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Looks can be deceiving - 'Some sane Mullah' out there.

Last Hope

Oct 18, 2010
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Basically he is saying (warning others) about the Mullahs out there who brainwash innocent civilians, and force them to take part in spreading terrorism. He warns his viewers not the fall for them for their looks and shield of Islam, saying it's a trap.

Next, he talks about supporting Pakistan Army in it's holy work of saving the land and it's people from these elements as well as enemy forces, calling others to join hands in hands with Pakistan.

Although I do not agree with some points in the video, it is a good one worth listening.

This rings bells in my mind, our people are prone to fall for looks and capes (beards etc) and follow them. This person looks like a typical hate-mongering Mullah but is cautioning people about them and the audience he had looked to be several hundreds. What if we bring fourth many more 'Mullah' with beards and other looks, and warn people about the hate-mongers which would act as mental protection from brain-washing speeches. This would act as anti-biotic which would make the people immune to the hate-mongering/biased Mullah party; and stand against them resulting in failure on agenda of enemy of state?

Something to think about and act upon.
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"Some" Mullah?
I don't know of any of the major schools of thought of Islam in Pakistan or elsewhere who don't condemn terrorism like that of 9/11, 7/7, 26/11. Typical hate mongering Mullah! wow, as if in every nook and corner of Pakistan there are mullah spreading only hate! As far as support to Pakistan army is considered, show me any considerable mullah of Pakistan who does not support them. Once i offered prayer at a masjid who had clear inclination towards Jamat ud Dawah. in question answer session the Imaam was asked about operation in tribal areas, and he categorically supported Pak army's operation there. chose your words wisely before you speak. Choosing words however is something directly affected by one'e prejudice.
Thanks for the briefing. I don't intend to watch the video, but I hope he didn't criticize the TTP directly, tackling them head on can be brave and stupid at the same time, the message is out and that's fine, more Mullah's need to speak the truth out there without fearing a backlash from the millitants and their head being chopped off on the internet.

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