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Look What we got from Afghani Soldier after treating Wounded Afghani Solder..

Men in Green

May 2, 2014
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Not only they burn our flags and currency they celebrate deaths of our soldiers and peoples.Some of us still talk about Muslim ummah so all of them should be deported to Ummah Countries


do we lack from balls or what why we still have relations with afghanis borders should be closed let them die from hunger and deport the fking refuges.

@Zarvan @Devil Soul @Arsalan @Zibago
Not only they burn our flags and currency they celebrate deaths of our soldiers and peoples.Some of us still talk about Muslim ummah so all of them should be deported to Ummah Countries

View attachment 322179

do we lack from balls or what why we still have relations with afghanis borders should be closed let them die from hunger and deport the fking refuges.

@Zarvan @Devil Soul @Arsalan @Zibago
Their nation is in chaos, there families not safe nor a quality life for them and living in hell hole. Thats a punishment from the Lord of all worlds for them that they dont have one person in the whole nation that can unite them as one nation and therfore they continue to suffer. They are looked upon as a scums of this earth thats what they get for standing against their muslim brothers. We Pakistanis should be proud of what we have done for Afghanistan and should keep doing it and just wait for Allahs mercy and help. It burned my heart when i saw this bastard burning the same money that fed his father and mother and it have babay qaums pictute on it.
If he was doing this infront of me i would put a chain around his neck and drag his *** behind the car from Peshawar to Karachi to the mizar e quaid and then tie him up there as sign for every Afghan living in pakistan or afghanistan that dont ever **** with Pakistan and disrespect Quiad e azam
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Next time the captured soldiers should have the honor to be shot dead by the prisoner of highest rank among them..in true fashion of fascist comradeship! Because they deserve it.

Greeks are what they are today...an economic sh!thole because nobody wants to trade with dishonest tax-evading money stealing greeks..similarly Afghans today are there due to their own collective efforts..
I am not worried about future of Pakistan. Why? Because our basics are good. Our roots still intact. Allah still favors us. Keep up the national character and low lifes and insects will be taken care off automatically. The best of planners is Allah.
Next time the captured soldiers should have the honor to be shot dead by the prisoner of highest rank among them..in true fashion of fascist comradeship! Because they deserve it.

Greeks are what they are today...an economic sh!thole because nobody wants to trade with dishonest tax-evading money stealing greeks..similarly Afghans today are there due to their own collective efforts..
Why was not the Afghan soldier who sought medical help arrested?
Not only they burn our flags and currency they celebrate deaths of our soldiers and peoples.Some of us still talk about Muslim ummah so all of them should be deported to Ummah Countries

View attachment 322179

do we lack from balls or what why we still have relations with afghanis borders should be closed let them die from hunger and deport the fking refuges.

@Zarvan @Devil Soul @Arsalan @Zibago
Army in last 40 years made stupid decisions fighting a war which not needed to fight and whom we needed to fight we put medicines to their wounds so they can kill us again

It's happen only in Pakistani govt and establishment

Who never think what their nation wants
Apparently his cigarette is filled with ..... dont know what they smoke nowadays, so I wud sleep over the poor guy as under influence of nasha anything is expected.
Not only they burn our flags and currency they celebrate deaths of our soldiers and peoples.Some of us still talk about Muslim ummah so all of them should be deported to Ummah Countries

View attachment 322179

do we lack from balls or what why we still have relations with afghanis borders should be closed let them die from hunger and deport the fking refuges.

@Zarvan @Devil Soul @Arsalan @Zibago
idiot he could have bought something with it ............. blind hate is never gud
Not only they burn our flags and currency they celebrate deaths of our soldiers and peoples.Some of us still talk about Muslim ummah so all of them should be deported to Ummah Countries

View attachment 322179

do we lack from balls or what why we still have relations with afghanis borders should be closed let them die from hunger and deport the fking refuges.

@Zarvan @Devil Soul @Arsalan @Zibago
May be his family send him this money from Pakistan which they earned by begging, heroin or weapon smuggling.
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