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Logs Suggest ISI Controls Course of War


Dec 9, 2008
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Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, appears frequently in the war logs obtained by WikiLeaks. They suggest that even as Pakistan served as an ally to the United States, it was still secretly helping the Taliban in its insurgency in Afghanistan. The documents also suggest a major role is played by former ISI chief Hamid Gul.

Editor's note: The following article is an excerpt from this week's SPIEGEL cover story. The facts in the story come from a database of almost 92,000 American military reports on the state of the war in Afghanistan that were obtained by the WikiLeaks website. Britain's Guardian newspaper, the New York Times and SPIEGEL have all vetted the material and reported on the contents in articles that have been researched independently of each other. All three media sources have concluded that the documents are authentic and provide an unvarnished image of the war in Afghanstan -- from the perspective of the soldiers on the ground.

Afghanistan's neighbor, Pakistan, has been in a tight spot since the al-Qaida attacks on New York and Washington. Officially, the country is part of the worldwide anti-terrorism coalition forged by former United States President George W. Bush. Unofficially, however, the Pakistani security forces are the patrons of the Taliban forces that gave refuge to Osama bin Laden and his terrorists. It is clear that the Taliban would not exist without help from abroad. The Pakistani intelligence service, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), helped build up and install the Taliban after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan and the country descended into a fratricidal war among the victorious mujahedeen, creating the threat of a power vacuum.

Despite all assurances by Pakistani politicians that these old connections were severed long ago, the country still pursues an ambiguous policy, in which Pakistan is both an ally of the United States and a helper of its enemies.


33 PhotosPhoto Gallery: A War Without End
Now there is new evidence to support this. The war logs make it clear that the Pakistani intelligence service is still presumably the Taliban's most important supporter outside Afghanistan. The fact is that the war against the Afghan security forces, the Americans and their allies within the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is still being conducted from Pakistani soil, with the country serving as a safe haven for all hostile forces.

It also serves as a staging ground from which they can deploy. The Taliban's new recruits, including feared foreign fighters, are streaming across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The three main enemies of the Western coalition forces, the Taliban under Mullah Omar, the fighters led by former mujahedeen leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and the militias of the Haqqani clan of warlords all have important quarters and operations centers in Pakistan.

Osama bin Laden, the original justification for this war, is also believed to have found safe haven in Pakistan, where he is still involved in the day-to-day operations of jihad against the infidels. On one occasion, according to the documents, bin Laden planned to attack his enemies with a poison called, in his honor, "Osama Kapa," and on another he reportedly gave the gift of a wife to a particularly zealous Taliban fighter who had designed effective remotely triggered explosive booby traps.

Pakistan 's Assurance of Future Influence

The Pakistani intelligence service has excellent relations with all groups. In the constant fear that Pakistan's archrival India could gain a foothold in Afghanistan and thus have Pakistan in its pincers, so to speak, the ISI supports everything that could preserve and strengthen its own influence in Kabul. And because many ISI strategists cannot believe that the Americans will remain in Afghanistan for long (after all, Washington has already announced the beginning of its withdrawal), the Taliban remains Pakistan's assurance of future influence in Kabul. This reasoning is particularly clear in the Afghanistan war logs.

According to the warnings of new attacks and suicide bombings by the enemy, ISI envoys were present when Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's commanders met for a war council in northern Waziristan.

A document dated Sept. 1, 2007 reports on an imminent attack by a group of Hekmatyar's fighters on one of the Allies' forward operating bases in Kunar, the Afghan province bordering Peshawar in Pakistan. The elaborate and carefully planned attack was to involve four suicide bombers, and the Americans' source even knew where they were from: one Pakistani, one Arab and two Afghans. The plans also included a rocket attack and artillery fire. Finally, foot soldiers were to storm the outpost and take enemy soldiers prisoner, if possible.

The Pakistani intelligence service supplied Chinese ammunition to the insurgents. The ISI, as partial financier of the operation, wanted to retain control and thus intended to send an officer to observe the attack and advise the fighters.

