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Mahatma Gandhi's granson writes to Rahul Gandhi !

Oct 17, 2013
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Dear Rahul Gandhi,

Gandhiji was my great grandfather.

He was assassinated by Mr. Nathuram Godse. Many inquiry commissions have researched the case and none has implicated the RSS. My grandfather Ramdas Gandhi wrote to the then Home Minister, Sadar Patel to spare Mr. Godse the capital punishment -- our family had moved on even then...but...just for your information..when Ramdas Gandhi lay dying in Mumbai (1969), Mr. Gopal Godse, the younger brother of Mr. Nathuram Godse did pay him a visit. So as it stands, this issue is squarely in the past and my family has moved on....

....my humble suggestion
-- you folks who own Congress (I) and your good self...should move on AND QUIT milking the name Gandhi and this issue for your selfish benefits. Have the magnanimity to accept the verdicts of the various commissions.

To keep harping that the RSS killed Gandhi is akin to saying the Sikhs killed your father...which would be such a petty falsehood isn't it? A couple of guys don't make for a community....

So please stop this charade, stop this opportunistic usage of the Gandhi name. You are not from the Gandhi family. You have fooled too many people for too long in India. Stop it now.

I am putting this in the public domain as someone from the Gandhi family has to call your bluff.

Yours sincerely,

Shrikrishna Kulkarni

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Great reply to the stupid Rahul Gandhi .
we see many of these articles as elections near. nothing but politics
Wow! That sucks. Rahul Baba and the CongrASS will now start running for cover. Watch out for the Cong retards who will do all they can to defend RaGa by putting out their usual spins.

And this weasel had called Modi, 'Hitler'!! :rofl: This guy seems to have lost the war already!
Wow! That sucks. Rahul Baba and the CongrASS will now start running for cover. Watch out for the Cong retards who will do all they can to defend RaGa by putting out their usual spins.

And this weasel had called Modi, 'Hitler'!! :rofl: This guy seems to have lost the war already!

Raul Vinci Calling anyone Hitler is Hilarious .......:lol:

Fact is Rahul 'gandhi's grandfather Stefano Maino (Sonia 'gandhi's father) was a Certified Facist with declared unwavering loyalty to Mussolini and he was proud he supported the Nazi's. :angel:

Meeting Mr Maino | Jawid Laiq

Meeting Mr Maino
"After Sonia's marriage, everyone thinks we have got rich. But the marriage has been an expensive thing for us."

Apart from the portrait, the other prominent feature of the dimly-lit front room of Maino's house was the collection of leather-bound speeches and writings of Benito Mussolini. I looked pointedly at them. Without batting an eyelid, Maino declared his unwavering loyalty to Mussolini and Italy's 'admirable' fascist past. The words streamed forth. The current Italian government was composed of a bunch of traitors who had betrayed Mussolini and the Fatherland. All the modern Italian political parties were hopeless, except the neo-fascist front. What Italians needed was compulsory sterilisation. Indira Gandhi smiled benignly out of the silver-frame. Nadia, Sonia's petite and pretty younger sister, sitting beside her father, looked decidedly embarrassed.

That did not stop Stefano Maino's frank and forthright expression of his views on life and politics. After all, he had proudly fought against the Russian Reds alongside Hitler's Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front in World War II. The bold and direct manner of the soldier remained with him. I felt a tinge of sadness when this blunt and straightforward man died a few years ago......."

Someone should remind Rahul gandhi of his true family history :lol:

Not to mention his Grandmothers hitler like behavior during emergency :P

The self confessed Fascist, late Stefano Maino....


Rahul gandhi comes from good khandan :P
I dont think this may enough for this stupid Rahul Gandhi.
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