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Lt. Gen. Amjad Shoaib's (R) message to the nation, the PDF organizers and Army Brats

What good things ? The retired govt servant is scapegoating everything under the heavens but the real deal , his buddy generals .
Have you seen his vlogs? Or just saying it or cannot understand when he criticises them?

Amjad sahab received shut up call in the past. It looks like he will receive the same call again. Well, he is ex army but seriously, we need accountability. Amjad sahab should also make his bank account details public. Where is his family? Abroad? Where they studied? etc. This nation needs only one thing, and that is accountability. If you are giving details of your bank account and if you don't earn anything by unfair means, then this nation will consider you loyal.
One good person and we after him. The ones who do wrong people praise them. The most unreasonablr people on one country and forum.
All good thongs should be appreciated without biased snd grudges with open mind. Please stick to topic.
Don't tell me whether I should stick to topic or not. Tell me the answer to my question. Why did you use a loaded term without any context. How can you defend its use?

It is very much a necessary part of this conversation. Your one-line does nothing to explain anything. It is just as confusing as your earlier post. Could you please bring some clarity into your posts? You may start with explaining what you meant by suffocation & how is it an appropriate term to use.
PA's political interference (including blatant martial laws) has done great damage to Pakistan. I do not know how you can say that they delivered a thousand times more than politicians, unless you mean it in a negative way (politically, economically, & strategically speaking)?

"They gave us Nukes" - Did they? I would love to see any evidence to see that they did anything of the sort at all. Bhutto started & financed the Nuclear Weapons program. Gen Zia-ul-Haq continued it. The program was taken to completion & was resoundingly declared to the world under the leadership of a politician.

We ought to respect & honor our army, its jawans, & its righteous (non-political) officers for their service to the nation. But this certainly does not mean that we give them undue credit where it is not due. If anything, the errant generals ought to be severely censured, even punished for playing politics. Have we been able to punish Mushy at all, even though he did incalculable damage to the country, its institutions, & trampled the Constitution blatantly & unashamedly?

NAB needs to be demolished. It has done nothing but political engineering from the time of Mushy to the time of IK's government. It was a political tool & it remains a political tool. It is a backdoor for Establishment influence, particularly when NAB is headed by a corrupt crony.
i think lord krishna of patwar should be made badshah salamat for life that is the only logical step now!

Amjad sahab received shut up call in the past. It looks like he will receive the same call again. Well, he is ex army but seriously, we need accountability. Amjad sahab should also make his bank account details public. Where is his family? Abroad? Where they studied? etc. This nation needs only one thing, and that is accountability. If you are giving details of your bank account and if you don't earn anything by unfair means, then this nation will consider you loyal.
this ex lumber 1 yet to openly call out COAS and call him cheap whore of west and how he sold Pakistan for few dollars!
Can we please for the love of God stop taking political advices from These retired chowkidars
Exactly they can say everything just to make a point. This YouTube channel serves him right its better to do something than sitting idle all day and scratching his saggy old testicles.
How wrong he is about the Russian Ukraine conflict . The objective of this conflict is to gain more land from Ukraine to secure crimea and stop NATO expansion forever not to topple zelensky government , if they topple the solution is temporary and this time Russia is looking for a permanent solution.
But these people can say anything to make to video for a particular topic.
Don't tell me whether I should stick to topic or not. Tell me the answer to my question. Why did you use a loaded term without any context. How can you defend its use?

It is very much a necessary part of this conversation. Your one-line does nothing to explain anything. It is just as confusing as your earlier post. Could you please bring some clarity into your posts? You may start with explaining what you meant by suffocation & how is it an appropriate term to use.I
I owe you nothing as an explanation, especially with your tone.
How can you say such a thing? PA has delivered a thousand times more than these corrupt politicians. Do you know who is behind IK and PTI? They given us the Nukes, indigenous aircrafts, ships, subs, tanks and valiantly defended our borders. Politicians can't even defend our constitution.
Oh please! Our establishment donot make those things do not give them credit for jets tanks, ships, subs etc. It is our engineers and scientists who are mostly civillians who make these things. They spent their whole lives to gain knowledge and then use that knowledge for our nations.
Bajwa sahab is only busy defending his "neutrality" by telling the difference between Conspiracy and Interference.
Our army's literal job is to safeguard Pakistan from foreign hand be it Conspiracy or Interference. And they are saying we are neutral WTF!
Oh please! Our establishment donot make those things do not give them credit for jets tanks, ships, subs etc. It is our engineers and scientists who are mostly civillians who make these things. They spent their whole lives to gain knowledge and then use that knowledge for our nations.
Bajwa sahab is only busy defending his "neutrality" by telling the difference between Conspiracy and Interference.
Our army's literal job is to safeguard Pakistan from foreign hand be it Conspiracy or Interference. And they are saying we are neutral WTF!
I am sure COAS Bajwa has better things to do than waste time with squabbling petty minded politicians; he has a nation to defend from enemies within and along the external borders and beyond and an army to run.
I owe you nothing as an explanation, especially with your tone.
Then stop prescribing behavior patterns that please you. No body owes you anything here. Only the soundness of your argument matters & in that respect you have absolutely nothing to show.
Honestly, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANYTHING COMING OUR FROM THE MOUTHS OF ANY OF THESE MILITARY PERSONNEL. I am absolutely disgusted by their conduct and conduct of their Army Chief. Absolutely disgusted !!
There is nothing new here

