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Lockheed Offers To Export F-16 Jets From Proposed India Plant


Nov 1, 2010
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Lockheed is closing its F-16 production line at Forth Worth, Texas and will supply new orders from a new facility at Greenville, South Carolina.


Lockheed has picked Tata Advanced Systems as its local partner (File photo of F-16 plane)

NEW DELHI: Lockheed Martin is closing in on an international deal for F-16 fighter planes, and has offered to eventually build all the jets at a proposed plant in India if it wins a bigger order to supply the Indian Air Force, a top executive said.

The US defence giant and Sweden's Saab are in a two horse-race to equip the Indian military with at least 100 single-engine jets that have to be produced locally under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Make-in-India' plan.

Randall L Howard, who leads F-16 business development, said Lockheed is offering to make India the sole F-16 production centre, so eventually it will make the planes not just for India, but also for other countries.

Lockheed is closing its F-16 production line at Forth Worth, Texas and will supply new orders from a new facility at Greenville, South Carolina. But the plan was to eventually build the planes in India, Howard told Reuters.

"Our next customer, which we believe to be very soon ... we will produce those aircraft out of that (Greenville) facility," he said. "As you look beyond that, the opportunity for India is to then move all of that into India and that's what's being proposed ... to have a single production line in India that would service the new production requirements of global demand, the global market."

India's government is set to issue a formal request to Lockheed and Saab over the next few days to provide information about their plans to design, develop and produce combat jets in India, a government official said.

The planes will be produced under a new 'strategic partnership' policy under which the foreign aircraft maker will collaborate with an Indian firm to develop a world-class indigenous aeronautical base that India has struggled to build for decades.

Lockheed has picked Tata Advanced Systems as its local partner, while Saab has not yet announced its Indian collaborator to produce the Gripen E aircraft that it has offered to the air force.

Howard said the plan to relocate the F-16 plant to India enjoyed the support of the US government after initial concerns it would conflict with President Donald Trump's 'America First' campaign under which he has pressed for companies to invest in the United States and create jobs.

Howard said winning the Indian contract worth billions of dollars will protect thousands of jobs at Lockheed in the United States as well as at dozens of components suppliers, since the Indian facility will come up gradually.

"We will start with an assembly, you can't go from ground zero, from a standing stop to full production in a week. You have to phase it in."

India's Air Force is running short of hundreds of aircraft as its indigenous Light Combat Aircraft programme is dogged by delays and quality issues.

PM Modi's government last year cleared the purchase of 36 Rafale combat jets from France's Dassault Aviation, scaling back a plan to buy 126 planes, leaving the Air Force scrambling for replacements.

© Thomson Reuters 2017
how can they export from a "proposed" Plan?:lol:

or another way of milking poor indians? order too much then we will sell you from plants in india (as no other country would love to buy)
Question is? Is India going to buy. Seriously for the last two decades buying of 100+ fighters for India has become a nuisance. Why not stick with Russia and just buy the MIG 35 for Navy and Su 35S for the Air force. You know these planes. Why go for if's and but's with no or part results, just like Rafael.
how can they export from a "proposed" Plan?:lol:

or another way of milking poor indians? order too much then we will sell you from plants in india (as no other country would love to buy)

Milking poor Indian's ????? LOL

Well we have seen whom U.S had been milking for all these years and consistently doing so. :lol::lol::lol:
Actually you have the cow. We just had Goats. So not much to milk. Question is do you want to save your cow from West or give into and make the same mistake we did.
Actually you have the cow. We just had Goats. So not much to milk. Question is do you want to save your cow from West or give into and make the same mistake we did.
Thanks but no thanks.... earlier west were just milking you goat while now Chinese are making it dry. India got 60+ billion usd as FDI last year alone. spending few billion usds in defence won't milk it.
or another way of milking poor indians?
Just that Indians don't have toilets in their homes and garbage flying around in their cities, doesn't mean they are poor.
They are one of the most advanced nations. They only want to help poor USA financially.
Who dares to buy F16 made by Indian?

It's like a one way ticket
Thanks but no thanks.... earlier west were just milking you goat while now Chinese are making it dry. India got 60+ billion usd as FDI last year alone. spending few billion usds in defence won't milk it.

Go ahead be our guest. USA is your friend now. Good Luck with that.
Is India going to buy
Probable answer is No.
This issue has been discussed to death on forum, LM closing down its Texas line is looking to shift the same to a new facility or country to meet requirements of new orders if any.
However if we see aviation industry as a whole, several new options are now available to buyers including UAC MiG 29s, SaaB Grippen and even new variants proposed by Chinese Aeronautical industries. Under the circumstances, F-16 may not look a lucrative offer to nations trying to induct 4+ generation fighters for the first time (African countries and Latin American markets) given US foreign policy.
The Indian angle to this debate stems from the requirement of Single engined fighters (~100-125) in next decade or so for which both Domestic (HAL) and foreign suppliers are fighting to get their share.
LM finds this a perfect opportunity to dispose off its closing line while packaging it to suit Make in India requirements, however with India having more options, it looks unlikely that IAF will be excited with a fighter of 70s design.
SaaB Grippen on the other hand holds far more promise (@A.P. Richelieu can say better) given its realistic terms and conditions of manufacturing Grippen E in India and subsequent co-operation offered.
Last, let me ask you the same question, Will Pakistan buy F-16, if offered under similar conditions?
Milking poor Indian's ????? LOL

Well we have seen whom U.S had been milking for all these years and consistently doing so. :lol::lol::lol:
rump just ordered Modi to supply $ to Afghanistan, lets how many India can spare.

rump just ordered Modi to supply $ to Afghanistan, lets how many India can spare.

I guess you don't know the difference between order and request ??? If not watch Mr. Trump's speech once again and you will understand.

He had categorically said, we Expect India to help us, especially in economic and infrastructure development in Afghanistan.

A big, big difference between "DO MORE" and "EXPECT". Got it kid ?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I guess you don't know the difference between order and request ??? If not watch Mr. Trump's speech once again and you will understand.

He had categorically said, we Expect India to help us, especially in economic and infrastructure development in Afghanistan.

A big, big difference between "DO MORE" and "EXPECT". Got it kid ?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You are a bigger idiot than I had imagined. Didn't anybody tell you that in business English a boss's EXPECTATION or DESIRE is actually an EXECUTIVE ORDER for the juniors. Go and ask this thing from those who have been running Government's business. USA is your new boss, mark my words.
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