Friday, January 3, 2025
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Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan

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Last night I submitted my paper to one of the very best journals in mathematics. The submission method was via email. Here is the address to my paper's preprint.

I am sure I will have to make large changes in style and some other changes to make the paper fit for publication in the journal after it has been refereed.
SSRN still has not replied to my request of changing the revision date to 8th/9th January that I have requested. They have also erroneously added a date January 1, 2017 on my paper despite that it was posted on November 26, 2016. There was absolutely no activity on January 1 2017 that they show as the date for my paper. This is surprising. Earlier arXiv was also claiming that their system has made errors. It is hard to understand why there are synchronized system errors in every institution that we all respect. SSRN has great people but I still fear that there are people who want to pressurize these institutions to give unfair advantage to someone else who might be presenting my work as their original work.
This is my comment on the SSRN email response on my author ticket:

Date: 2017-01-24 16:57:14
Name: Ahsan Amin

Dear *****,
As we talked on phone, I have categorically said that I did not upload a new file on 20th January. However you made the claim during conversation that you had uploaded a new file with SSRN URL but later I had submitted a new file on 20th January something which is not true. However the file I see is exactly the same as I uploaded on 8th of January. I requested on phone that you go back to revision you uploaded with SSRN URL on that and remove the supposed upload I made and change the revision date to 8th you earlier had.

I would also like to ask you to fix the paper date that shows January 1, 2017 while the paper was uploaded on November 19, 2016 and it was cleared after review on 26th of Novemeber. I would request you to fix this date to November 26, 2016 which is the original posting date. What is the reason for this error?

As I requested on phone, please write a slightly more detailed email mentioning your official point of view that I had uploaded a new file on 20 th January after you uploaded the file with the URL on the paper earlier on the same day.
I was wondering why these institutions have been behaving like this. Another math/physics preprints repository first declared my paper submitted status and then reneged and called it unfit for publication blaming system error for the submitted status. Another paper repository made system error and failed to place their URL on my paper and later claimed that I uploaded a file hence revision date had changed while I had not submitted any new file( I wonder what paper they had been distributing in different countries when there was no URL.) Their system also shows a paper date of Jan 1, 2017 which is another error. May be all these paper repositories were told with great conviction that this guy would be retarded in a day or two and there would be no reason to worry after that so please continue to delay and also continue to make more deliberate system errors. City where I live is drugged like the greatest land mine in the world so many stupid people continue to believe that I would go down any day and force other institutions to do wrong things.
US Embassy is not a embassy it is a fort & home to Blackwater, CIA & etc. It will always a national security threat to Pakistan.
I would request all wise and educated people across the world including Americans to try to intelligently project what scenario would emerge after fifty years from the current extra-judicial and extra-constitutional brain control activity. I will make an effort to make my projection. But let us make a few observations as a start.

1. These agencies continued to gain more and more power behind the scene in US and across the world.
2. The countries where these agencies are not allowed to operate freely or their activities are very restricted have far more vibrant economies. Since these agencies try to retard the top talent, We can pose the question whether the reason for Economic malaise in many European countries is that some of their top talent gets retarded by these agencies.
3. Many of their agents are making tens of millions of dollars a year.
4. These agencies already sometimes extra-judicially threaten people to comply or face consequences.
5. In many countries of the world,, intelligent people are afraid of doing hi-tech things since some of them know that they could be targeted.
6. These agencies and their agents are getting bolder in employing totally animal and subhuman tactics with every passing year.

Looking at the above, we can project the scenario that these agencies would continue to become powerful and eventually become true centers of powers as opposed to the presidents and prime ministers who might become figureheads. Since top talent and the dissidents would continue to get retarded, the world growth would stagnate. Working with these agencies as agents would be the greatest dream job. The true centers of power would ensure complete societal consensus on all issues. Racism will emerge again. Those who will disagree will be dealt in ways totally disregarding the human dignity, law of the land and other human values(This is already happening in many countries. If it has not happened to me now, it is because a lot of people from across the world are watching; Fast forward 50 years, it will be a totally normal thing.) And may be their will just be a reign of terror of these agencies who would have assumed great power.