Nothing Works without the ISI

Pakistan's western Balochistan Province is believed to be the area where Taliban leader Mullah Omar spends most of his time. The Shura, the Taliban's decision-making body, meets once a month in the city of Quetta, or at least it did in the first few years after the Taliban fled Afghanistan. Some of the documents, such as the Aug. 16, 2006 warning of an impending attack, even claim that bin Laden himself has attended this meeting. The American intelligence gatherers, skeptical about this claim, classified the document as 3F, which means that it does not require verification.

A man who undoubtedly attended the Shura was Mullah Baradar, a brother-in-law of Mullah Omar and the former Taliban military chief. The documents describe Baradar as the chairman of the Shura, and state that he monitors the financing, procurement and distribution of weapons, ammunition and other materials. As it happens, Baradar is also a confidant of the ISI. He designed the Taliban's strategy and, according to the war logs, is also responsible for the use of suicide bombings. Why, then, would Pakistani security forces have arrested Baradar on Feb. 8, 2010?


6 PhotosPhoto Gallery: The War in Their Own Words
Many observers believe that the Pakistani security forces struck after the mullah had begun communicating with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. If this interpretation is correct, then the arrest of Baradar constituted a clear signal to the Taliban and their allies that nothing works without the ISI.

Anyone reading through the material already comes away with this impression. In document after document, it is the ISI that controls the course of the war, and suicide bombers are apparently one of its preferred weapons. In fact, it is the ISI itself that often deploys them, as a threat warning note dated Oct. 30, 2008 indicates. The note reads: "According to a source (C6) AQ (al-Qaida) and ISI formed an attack group that was called 'General.' There are six suicide bombers in the group, two of them are Chinese, two of them are Uzbek and the others are Arab. The suicide bombers intruded into Khost (province) ... ."

The ISI also issues precise orders to murder certain individuals. According to the documents, Afghan President Hamid Karzai is at the top of its hit list. Some of the documents are shockingly succinct and to the point. According to a warning dated August 21, 2008, for example, an ISI colonel "had directed Talib Maulawi Izzatullah to see that Karzai was assassinated. Izzatullah assigned Abdulbari from Sarobi District to assassinate Karzai in a suicide mission at the Presidential Palace."

Archenemy India a Frequent Target

Pakistan's archenemy India is mentioned again and again. According to the documents, the intelligence service instructed its Afghan allies to kill Indians who worked in Afghanistan. Their efforts apparently did not go unrewarded, with the ISI promising fighters in the Haqqani network large sums of money for killing Indians. The ISI's other preferred targets included all Indian consulates in Afghanistan, roads built by Indian workers and a telephone network installed by Indians. There is only one warning about a planned attack that does not include any indication of the ISI's involvement, this time on the Indian embassy in Kabul -- which did in fact happen, on July 7, 2008, claiming 58 lives. That warning came from intelligence agents within the Polish ISAF contingent.

The documents also contain information about attacks ordered on strategic targets, like dams, key roads and the Kabul power supply. Some of the plans the intelligence service apparently had developed were relatively extreme. One report, for example, states that the ISI planned to have its agents poison drinking water and alcoholic beverages sold on the black market. All attacks, including the suicide bombings on foreign troops, came with financial incentives, although the reports vary widely on the level of compensation. For example, the ISI was allegedly willing to pay between $15,000 and $30,000 to fighters in the Haqqani network for each attack on Indians.

Former ISI Chief Plays Key Role in Logs

Pakistan's former intelligence chief Hamid Gul plays a special role in the documents. Gul, a former army general who headed the ISI from 1987 to 1989, was one of the key supporters of the mujahedeen when they were fighting the Soviet occupation force in Afghanistan. When speaking with the Western media, Gul later proved to be a propagandist of sorts for the Taliban and someone who could easily see himself sympathizing with their struggle against the Americans. The United States accuses him of maintaining ties to al-Qaida.

