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lucky to love in china--"Romeo & Juliet" Horror In India



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Jan 16, 2009
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From ABC's Karen Russo in India...a story as horrific as any we've heard when it comes to so-called "honor killings." So sad to know these things still happen, in the 21st century...

Eight people have been beheaded in what is believed to be a tragic "Romeo and Juliet" love story. Police in India’s northeastern state of Bihar tell ABC News that a 21-year-old man and an 18-year-old girl secretly eloped last month. This past weekend, police say, members of the girls’ family shot and killed eight members of the boy’s family. The bodies were tossed in a river. The girls’ family is believed to be wealthier than the boys’ -- although some local media report that the families were supporters of rival gangs, which may have led to the killings.

In the past several months, there have been more than a dozen so-called honor killings in India, usually targeting inter-caste couples. In another recent incident, a young boy was beaten, then thrown under a train because he wrote a love letter to a girl of a different caste.

The Indian government condemns these honor killings -- and even offers $1,000 "bonuses" to encourage inter-caste couples to marry.

Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.

The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh
Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.

The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh

Exactly! The world doesnt know half of human rights violations done by Indians.
Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.

The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh

:lol: And you'll be the party's general secretary.

Frankly, on more serious side, these phenomena will exist in India (isolated backward areas) for another 100+ years, as democracy respects the people’s idea
The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

It is, but I don't expect you to get it..

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh

I'll pass, but knock yourself out..
Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.

The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh

For God's sake.. a Chinese is trying o teach India about "Human Rights"..:lol:

Suff happens everywhere.. the incest in Australia..is that Human rights voilation... Holocausts in USA.. hidden from the world..practicing incest.. is that human rights voilation..?? it happened without anybodies knowledge..
This incident is just the same.. the Police did not kill them,, the families faced-off and killed eachother..!!!

I am a communist..I love the communist ideology..but, what is seen in China is not Communism..it is sheer oppression. Give people the chance to vote and elect their leader. Right now, in India there are 2 communist governments in power, in West Bengal and Kerala. Indians need no revolution to follow communist ideology.. we always have the power of the vote..and the communist always contest the elections..
:lol: And you'll be the party's general secretary.

Frankly, on more serious side, these phenomena will exist in India (isolated backward areas) for another 100+ years, as democracy respects the people’s idea


Seriously, I have thought that one of the key differences of communist doctrine and liberal capitalist idea is: The communists ,such as I, believe that the radical social reform can be forced into implementation, conducted and guilded by human initiative and state power. While the liberals tend to believe that the best way to tackle these problems is through the economical force and self-progress of the society.

Another difference would be: the communists, such as I, believe that democracy in such kind of -'primitive' society like india, where the rule of law is comparatively weaker than the 'Old way', where the elected gov is dwarfed by the power of intwining interests groups and religious cults, where the self-consciousness of people is yet to be awaken. The social illness such as Caste and religious struggle is doomed to be exploited by the politicians and social leaders to achieve their own agenda. So it would be a Dead Lock```````````

While the liberal would believe the vote istelf can solve the problem nevertheless, for the people's conciousness would gradually rise to a height``````````I do not disagree with this arguement, but the point is: how long is worthy for the waiting``````````

Any way, we chinese have already say byebye to these kinds of most vicious class struggle, we ve done with the feudal idea at the costs of thousands of people. For that I thank my father's gen to give our gen a clear start. Cheers:china:

Seriously, I have thought that one of the key differences of communist doctrine and liberal capitalist idea is: The communists ,such as I, believe that the radical social reform can be forced into implementation, conducted and guilded by human initiative and state power. While the liberals tend to believe that the best way to tackle these problems is through the economical force and self-progress of the society.

Another difference would be: the communists, such as I, believe that democracy in such kind of -'primitive' society like india, where the rule of law is comparatively weaker than the 'Old way', where the elected gov is dwarfed by the power of intwining interests groups and religious cults, where the self-consciousness of people is yet to be awaken. The social illness such as Caste and religious struggle is doomed to be exploited by the politicians and social leaders to achieve their own agenda. So it would be a Dead Lock```````````

While the liberal would believe the vote istelf can solve the problem nevertheless, for the people's conciousness would gradually rise to a height``````````I do not disagree with this arguement, but the point is: how long is worthy for the waiting``````````

Any way, we chinese have already say byebye to these kinds of most vicious class struggle, we ve done with the feudal idea at the costs of thousands of people. For that I thank my father's gen to give our gen a clear start. Cheers:china:

Are you sure about that, let me help you out:

Estimates from various sources, including the World Bank and the Chinese government, suggest that income inequality has increased at least 50 percent since the late 1970s, making China one of the most unequal societies in Asia. According to a government study quoted by the official Xinhua News Agency, the most affluent one-fifth of China's population earn 50 percent of total income, with the bottom one-fifth taking home only 4.7 percent. "The income gap, which has exceeded reasonable limits, exhibits a further widening trend. If it continues this way for a long time, the phenomenon may give rise to various sorts of social instability," it says.