Many people will consider this scenario impossible and will laugh at it. They are very wrong and are grossly underestimating the threat to civilization from such organized extra-judicial and extra-constitutional activities that have already grown at an exponential rate in past fifteen years. If we cannot stop such activities now, it might shortly be too late.

In knowledge based economies today, we cannot believe that civilization is ever threatened at all. I will borrow some pages from history when mongols sacked Baghdad and Khwarzum. They were thriving centers of civilization at that time. Many sciences had already started to evolve in these places. But after the fall of Baghdad, there was complete silence towards the pursuit of knowledge all over the world for several centuries until when Europeans started to make advances in sciences again several centuries later. I would like to make the observation that if we do not check these extra-judicial and extra-constitutional activities to retard humans that are fast increasing, they can possibly pose the same threat to civilization that mongols posed to Baghdad and Khwarzum and our thriving civilization may once again totally stagnate for a few centuries.
I have submitted my research paper to another good journal. I had previously submitted it elsewhere as I mentioned in an earlier post. But a few days after submission I received an email saying that the journal had a large backlog and had to take drastic actions to overcome the backlog and they could not therefore accept the paper.
I just checked my paper at SSRN and noticed that revision date had changed from 20th January to 25th January on its own. I was afraid that SSRN will again say that I uploaded a new file but when I looked at author comments for the paper on extreme right on my papers screen for the author, I realized that last activity is stated to be on 20th January(even that I claim I did not make and the paper there is absolutely the same I uploaded on 9th January.) But the date had automatically changed to 25th January on its own. I am totally aghast what is wrong with the systems of these paper hosting institutions.
. .
Yesterday when I went to my room, I noticed that someone had done some work on one of the walls of my room close to the floor. I could notice fresh paint and dots made on it to blend with the old paint. The old paint is very small gray drops on an off-white background, I forgot what they call it. Somebody had made dots on the fresh paint on patchwork on the wall so that it could blend with old paint on rest of the wall. When I asked my mother, she continued to insist that there was no new work and it was always like this. She was obviously lying but I did not want to make a big deal since I knew nothing was going to change due to whatever I would say. I strongly fear that any day, my parents backed by American agencies would any day be asked to declare me mentally sick and put me in confinement where micro-devices would be placed inside my body while I would be sleeping to control me. I am very sure that this could happen any day now. I would request all good human beings across the world to protest to American and Pakistani government and stop such gross abuse of human rights from happening. I am perfectly healthy and have a very sound and balanced mental health but some American agencies coax and bribe people to use such inhuman and animal tactics so that they could continue to control their target civilians. Please protest to both the governments involved and ask them to respect human dignity of innocent and peace-loving but intelligent targets.
I am trying to contact advanced technologies firms related to applied mathematics research for possible collaboration. Here is my letter to Embassy of Denmark requesting for possible help.

Request for help towards collaboration with applied mathematical technologies firms in Denmark
1 message
Ahsan Amin <> Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 4:05 PM
To:, Ahsan Amin <>,,

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a Pakistani citizen based in Lahore who has done very cutting edge work in applied mathematics and who is very passionate about using his skills and talent towards innovative and peaceful cutting edge advanced mathematical technologies. There is very significant research activity in Denmark in CleanTech and Biomedical engineering and many Danish firms are among the leaders in Europe in some of these advanced technologies areas. I wish to possibly liaise with Danish Firms active in advanced applied mathematical modeling and research where I could use my mathematical research skills towards new innovative products and ideas in CleanTech, Biomedical and other related scientific disciplines. I am very sure that I can successfully complete research projects in collaboration with Danish researchers that could significantly help Danish CleanTeach firms design and offer better products in the markets. If you would like, I can write description of some possible research projects in advanced mathematical research in CleanTech and Biomedical sectors. If Danish embassy in Pakistan could help me connect with Danish firms and research groups working with advanced mathematical technologies, I would be very grateful.

