbine engine. It is a new element as the T-80UD had no such unit. It supplies tank when the main engine is stopped. Furthermore auxiliary power unit ignitions the main engine. It is mounted at the rear of the hull.

Planetary transmission provides 7 forward and 1 backward gears.

As al the other modern main battle tanks, the T-84 is fitted with communication devices, navigation equipment, nuclear, biological, chemical protection system, automatic fire-prevention system, air conditioner. Furthermore it is fitted with a water obstacles fording equipment, that allows to manage 5 meter depth water obstacles. One more device, very common to all Soviet made main battle tanks is an entrenching equipment. Tank entrenches itself in 15-40 minutes, depending from ground type. The T-84 can be fitted with the KTM-6 Mine Trawl.
There are developed later modifications of the T-84 Main Battle Tank:

- T-84U "Jatagan" (Yataghan [English]). This modification was prepared to participate in the Turkish tender. From the base model it differs in foreign fire-control system and great dimension side screens.

- T-84-120 "Oplot". It is variant of the T-84 with a modified turret. This main battle tank features a 120-mm standard NATO caliber main gun and automatically loaded ammunition storage placed in the turret instead of the hull. This version is completed with a great dimension side screens as well.


Powerful main gun and automatic reloading mechanism. Good armored protection. Ability to fire anti-tank guided missiles from the main gun. Active counteraction system against anti-tank guided missiles. Powerful multi-fuel engine. Tank has high mobility and maneuverability features and is easily driven and furthermore has high average speed. Low fuel consumption (25% less than with the T-80UD). Reasonable price in the international armament market.


T-84 Main Battle Tank

Engine is hard-ignition without auxiliary supply unit in unpleasant conditions. Engine has serious limitations as it is not cooled properly in hot air due to a week cooling system. In such conditions it's power is artificially decreased.
Perhaps this be a good option if it's economically feasible. I personally am quiet impressed by Merkava 4 made by Israel which so many layers of ECMs(Electronic Counter Measures) just like a warplane
Markava is good tank but Pak army don't need that heavy class, need lots of logistic support,logistic nightmare. Imagine a dead Markava move from war zone. Plus south asia is more active zone for the latest weapons. Markava couldn't stand Hizbo wire guided, so imagine what Pak-India has in their inventory.
Markava is good tank but Pak army don't need that heavy class, need lots of logistic support. Imagine a dead Markava move from war zone. Plus south asia is more active zone for the latest weapons. Markava couldn't stand Hizbo wire guided, so imagine what Pak-India has in their inventory.

Last I checked, Merkava wasn't for sale to any one. So why even discuss the possibility?
Leopard 2 is more superior then Markava. And lots of other in the market. Markava is famous because it active service and constant publications about this tank.
I am confused. All the available info suggests that PA purchased T-80UD tanks with 1200 HP engine. The post above implies that we purchasd T-84?
I am confused. All the available info suggests that PA purchased T-80UD tanks with 1200 HP engine. The post above implies that we purchasd T-84?

Quite possibly different designations, the T-84 is an improved T-80UD so maybe some confusion over designations resulted from this.
Due to the Russians withholding cast turret technology from the Ukrainians they had to incorporate T84 features like the welded turret into the T80UDs for Pakistan which leads me to think that an MLU would not be too difficult.
so what are we saying PA will upgrade the T-80UD to T-84 standard and procure more tanks from the Ukraine. i thought the T-80UD was a "force multiplyer" until large numbers of AKIs were inducted in the PA. current numbers in PA inventory are as follows:

T-80UD = 320
Al-Khalid = 220

as on Dec-08
Why inducting T-84 while HIT is supposedly making Al-Khalid and Al-Zarrar? On one side, they claim to make their own tanks, and offerring them to other countries, on the other hand, still buying foreign tanks! I am little confused here :cheesy: It makes sense if we are buying something considerably better than MBT2000. But, T-84 is not very much advance than T-80UD in our inventory. Infact, except for the frst 50 or so T-80UD we received, the rest already have some T-84 features. We are already using the same engine (of T-80UD) in MBT2000, why not to expand the cooperation with Ukraine to induct more sophisticated electronics, electro-optical active protection suites, reactive armor etc. in the Al-Khalid? BTW, are these T-84 Oplot or T-84-120 Yatagan we are talking about?
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This main battle tank's development works started in Charkov Machine-Building Plant's Design Bureau in the late 80-ties. The T-84 is an improved modification of the T-80UD Main Battle Tank.
What is the source of this information?
The T-80UD MBT was designed under the leadership of Nikolay A. Shomin on the basis of the Izdeliye 476 tank and the running gear of the T-80 tank. The T-80UD was the last and the most advanced of the Soviet-designed tanks. The fire-control system enables both the gunner and the commander to fire the main gun and coaxial machine gun. The tank protection is ensured by the combined armour and explosive reactive armour. The tank's multi-fuel two-stroke turbo-piston diesel engine ensures high fuel efficiency and a long cruising range. The engine support systems make it possible to operate the tank at ambient fuel temperatures of up to 55 degrees Centigrade and to ford to a water depth of 1.8 m.

The T-80UD MBT is now in service with Ukraine, Russia and Pakistan. The overall design of the tank was so successful that the Guards Armoured Division located near Moscow (Russia) was equipped with T-80UDs.

The T-80UD MBT was demonstrated and subjected to trials in Pakistan in 1993 and 1995 to meet this country's requirement for a new MBT. In August 1996, Pakistan placed an order with the Ukraine for the supply of 320 T-80UD MBTs with the first batch of 15 vehicles being delivered in March 1997 and with the second batch of 35 following in mid-1997. These are from the stock of 52 T-80UD tanks which were built several years ago but not delivered. The T-80UD production line started again in the Ukraine to enable the remainder of the Pakistani MBT order to be met. In mid-1997, it was not clear as to whether the Ukraine was in a position to build all the subsystems of the T-80UD.

As of late 1997 the well-publicized sale of 320 Ukrainian T-80UD MBTs to Pakistan appeared to be dead in the water. A total of only 35 T-80UDs had been delivered to Pakistan in two separate batches in March and May 1997. These 35 tanks were reportedly drawn from Ukrainian Army stocks and had capabilities below the level agreed to by the two countries. According to Moscow's Kommersant Daily, this apparently caused the Pakistani government to cancel the sale. The Russian government had been publicly against this sale from the very beginning, and has repeatedly refused to supply Ukraine with critical components needed to build the T-80UDs. While the more modern Ukrainian T-84 MBT is “80% Ukrainian-made,” the T-80UD is a largely Russian product. Pakistan had been assured by Ukraine that the contract for the T-80UDs would be honored in spite of pressure and lack of support from Russia.

The final deliveries took place in late 1999. The vehicles of the final batches incorporated many features of the T-84, including an all-welded turret and other improvements. By early 2002 Pakistan had taken delivery of 320 Ukraine-manufactured T-80UD main battle tanks, with orders for 250 more.

qsaark, those articles may be old, PA isn't buying any more T-80UDs. We did 10 years ago to shore up numbers. AK's production began about 4 years ago.
i heared al zarar is old T 72 tank whcih was upgraded is that right or wrong and what is difference between al khalid and alzarar and why pak chosse to built 2 different types of tanks and T 80UD is in service with pak or T 84 and i also want to say merkava is piece of junk because it never faced worthy opponent it always use to kill unarmed people even TOW 2 or baktar shikan will makes it dead easily because merkava is not very agile if any one got lock on it it cannot hide
what happens when an Irresistble forces meets with an Immovable object

Iressistable force Immovable object
T 80UD VS T 90
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