Here is the fine detail which is more troubling: (did we just land lock ourselves in the proverbial sense - MADNESS yet again.)
Pakistan will also have the right to establish another container terminal facility at Karachi Port only when the aggregate container traffic at Karachi Port exceeds by more than 80% of five million TEUs and establish further terminals each time the aggregate annual container traffic at Karachi Port increases by 500,000 TEUs.
At any time such thresholds are reached, KPT shall first enter into good faith negotiations with the Dubai company to allow them to establish such additional terminal facility. If such discussions are not concluded within a period of two months, KPT can expand the port.
UAE was not keen on Gawadar and some circles were even thinking it might be responsible for some of the BLA efforts. Remember if UAE is not the hub of air and sea travel then it impacts everything that is seeded there. So unless within the contract language there are clauses that pushes UAE to make KPT a regional hub under exclusive rights for upstream countries like Afghanistan and Central Asia - then this was such a dumb move.