Very true including many medications.
I can guarantee you that at some point [unless you lock yourself in your house] you will have taken a breath of air that was saturated with trace elements of alcohol, thus placing you in contravention of rules relating to what is halal. I even put this question to Pakistan taxi drivers [as you know in UK taxi industry is almost all dominated by people of Pakistani origin] that when they pick up fares from clubs there are two issues that create grounds for concern -
- when drunks breath they exhale alcohol into the air which they breath. Thus ingesting alcohol fumes. Much like secondary cigeratte smoking this makes then secondary alcohol inhalers thus in jeopardy of halal rules.
- when semi naked women walk past or are in close proximity your eyes fall on them generating wrong thoughts in you, again in jeopardy of halal rules.
Since both these examples are unavoidable [including many others] for a Muslim living in the west it raises issues. Now one could argue that by living here we have no choice and thus these dangers are unavoidable. But that is not quite honest. Non of us are tied [well besides the good money and living standard] or chained to the ground. It is elective choice we make by living in the west. We could easily move to more Sharia compliant lands where shagging men, drinking alcohol, gay love, promiscious display of nudity is not so openly legally accepty accepted leave alone celebrated.
Thus making us complicit. More then those M&M candy chewers!