Peasants have been hit the hardest. The net per capita income of farmers in 2005 was $402.80, while the per capita income of city dwellers was $1,292, according to government statistics. "What's more, the gap is widening," says Chen Xiwen, a high-level Communist Party functionary for rural finances. However, per capita income does not tell anything about the income of city dwellers (workers) as compared to the new bourgeois and middle class in the cities. An aperitif in a slick Beijing bar costs a month’s wages of a farm worker. On the other hand, China's urban poverty has worsened despite the country's booming economy, according to the China Youth Daily, which quotes dozens of economists.

In Defence of Marxism - Class struggle in China: "A rise like a violent wind" - Part One
Are you sure about that, let me help you out:

No thanks.

On the contrary, I would be regreted to leave you be, for the complexity of this issue. Just shed you some lights about the differences:

One class struggle is the feudal one, the most vicious one---mainly of blood race and land

the other is the mid-industrialization one---mainly of distribution

Put in a simpler way if you cannot understand: two chinese are equal when they are baby and would still be equal when they are naked in a bathroom. The different title wealth and social classs they employ is temporary and cannot simply pass to their children. Equality of opportunity in china is much more enhanced than in india, and so is class flowability as well

While india, especially in rural area, many major component of your future social status would be determined no sooner than your very birth.
Equality of opportunity in china is much more enhanced than in india, and so is class flowability as well

No it is not, the equallity is only geared towards the Hun's. You clearly need to provide a link on the above statements.
Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh
people all over the world knows there are Maoist in India.communist party reign Westbengalen for more than 30 years.

so there is no need to teach Indians how to do,they will find the way out by themselves.in fact,I hear that Maoist in Westbengalen are famous for their uncorrupted and competence,just like CCP member of 1960's.much better than many CCP member today.
people all over the world knows there are Maoist in India.communist party reign Westbengalen for more than 30 years.

so there is no need to teach Indians how to do,they will find the way out by themselves.in fact,I hear that Maoist in Westbengalen are famous for their uncorrupted and competence,just like CCP member of 1960's.much better than many CCP member today.
No, they are different in the core.
Choosing a democratic approach means a major adjustment, and have made them powerless to conduct a true revolution---which was the original idea of Marx.

You need to take note that CCP's early policy contains a vital points: the neglects of private property rights. therefore they could redistribute the production material and most importantly--lands, and thus eliminated the classes in rural area.

The other social reforms that destroy the feudal order in early PRC was also based on this economical ground. In other words, the CCP's revolution was the most thorough form and solve the problems once and for all. But the CPI whose power is based on vote can never do the same``````You can see the differences.

Not that I disagree with THE THIRD WAY, just point out the vital gap between them
people all over the world knows there are Maoist in India.communist party reign Westbengalen for more than 30 years.

so there is no need to teach Indians how to do,they will find the way out by themselves.in fact,I hear that Maoist in Westbengalen are famous for their uncorrupted and competence,just like CCP member of 1960's.much better than many CCP member today.

Yes, the Maoists exist in India..and one more thing as well ..they are becoming extinct day by day..even the general people disgust with the maoists..

One more thing you said about communism in India..is true...this comes from a firm believer in communist values of governing....India will find it's own way with communism..and the only way possible is through the Ballot..another 200 years with the bullet also will not change an inch..not with physical boundaries..not within the people's hearts..
Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.

The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh

Thanks but no thanks.

Leave us alone to sort out our own mess while you do the same to your's.
India need no communist leader all we need is one - MARXIST LEADER like CHE Guevara. I can sense some stir in the air here a big revolution is on the way.
Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.

The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````

The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.

Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh

Dear.. Democracy was praised.. Do you think Demoracy means 100% people inteligent and Educated and Rational.???? We all know you give capital punishment to corruption, but can you say is your country corruption free..?????Please tell me????

And do you also think, Since some people Live in prehistoric times, you want the entire religion and the majoirty from stop practising religion..???

And your suggestion for a communist reveloution, no thank you. Change should come from within and an envinorment have to be created for that. Rather than a Government controlled thinking. Education should be provided, awarness should be brought in and still such incidents happens culprits should be punished, rather than, Controlling the Freedom of the people for the deeds of the few .

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