Army perceived IK as threat so he had to go

While talking about 2017-2018 I wonder why no one talks about 2016 when cyber crime law was created just to target PTI and its online base
Some of us weren't born yesterday
Lahore and mazafat guys are in for a shock if they think things will calm down now with such tough economic conditions and such a weak coalition with vastly different ideologies
Historically theh have sucessfully crushed any such movements
Look at model town for example

Suffocating? How? Is someone stopping you from expressing yourself? If anything, IK's government was suffocating by forcing off journalists off channels, favoring certain chosen channels & journalists, & not following up / investigating / prosecuting attacks on journalists. Look at PECA ordinance to see what is suffocating.

I think that we need to stop putting retired servicemen on some sort of pedestal. They spent their insulated lives a certain way & they can not properly analyze either politics, or economics, or social issues. Why should they get to have a wide audience just because they have opinions that often are wrong (re. politics, economy, larger society) because they have nothing approaching subject-matter expertise? I have opinions too, but I would not assume that I get to be an expert at all about things I know very little about.

Anyways, take opinions of retired generals like those of any old uncle talking in a drawing room to fellow uncles. They are nothing more than just random opinions, devoid of expertise.

I wonder if he had the guts & foresight to ask similar questions in 2017-2018? If he never did that, he does not get to speak up now. If you never supported principles earlier, you do not get to find them out now, only because your messiah has been ousted in a constitutional manner.
Just few youthias have been rounded nothing else really few journalist taken off air but just like hamid mir it was the army not PMLN

Funniest case when they went to roundup an underage girl ended up just calling her school teacher

Nxt uo. Model twon 2
We have the guy that did it rana shahab and we have anothet durna..this time there is no military to support it..
Crowd will be larger my guess is causlaities will be 30-40 this time
There is nothing new here

Army perceived IK as threat so he had to go
Good to find still active and approachable army spokesperson.
Would you please care to explain;
1- what exactly made army perceive IK as threat?
2- Threat to what?
Just few youthias have been rounded nothing else really few journalist taken off air but just like hamid mir it was the army not PMLN
Dr. saib, sarcasm is not your thing. You make a mess of it.

Major (R) Adil Raja vibes ;-) In any case, I would like to know who is under arrest & on what charges & whether or not it is per law. More information is welcome.

About Hamid Mir, I don't know what you are trying to say. As I said above, if it is sarcasm then I am sorry it is not making sense at all.
Funniest case when they went to roundup an underage girl ended up just calling her school teacher
Nxt uo. Model twon 2
We have the guy that did it rana shahab and we have anothet durna..this time there is no military to support it..
Crowd will be larger my guess is causlaities will be 30-40 this time
How many casualties were there in the last dharna in 2014, despite all that IK & TuQ wrought? Zero.

How many this time? I don't know. SS is not patient or complacent like NS. So, it looks troublesome. Moreover, PTI would want casualties to occur for political mileage & this present dispensation just might oblige. Scary.
Dr. saib, sarcasm is not your thing. You make a mess of it.

Major (R) Adil Raja vibes ;-) In any case, I would like to know who is under arrest & on what charges & whether or not it is per law. More information is welcome.

About Hamid Mir, I don't know what you are trying to say. As I said above, if it is sarcasm then I am sorry it is not making sense at all.


How many casualties were there in the last dharna in 2014, despite all that IK & TuQ wrought? Zero.

How many this time? I don't know. SS is not patient or complacent like NS. So, it looks troublesome. Moreover, PTI would want casualties to occur for political mileage & this present dispensation just might oblige. Scary.
How many causlities were in modeltown dharna?

And who was the interior minister and CM at that time?

Good to find still active and approachable army spokesperson.
Would you please care to explain;
1- what exactly made army perceive IK as threat?
2- Threat to what?
Army thought he is too extreme with relations to USA
He was a threat to elites for taxation refroms
Was acting in populus manner i.e subsidies and economic mismanagement/oil subsidy
Not gonna listen to these people ever again. Jo marzi bhashan de lein, now everyone knows chowkidar ghadar hai.

Tone tou dekho inki.

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How many causlities were in modeltown dharna?
There was no dharna in Model Town. It was an operation against encroachment & the crazy mullah launched jihad from the mosque loudspeaker. The rest is unfortunate history. But no dharna.
And who was the interior minister and CM at that time?
Same crew & hence my apprehension.
Army thought he is too extreme with relations to USA
No. Army found out that he is too crazy. USA had little to do with it. If they wanted Pakistan to be more of a basket case, they'd just enjoy the show to its conclusion in 2023.
He was a threat to elites for taxation refroms
This is too funny. What reforms did he make in 44 months?

I swear, Insafis have a whole alternate universe to themselves.

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