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Long March Against Terrorism

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
Well, Nawaz Sharif sahib, high on his 'peoples victory ' on the judiciary issue, had this to say about 'joining hands' with the PPP and going forward to change the nation (among other things):
ìNow every child should be given education and people should be provided free-of-cost health facilities,” he added. The former prime minister also suggested reviewing the situation in the Fata and Swat and bringing peace there through talks with all stakeholders. He stressed the need for reviving relationship with India and holding talks with it to resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully.

He said more long marches would be held for eliminating the menace of terrorism from the country and making the institutions strong.
Nawaz decides to join hands with PPP

Quite frankly, I think a 'Long march' against terrorism and terrorists is a bad idea. There is no question it will be targeted, and likely successfully, given how impossibly hard its going to be providing security to potentially thousands of people marching through a city/cities.

Will the ensuing chaos be a victory of the terrorists? What if major politicians and personalities are killed in such an attack? It'll be a propaganda coup for the terrorists I fear.

Your thoughts?
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I think some sort of public gathering to support the cause of freedom, tolerance and against the menace of terrorism is a good think. Of course, a long march would be impractical.

But vigils and gatherings in different towns and cities, should be explored.

We should not cower in our houses, just because of fear. That is the battle half lost. The terrorists would have won without firing a shot.

But this long march cannot defeat the terrorists.

Reminds me of Emperor Nero, who sought to valiantly defend Rome with an army of minstrels, actors, and dancing prostitutes. (Not that I'm equating the Pakistani public with the afore mentioned).

We can hold our vigils, go along our marches, as long as our army and paramlitaries are engaging in dealing a death blow to the terrorists, mercenaries, criminals.
^^^ Valid points.

Public shows of opposition to the militants will send a message that they do not enjoy popular support. Of course so long as they walk around unhindered in fiefdoms carved out of Pakistani soil, they have no reason to fear even a million on the streets of Karachi, Lahore or Peshawar.

S-2 mentioned after the battle for Loisam that it appeared Pakistan was fighting a conventional war against a conventional military - the militants control territory, they are dug in, fortified fixed defenses - we will first have to rout them out in a somewhat conventional war, and then comes the COIN me thinks, as the survivors retreat and hide in more remote regions and continue launching small scale attacks.

Marches and what not may be futile till such time as we atleast remove these militant fiefdoms.
Please have your demonstrations. Extend them as far into the affected lands as possible. Do so soon, with impromptu planning but open sites, mobilized security (the focus of planning must be here) and EVERYWHERE.

Create local demonstrations of a smaller and more controllable size. Let each region be able to display it's bent while making easier your security and making greater the difficulties of attacking such.

Local crowds of modest size guarded by local police can stand a better chance of identifying and responding to unusual threats. Do so quickly before the militants can react.

I wish you luck. Your nation needs badly to address these issues in a dialogue among one another. I still very much look forward to that happening as well.
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