I wish you a great day and look forward to your kind reply.

Kind regards,

Ahsan Amin

I will try to continue my efforts to collaborate with mathematical technologies research firms in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries especially because of their great human rights and respect for other human beings.
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Amin:This evening when I returned to my home from the office, there were three people from a psychiatrist facility already waiting for me. I was totally shocked since my family had mentioned no such intentions at all.The three staff took me with them to the psychiatrist Dr. A of facility called P in Gulberg. where I was interviewed by the psychiatrist. After a quite long interview the psychiatrist said that I was in the residual phase where there were still no symptoms of schizophrenia but it would surely come back. He said that patients of paranoid schizophrenia never recover unless they recover in the first two years of treatment. He said that symptoms had not appeared but he really had to take some action and he had to give me a small continuous dose of anti-psychotics. He has detained me on his psychiatric health facility. I continued to argue that I could periodically visit him so if the symptoms ever appear, I could start taking medication but he refused and insisted that I must be detained and anti-psychotics must be given to me.I kept my computer with me so I am able to post on internet. If I am unable to post for a few days, it would mean that my computer has been snatched from me.

The above is a post I made on Sun May 29, 2016 9:05 pm on forum. I strongly fear that brain control agencies would resort to the same tactics in a very few days. They are desperate to continue their efforts to retard me and they clearly know that drugging the cities and targeting the food is not working. They will certainly move their powerful tentacles in my country so that I could be declared mentally ill and I would not be allowed to use all my mental capabilities for my research in mathematics. I am a human being and I would like to attempt to contribute to body of knowledge we have. This would be extremely cruel and unfair that some people would be retarded due to racial or ethnic biases because some very few bigoted people do not like contributions to science from some specific groups for racial reasons. I consider myself a human first and always try to get better than these biases. Yes, I am a Muslim but not at all at expense of any Hindu or Bahaii or any other human group. I sincerely and thoroughly respect good humans from other nations, countries and religions and I appreciate their good things and try to emulate them whenever I can.
I would try to invite people of different countries towards discussion about the right role of military in the larger government and the society of respective countries. This question might not be a cause of immediate grave concern to countries where armies are small but in other countries who have large armies and spend large amount of money on defense, I believe that this question has to be discussed very clearly to draw the lines beyond which militaries cannot interfere.
Throughout human history, we have witnessed this phenomenon in so many countries with large armies that their armies continued to gain power and then gradually started dictating affairs of the state and then took law and constitutions(or other accepted social, national or religious practices that served as the legal code) in their own hands and after that there was no stopping the decline of those countries with large armies. Why? Because the prosperity of the countries everywhere in the world depended primarily on freedom of intellectual thought, principles of justice, rule of law and entrepreneurship of its citizens among other things while these were the very things that large armies started to stifle when they started to gain more control in their respective countries. I call it Yeni Ceri phenomenon. These were the soldiers who were behind the monumental rise of Ottoman empire and later these were the very corps that started controlling the government affairs, stifled intellectual activity, and sabotaged the efforts for reform and finally they became the largest reason for the decline of the Ottoman empire.
This phenomenon has been observed again and again everywhere in the world that once militaries were very powerful, they almost always started dictating the affairs of the state in a way that people of the very countries were the greatest victims of this transfer of power in the hands of the military. I believe that it is important to have intelligent and rational discussion in societies about the role of military instead of denying that problem does not exist or burying our head in sand to neglect the problem altogether. I do not believe that there should be arguments of the sort that such wrong things never happen in our democratic society.
Once the need for open-minded, intelligent and frank discussion about the role of military in our societies is established, I would try to point out a few very simple and common sense principles learnt from history. The first principle I thought is relevant that armies must not be allowed to stifle intellectual thought and related activity and freedom of expression. I believe that this must not be allowed to happen in any society. Second important question to ask is whether any army can be allowed to make actions against the law of the land while also spurning the most sacred clauses in the constitutions of many countries? While answering the question, I will also want the reader to consider that any small leeway, relaxation or loophole will become extremely large problem with the passing of time. So every possibility, if any in most threatening scenarios, of army's ability to override the constitutional liberties and freedom of expression must be defined exactly in black and white something that can never be used for greater excesses and generalizations later in the future and this has to be defined after thorough intelligent discussion among the people of the very country. When considering the role of army, I will also request people to discuss how to invite talent and good people to leadership of their armies. And also possibly discuss the implications of the large expenses of armies on the future economic activity of the country so as to optimize the resources in the best possible way towards scientific research, education, infrastructure and promoting industrial activity all for the greatest benefit of the respective country while ensuring the security of the people of the country.