In the newly leaked documents, Gul is also portrayed as an ally and, in one case, even as "a leader" of the Taliban. According to a threat assessment dated Jan. 14, 2008, he coordinated plans to kidnap United Nations employees on Afghanistan's Highway No. 1 between Kabul and Jalalabad. Some 15 to 20 Taliban fighters were to stop the UN vehicle and threaten the passengers with their weapons. There was to be no mercy. As the report reads, if the Taliban encountered resistance during the kidnapping, the hostage-takers "will use the AK47 guns to fight the resistance or kill the hostages."


6 PhotosPhoto Gallery: 91,731 Documents, Five Serious Problems
According to the reports, the retired general continued to supply his protégés with weapons. One source mentions that Gul had organized a convoy of 65 trucks filled with ammunition for the Taliban, although the authors of the report do not completely trust the source. Another report mentions that the ISI sent 1,000 motorcycles to the Haqqanis and delivered 7,000 weapons to Kunar Province, including Kalashnikovs, mortars and Strella missiles.

Skepticism over Veracity of Some Documents

But it is precisely the especially transparent attempts to portray the Taliban's supporters at the ISI as the most sinister of monsters that give rise to skepticism about the documents.

On May 29, 2006, for example, the Afghan intelligence service reported on an ISI campaign to burn down Afghan schools. Was this truly the work of a generally secular military, or was the campaign in fact the brainchild of Taliban religious fanatics?

And the claims about the ISI's alleged recruitment of children as suicide bombers? According to the documents, the child bombers were sent out with explosive vests attached to their bodies, and the explosives were then detonated remotely. Was this also the work of the Pakistani intelligence service, which was supposedly being overrun by domestic and foreign candidates for martyrdom?

Did the ISI truly ask women to hide explosive vests under their burqas, and is it true that ISI agents tenderly concealed an explosive device inside a gold-colored, fake Koran? These and other claims appear in this collection of reports assembled by the Americans. But are they true? The truth is that not all documents from this treasure trove are beyond any doubt.

Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan
Washington's Hidden Enemy: Logs Suggest Pakistani Intelligence Controls Course of War - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
ISI india's biggest nightmare. USSR was slaugthered by ISI and CIA doesn't dare to undermine ISI.
The role of an intelligence agency should be different from that of a terrorist organization. The CIA, the Mussad, the ISI and the Raw must not be mixed up with LTTE, the Black Water Force and particularly the detracted groups of Taliban & Al- Qaida which are defaming not only Islam but also the Muslims all over the world. If an intelligence agency is trying to forget its prescribed aims and objects by surpassing its limits, it should not be ranked as an intelligence agency but a terrorist organization.

A few days back the Federation of American Scientists FAS issued a report which confirmed that the Research and Analysis Wing RAW, was directly involved in the secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh, and is currently engaged in similar activities in Balochistan. The FAS is a group which is engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security, especially about the countries having nuclear capability. It is a privately funded non-profit policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes 55 American Nobel laureates. The report says ‘“The assistance provided to RAW by the Russian KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War.

The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan, as it established training camps in East Punjab, Indian Held Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan where agents are trained for terrorist activities.” Pointing towards the role of Raw in the formerly East Pakistan the report says, ‘The involvement of Raw in East Pakistan started in 1960s when it began with promoting dissatisfaction against Pakistan . Later on Raw funded at a large scale Mujeebur Rehman’s general election of 1970. This organization not only funded Mukti Bahini but also trained and armed the workers of Mukti Bahini.’There is another shocking revelation in the report that Raw staged the drama of hijacking a plane of Indian Airlines proceeding to Lahore in 1971. The hidden aim behind this hijacking was to put all blame on the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters and to introduce them throughout the world as terrorists. In the light of the above disclosure it won’t be wise to rank Raw as an intelligence agency. Hijacking of airplanes, massacre of innocent citizens and patronizing training camps of terrorist are certainly never the job of an intelligence agency. These are the actions of a terrorist organization. It is not only Pakistan which has been suffering from the childish misdeeds of Raw since long; the list of the afflicting countries is endless.