Coming back towards the current CIA activity. CIA and related brain control agencies continue to play little pranks that kept them happy and satisfied that they are indeed insulting me in a proper way. I added five linkedin connections and realized that there was not much change in number of connections. Another linkedin window from yesterday was open and I realized that three connections had been deleted. Of course, people like to delete connections of other unwanted people but I am very sure that agents in CIA who are having nightmares now that their millions of dollars a year are going to end, continue to delete some of the people who they do not like to see in my linkedin contacts from my own side of linkedin. I rarely ever delete connections and only connections I deleted recently when I found some people faking into my contacts as CEO etc. I would request those contacts who have been deleted from my side to please know that I have not done that.
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Since CIA and other American agencies have failed to get drugs into my body despite large scale drugging of the food in Lahore city, they are planning to declare me mentally sick despite pressure from good people all over the world. Ok, I keep 3-4 bottles of clean water on me at night and also during the day in my office. Since my body is kept charged, some black residue/other chemicals continues to settle on my face, hands and private body parts (since they have special neuro-transmitters.) Before I sleep, and after I wake up, I wash these areas with clean water(as opposed to water in my home supply that is kept charged and makes the problem worse) and once I wash myself, I become alert, my eye-sight becomes better, and I start to hear more clearly. Now that these desperate CIA crooks have failed to retard me through other means, they want to ask my family members and acquaintances to make the issue that 'he is afraid of our water or something similar of the sort' and the psychiatrist will be bribed to accept the logic of my family and declare me mentally sick so that I could be given injections and other drugs of their choice to retard me forever. These crooks try to use special science to retard intelligent people of other countries and once they fail to retard us, they go on a bribing spree so that they could somehow accomplish their mission. I am perfectly mentally balanced person and, as I understand, I am incapable of hurting any other human being and I truly respect other people and I try to be very nice and forgiving even towards those people who persecuted me for eighteen years. I would request all good human beings in Pakistan, America and all other countries to stand and protest against the reign of terror of these agencies who brazenly try to retard intelligent people and when they fail, these agencies become complete animals and bribe and force other people through their tentacles to declare their target mentally sick.
My parents came to Lahore today and they have arranged a visit with the psychiatrist tomorrow at 11:00 AM. Though I have very sound mental health, I am sure there are plans to declare me mentally sick or give me injections or something else of the sort. Though the doctor is a very good person and if it were for anyone else, I would already have been detained and injected for a long time but I still fear that the doctor could be persuaded by the people to do something in the favor of American agencies. He had suggested last time that he would increase medication (of psychosis) if I did not start making money on my own. The problem is that American agencies stop people everywhere in the world to not do business with my firm and forcibly stop people everywhere to do anything that could help me make money. So I am afraid that the doctor might be inclined to do something like giving me injections or increasing the dosage under pressure from American agencies using some possible pretext. Tomorrow, I will explain everything in detail that would happen in the meeting with the psychiatrist here on Wilmott. I would again request all good humans everywhere in the world to stand against the government (of both America and Pakistan) coercions and government human rights abuses and force them to stop making the efforts to retard me anymore.
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