A few months back, in one of its editorials the leading newspaper of Sri Lanka, Daily Mirror criticized RAW by saying that this agency is playing a heinous role in the regional countries to destabilize them.. Commenting on the RAW’s role in Sri Lanka, the editorial said: “The RAW in Sri Lanka has a pretty colorful record. Having raised, nursed and fortified the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, it later went through phases where it adopted ‘rock the baby, pinch the baby’ approach towards the LTTE.” The paper is of the opinion that Raw never works on serious grounds because this organization is nothing more than a vase weeded with bitter thorny and discolored wild flowers. Its workers and employers are morally bankrupt and spiritually barren. The newspaper wrote: “In 2007, ripples were created in the spy agency when one of its Colombo-based officers, Ravi Nair of 1975 batch, was found allegedly carrying on an affair with a woman working for another country’s spy agency. The ‘crime’ was considered only second to what was committed by the RAW Joint Secretary, Rabinder Singh, in 2004 when he escaped with copies of several highly-confidential documents and is believed to have passed them on to the CIA. This was after Singh’s superiors confronted him with evidence that he had spent time with a Delhi-based female US embassy officer at a resort down the New Delhi-Jaipur highway.”

According to the sources RAW and the Indian Ministry of External Affairs are provided Rs. 250 million annually as “discretionary grants” for foreign influence operations. These funds are meant for supporting the organizations fighting Sikh and Kashmiri separatists in the UK, Canada and the US. An Extensive network of Indian operatives of Raw is controlled by the Indian Embassy in Washington DC whose covert activities include the infiltration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to blackmail relatives of US residents living in India. In 1996, an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections. The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H. Gadhia, a naturalized US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organizations for funneling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over US $46,000 from the Indian Embassy were distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington. Now Raw is adopting the same philosophy and mode of action in Balochistan by patronizing the so called ‘separatist elements’ which originally do not belong to the ‘soil’.

Talking to the media men, on the second last day of August, Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Mohammad Yusuf said that involvement of external elements; including the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing in the current acts of terrorism in Balochistan could not be ruled out. As long as Kashmir issue is not settled these elements will continue to create difficulties for Pakistan. Jam Yusuf referred to various training camps in which, according to him, terrorists were being harboured and paid huge sums to create trouble. He said that none of the Baloch ‘waderas’ had the capacity to finance such an operation. RAW had been running terrorist camps in Iran and Afghanistan since long and now it has set up 30 to 40 such camps in Balochistan, each with training facility for 30 people who are paid Rs10,000 monthly.

If we compare the East Pakistan episode and the present situation of Balochistan with reference to the report issued by the FAS, we can very easily analyze the scenario. Raw is repeating the same story of ‘divide and disperse’ in Balochistan which was once employed in the formerly East Pakistan. The situation calls for a very serious attitude on the part of Pakistani politicians. They must not waste their time and efforts in digging old graves .International forces are trying their best to divert the attention of the Pakistani politicians to some very trivial and valueless issues so that they may not be able to concentrate upon the worsening situation in Balochistan. Raw is craving for giving birth to another ‘East Pakistan’ out of its old barren and out worn womb. The Pakistani politicians must keep in mind like sensible fathers that we can no more afford another pregnancy.
ISI india's biggest nightmare. USSR was slaugthered by ISI and CIA doesn't dare to undermine ISI.

Mighty ISI the power of Pakistan. It is the best intelligence agency in the world according to report. The key to situation and condition of Kashmir, Pakistan and Afghanistan is totally under ISI's control.

ISI is the nightmare not only for india but israel and america. ISI will continue to work, no one can stop. :pakistan:

ISI is creating nightmare for bhaat, israel, afghanistan. :pakistan:
ISI india's biggest nightmare. USSR was slaugthered by ISI and CIA doesn't dare to undermine ISI.

yes ussr got its butt kicked in 80s due to combined effort of saudi/us/pak intelligence. but look wat has happened to pakistan. pakistan has never gone past its era of jihadi culture. pakistan is still leaving with afghan warlords and TTP.
yes ussr got its butt kicked in 80s due to combined effort of saudi/us/pak intelligence. but look wat has happened to pakistan. pakistan has never gone past its era of jihadi culture. pakistan is still leaving with afghan warlords and TTP.

do not be so jealous. we are very much happy with current situation of Pakistan and stop talking about us. ISI has overtaken RAW, CIA as the top agency. ISI is nightmare for india, israel and afghanistan. whatever happens to us but ISI will continue to work like that until we do not stop indian hegemony.
Mighty ISI the power of Pakistan. It is the best intelligence agency in the world according to report. The key to situation and condition of Kashmir, Pakistan and Afghanistan is totally under ISI's control.

ISI is the nightmare not only for india but israel and america. ISI will continue to work, no one can stop. :pakistan:

ISI is creating nightmare for bhaat, israel, afghanistan. :pakistan:

ISI might be efficient in what it does but you seriously think CIA, MI6 and Mossad are worse than ISI; if thats the case then why is Pakistan always on the defensive about WOT and whats it doing there etc. Psy-Ops are a component of intel work and managing media is a key role that CIA and others play by ensuring the message they want gets through.

Forget everything else, even on this front ISI is an abject failure except within Pakistan where everyone believes that Pakistan is a paragon of virtue in foreign policy affairs and regional geo-politics.

The rankings are therefore bogus.

PS: For the record, in my list RAW wont feature in the top 20.
ISI might be efficient in what it does but you seriously think CIA, MI6 and Mossad are worse than ISI; if thats the case then why is Pakistan always on the defensive about WOT and whats it doing there etc. Psy-Ops are a component of intel work and managing media is a key role that CIA and others play by ensuring the message they want gets through.

Forget everything else, even on this front ISI is an abject failure except within Pakistan where everyone believes that Pakistan is a paragon of virtue in foreign policy affairs and regional geo-politics.
ISI is much better than CIA and Mossad. We slaughtered USSR and kept india at bay.

Whatever happens within Pakistan is totally under ISI's control. we do not allow anyone inside our territory. so do not think about Pakistan think about the bad condition of your military and RAW.

The rankings are therefore bogus.

PS: For the record, in my list RAW wont feature in the top 20.

RAW is not an intelligence agency at all. :rofl:

i cannot see any of its achievement other than some terrorists attacks. CIA and Mossad do not dare to undermine ISI forget RAW.
Dont know abt Israel but your ISI's interference in the internal matters of India and AFghanistan is well known.

that is their job. so they are the best intelligence agency in the world. they brought so much for Pakistan. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
ISI is much better than CIA and Mossad. We slaughtered USSR and kept india at bay.

Whatever happens within Pakistan is totally under ISI's control. we do not allow anyone inside our territory. so do not think about Pakistan think about the bad condition of your military and RAW.

RAW is not an intelligence agency at all. :rofl:

i cannot see any of its achievement other than some terrorists attacks. CIA and Mossad do not dare to undermine ISI forget RAW.

You are entitled to your views on RAW, I dont rate them higher than CIA, Mossad etc in any case.I agree given size etc, its achievements are better than that RAW by a good margin...given the information that is available.

There is nothing to gloat about ISI having too much control within Pakistan. This shows that the cost of ISI is much higher to Pkaistan than just the budgeted amount. It also comes with the risk of rogues running roost.

Actually, CIA is a good comparison to make on this score. US has a huge military-industrial complex and its disproportionate influence has reduced it to a almost a banana republic, unable to close down wikileaks for instance.

Kept India at bay - Yes, this is correct. Infact, put India on the defensive.

Russia - Slaughtered is a very hard term to use. Successful might be better.

All in all, it kept Pakistan on the map but at a very high cost in terms of lives and ideological leanings...extremists.

Success hides many failures on the way to...and failures hides many successes on its way to...
ISI is much better than CIA and Mossad. We slaughtered USSR and kept india at bay.

Whatever happens within Pakistan is totally under ISI's control. we do not allow anyone inside our territory. so do not think about Pakistan think about the bad condition of your military and RAW.

RAW is not an intelligence agency at all. :rofl:

i cannot see any of its achievement other than some terrorists attacks. CIA and Mossad do not dare to undermine ISI forget RAW.

:coffee:your above two sentences in RED are contradictory...dont you think?

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